
Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple

author:Hand-picked history
Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple
Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple

On September 2, 1945, Japan surrendered unconditionally.

This is a historical moment engraved in the bones of the Chinese people, and it also means the end of World War II.

Prior to that, on May 7, 1945, fascist Germany announced its surrender.

Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple

Two major battlefields, but also two humiliating histories. However, compared to the Japanese militarist aggression against China alone, Germany and the Jews are historical grievances.

Hitler, who was especially called the "devil", started a murderous history of unilateral murder of the Jews.

This makes one wonder, why did Hitler do this?

Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple

Objectively go with the flow

"The Jews are like stars in the sky, scattered all over the world, with a long history, but without a country of their own!"

This is a colloquial saying about the historical origin of the Jews, and it is also the most apt description.

Jews belong to the Semitic race and first appeared in the Arabian Peninsula and lived in the Canaanite region, namely "Palestine or its part between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea."

Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple

This region is located in the transportation arteries of Asia, Africa and Europe, and can be said to occupy "the right time and place", and is regarded by the Jews as "the golden land with milk and honey".

Of course, just like ancient Chinese history, only powerful ethnic groups can become the masters of this treasure land.

Because of this, the Jews had a natural self-confidence that they were "God's chosen people", and after taking advantage of them, they looked down on the surrounding ethnic groups, and soon encountered the "mass attack" of other ethnic groups.

Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple

The Jews were deprived of their territory and enslaved, and over time, combined with the "return of the Jews", became what is now Israel.

At the same time, a significant number of people have chosen to flee. And the European region has become their main destination.

At that time, the Europeans who had left the Jews in good faith later regretted it.

As mentioned earlier, the Jews had an unshakable self-confidence, and even when they reached the territory of others, they not only wanted to be kings, but also did not obey discipline at all.

Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple

More importantly, Jews profess "Judaism", and instead of maintaining an attitude of "respect and understanding" towards other religions, they are extremely opposed, even denigrating in both deeds and words.

You must know that "those who are not of my race will have different hearts", which is very useful both at home and abroad.

As a result, the feudal monarchs of Europe carried out a series of "exclusive acts" against the Jews, even denying them their own land. However, this thinking backfired, and the Jews became the wealthier class in Europe with their brilliant minds and business skills.

Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple

Aliens occupy a great deal of wealth, and no one will rest on their laurels.

As a result, the systematic persecution of Jews in European countries has always been unsettled.

And Germany is no exception.

It was for such historical reasons that Hitler's dislike of the Jews gradually increased. And the medical factor, it contributed to the situation in which he finally launched the massacre.

Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple

Subjective considerations

After the end of World War I, a major economic crisis erupted rapidly in Europe.

In the process, the Jews, who held the lifeblood of the economy, exposed their extreme business intentions and even launched a "national disaster". In particular, the long-criticized "Jewish merchant would rather dump milk than sell it at a low price".

This made the ordinary people who were struggling in poverty at that time unforgettable.

Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple

Among them was Hitler. Born in 1889 into a poor family in Austria, he was haunted by both the humiliation of Germany's defeat and his empathy for Jewish interests.

Hitler wanted to change his life, and he wanted to vent his anger.

So, when he joined the Nazi Party, in order to consolidate his dominance and achieve political ambitions, he elevated the feud between Germans and Jews to "racism", saying: "Only by eliminating the Jews can we save the country and achieve the great revival of Germany." ”

Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple

It can be said that Hitler held high the banner of "anti-Semitism" and won all the way in his political career.

At that time, the interests of the Jews in Germany were paramount, and they went so far as to provide resources to the enemy. This undoubtedly contributed to Hitler's program of "ethnic cleansing".

More than 6 million Jews were killed during World War II, and the most shocking of them was the Auschwitz concentration camp, which killed nearly 1 million people.

Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple

By the end of World War II, the number of Jews in the world had decreased by a third.

As a person of later generations, it is impossible to distinguish history from absolute good and bad.

However, neither the Jews' excessively "enclosure" xenophobia, nor the historical, religious, or personal grievances of Germany and other European countries against the Jews, should not be the reason for the start of a war.

Why did Hitler massacre Jews during World War II? It's not that simple

After all, there are no winners in wars. At the touch of a finger from above, thousands of lives are lost.

In today's world, peace is the main theme and should be the common aspiration of the world.

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