
In 1971, Liu Bocheng wrote a letter to prove to the innkeeper who had died 30 years ago: he was a guide to the Red Army that year

author:Appreciate abalone

In 1971, Liu Bocheng, a prominent military leader of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, received a letter from Mianning County, Sichuan, but the contents of the letter left him deep in thought and reminiscence. The letter was written to him by a woman named Xu Baozhen, who asked for Liu Bocheng's help to solve the problems that the family was experiencing. This mundane letter for help leads to a deeply touching story.

In 1971, Liu Bocheng wrote a letter to prove to the innkeeper who had died 30 years ago: he was a guide to the Red Army that year

Chen Zhixi's birth and family background

In 1971, Liu Bocheng wrote a letter to prove to the innkeeper who had died 30 years ago: he was a guide to the Red Army that year

Chen Zhixi, born in 1899 in Mianning County, Sichuan, has a legendary family background. His father, Chen Jingzhai, served as a soldier in the army of Shi Dakai, the wing king of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and later moved to Sichuan, eventually settling in Mianning County. Chen Zhixi grew up educated by his father, but also influenced by the local Yi compatriots, mastering the Chinese language and the Yi language.

In 1971, Liu Bocheng wrote a letter to prove to the innkeeper who had died 30 years ago: he was a guide to the Red Army that year

Early life and education

In 1971, Liu Bocheng wrote a letter to prove to the innkeeper who had died 30 years ago: he was a guide to the Red Army that year

Under his father's education, Chen Zhixi gradually showed tenacity and decisiveness. He spent his early years in Mianning County, where he accumulated a deep affection for the local people and became familiar with the geographical environment, which became valuable assets for his future life.

In 1971, Liu Bocheng wrote a letter to prove to the innkeeper who had died 30 years ago: he was a guide to the Red Army that year

Weddings and liquor shops

In 1971, Liu Bocheng wrote a letter to prove to the innkeeper who had died 30 years ago: he was a guide to the Red Army that year

When he was young, Chen Zhixi married Xu Baozhen, and the two ran a wine shop together. This marriage made his life more fulfilling and marked the two families moving towards a shared future. Their married life is solid and warm, but the test of fate is about to befall them.

What happened to the Red Army on the way to the Long March

In 1935, the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army began its famous Long March, traversing treacherous mountains and rivers in search of a new base. At this historical moment, the Red Army came to Mianning County and needed a guide and liaison to help them get through the precipitous Yi area.

Chen Zhixi resolutely decided to help the Red Army and became their guide, responsible for leading the Red Army through this dangerous journey. His unwavering determination and loyalty to the motherland boosted the morale of the Red Army, allowing them to successfully cross the Yi zone.

Liu Bocheng's meeting with Chen Zhixi

At this historical juncture, Liu Bocheng, an outstanding leader of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, personally met with Chen Zhixi, expressed his gratitude, and asked Chen Zhixi for help. Liu Bocheng needed Chen Zhixi's support to ensure the safe passage of the Red Army through the Yi area, and Chen Zhixi agreed without hesitation.

An oath of blood for the alliance

In order to maintain cooperation and friendship in the difficult and dangerous crossing of the Yi region, Liu Bocheng and the local Yi leader Xiao Yedan made a bloody oath. This ancient and solemn ceremony symbolizes the vows of both parties that they will support each other in the face of the challenges ahead.

Chen Zhixi's help

Chen Zhixi's help played a crucial role in the smooth passage of the Red Army in the Yi area. His knowledge and experience helped the Red Army successfully cope with the complexities of the geography of the Yi region, allowing them to advance safely. This period of history also makes Chen Zhixi proud and happy, because his efforts have not been in vain.

Suffered retaliation from the Kuomintang army

However, the departure of the Red Army also put Chen Zhixi in great danger. The Kuomintang army retaliated against Chen Zhixi, and this period became the darkest moment of his life. He was forced to leave his hometown, leaving his wife Xu Baozhen and daughters at home, facing an unknown fate.

The displacement of Xu Baozhen and her daughter

Xu Baozhen and her daughters suffered from displacement after Chen Zhixi was forced to leave. Not only have they lost the shelter of their husbands and fathers, but they also face difficulties in their livelihoods and security. It was an extremely difficult period for them, but they were strong and brave in the face of everything.

Liu Bocheng's concern

Liu Bocheng has always maintained his concern for Chen Zhixi's family and tried his best to provide help and support. Despite the war-torn times, he has not forgotten those who helped his army.

Chen Zhixi's misfortune

However, Chen Zhixi's fate was not as lucky as he expected. When he finally returned to his hometown, he was arrested by Kuomintang troops and subsequently brutally murdered. This unfortunate ending deeply touched all those who knew him, especially Liu Bocheng, who felt regret and sadness.

Liu's family continues to keep in touch

Despite Chen Zhixi's tragic fate, Liu Bocheng's family continued to keep in touch with Chen Zhixi's family. This bond of affection, transcending time and space, shows a deep friendship and mutual support.

This story not only tells the great contribution of an ordinary person in a major historical moment, but also shows the kindness and courage in human nature. Chen Zhixi's firm determination and Liu Bocheng's gratitude have forever left this touching story in the pages of history.

Summary of the article

This story teaches us that human kindness and courage can shine through in difficult times. The friendship and mutual assistance between Chen Zhixi and Liu Bocheng is not only a touching history, but also a celebration of the beautiful qualities in human nature. Their stories will forever inspire us and remind us that at all times, kindness and resilience are capable of overcoming adversity and making humanity greater.