
Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

Before starting today's article, Lei wants to do a little investigation:

As diligent workers, how do you usually solve the problem of three meals a day during working hours?

Breakfast pursues a "fast", pay quickly, eat faster, and sit at the workstation to solve the best.

Lunch and dinner are the main event, the former to ensure that you have energy to work in the afternoon, and the latter to comfort the fatigue of the day at work.

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

Brother Beep has always been a good cook, and with the attributes of being diligent and thrifty, bringing food from home to the company is his best choice.

Presumably many people are as lazy as Xiao Lei, and when they think of all the steps of cooking, they finally open the takeaway APP.

It can be said that in addition to the boss and colleagues, the takeaway guys are the ones who get along with us the most every day.

And there are a lot of jokes about the delivery man, such as the yellow and blue war, the people who eat melons always have him, and the masters are all among them...

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

But hey, Xiao Lei didn't come to tell jokes to everyone today, and the "delivery man" has been on the hot search again in the past two days.

Why is the good end boiling again? Next, Xiao Lei and everyone will fight, what is going on~

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

Meituan Takeaway refutes rumors about the age limit on the Internet

Just yesterday, some netizens posted on social platforms that it was suspected that Meituan's "Age Limit Notice for Delivery Services" was issued.

The specific contents of the Notice are as follows:

Since you no longer meet the specifications of Meituan and the delivery service, and for your safety, the system will no longer be able to deliver orders to you, so please withdraw your cash in time.

Netizens also wrote: "There will be no older riders in Meituan Takeaway after delivery", at first glance, this is a nose and an eye.

emmm, judging from other screenshots posted on the Internet, the age limit of this so-called delivery service is "45 years old".

Usually, I tease with Brother Beep a lot, but it's really a big deal to deliver food in the future, and it's okay to support yourself.

Good guy, look at the posture of this notice, I'm afraid that people won't deliver takeaways until they are 45 years old??

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

Source: Internet

After Detective Lei's careful picking, although there is a limit on the age of Meituan's takeaway delivery, the "45-year-old" spread on the Internet is a rumor.

Meituan responded to the media that in order to ensure safety during the delivery process, certain restrictions have been imposed on the age of delivery workers.

It is limited to 18 to 57 years old, and anyone in this age range can register as a delivery person to run orders.

Some Meituan rider recruiters also said that some sites will be a little more tolerant, and it is OK to lose them when they are older.

Xiaolei downloaded the Meituan crowdsourcing app, and did see the age regulations in the "Online Delivery Worker Agreement" and the access rules.

So, the upper age limit shown in the screenshot on the Internet is 45 years old, which is obviously false and untrue, don't believe it!

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

Source: Meituan

The official came forward to respond to the rumors, and Xiao Lei was relieved this time, and he would not worry about delivering food (bushi) in the future.

Having said that, the reason why this incident has caused such a big reaction is, in the final analysis, because of "age discrimination in the workplace".

Ageism in the workplace has been a long history

Do you feel the same way? I don't know at what specific point in time it started, but the upper age limit in the workplace seems to be getting lower and lower.

Especially for women in the workplace, "aging" seems to have become a delicate and embarrassing thing.

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

Let's take women of marriageable age who are unmarried and have no children first, companies are worried about whether the other party will get married and have children soon after recruitment.

Married women who are not pregnant have skipped the step of getting married, and companies will directly worry about whether the other party will soon put having a child on the agenda after joining the company.

When women reach the age of marriage and childbearing, they sometimes face the question of whether they can balance work and life because they have to take care of their children.

In one word: difficult!

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

Next, let's talk about mental workers, in fact, the treatment of age discrimination in the workplace is not much better.

With the rapid development of the times, all kinds of new knowledge and technology are also exploding, and it is indeed easier for young people to grasp them.

So, many companies in the Internet and live broadcast industries have limited their age to 35 years old in order to pursue faster and more fierce.

Harm, Xiao Lei pinched his fingers and calculated, Brother Beep will face the threshold of "35 years old" in X years.

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

Source: China News Network

As for the laborers engaged in physical labor, there is no need to say more about Xiaolei's spread.

The younger ones represent better physical fitness and greater strength, while the older ones will be labeled as not in good physical condition.

From women, intellectual workers to manual workers, ageism in the workplace is not far away, it is everywhere.

So much so that now it is rumored that the age of the delivery staff is 45 years old, and many people's first reaction is not to verify the truth or falsehood, but to sigh.

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

One thing to say, different industries and different positions have more or less "age requirements", and sometimes this is a hard and fast rule.

Many people, including Xiaolei, are not averse to the so-called age needs, and what they do not approve of is actually an inappropriate "age threshold".

Age discrimination in the workplace is not advisable

In Xiaolei's view, "ageism in the workplace" is more like a vicious circle.

Relatively speaking, young people have a stronger ability to learn and a higher sense of innovation, but they also lack some key skills and experience.

When young people reach the age of experience, they will be stuck by age discrimination, and they will not be able to enter a new position after leaving their jobs, and so on and so on.

So, more and more people are suffering from age discrimination in the workplace and can't find suitable jobs, and companies can't hire people, that's the case.

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

Speaking of which, is there any good solution to ageism in the workplace? Xiao Lei feels that he has to look at it from three aspects.

First, companies should abandon discrimination against the age of job seekers and establish a fair and diverse recruitment and employment mechanism.

For older job seekers and employees, opportunities and benefits such as training, salary, and promotion opportunities should still be given.

At the same time, young people should be encouraged to learn from middle-aged and older employees who learn new knowledge and skills.

Oh, isn't this wave of virtuous circle just going to take care of it~

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

Secondly, individuals should also pay attention to their own efforts, it doesn't matter if you are older, the key is to look at your work ability.

So, tap your potential, maintain your advantages, and don't forget to follow the trend of the times and learn some new knowledge and skills in your industry.

In this way, we can continuously improve our comprehensive quality step by step, so as to strive for more opportunities in the future job search and working career.

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

Finally, Xiaolei also expects the relevant departments to act together and continuously improve the corresponding legal provisions according to the actual situation.

Reduce or even eliminate age discrimination in the workplace, let job seekers boldly apply for jobs and show themselves, so that enterprises can rest assured that they can create value by employing people.

One thing to say, Xiao Lei knows that this road is not easy to follow, but as long as the three parties work together, one day it will definitely come!

Meituan is going to refute the rumors! You can't deliver food at the age of 45, I advise you not to believe it

Cover image source: Internet

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