
#Record My 2023# The Philosophical Story of the Teacher of the Kwa Country The Philosophy Story of the Kwa Shi Country...

author:The cold plum blooms and the bitterness comes


The philosophical story of the teacher of the country of Kua

The philosophical story of the teacher of the country of Kua

Once upon a time, there was a country called the country of Kuashi.

There is a person in this country who is outstanding in morality and knowledge, and many scholars in the country take books to ask him if they don't understand something, and he often answers difficult questions for these readers, and there is nothing he doesn't know; There are also people who ask him for skills such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and he is not unskilled.

From ancient times to the present, the establishment and abandonment of counties, the rise and fall of the country, the rights and wrongs of policies, etc., he did not fail to understand the reasons; He can tell the doctrines of the hundred schools of thought and all kinds of bizarre and bizarre legends, which shows that he is a man of erudition and extraordinary insights.

One day, his neighbor said to him, "You are so learned, why don't you go to another country?" Teach people from other countries something and you might become famous. ”

He thought to himself: It also makes sense, you can see the world when you go out, and maybe you can accept a lot of apprentices.

Let the whole world know your name, which is also a good thing to honor your ancestors.

So, he left the country of Kua and traveled all over the world. He went to a county, and a county respected him; He went to a state, and every state regarded him as a prodigy; When he went to the world, all the scholars in the world were deeply ashamed and said: "When we see this person, we all feel that we have become a scholar in vain!"

These scholars traveled with him to the north and were willing to be his disciples. This man from the country of Kua became their teacher.

The teacher went out in a comfortable car and usually sat in the lecture hall. Many disciples came to listen to him, and he sat and gave lectures to everyone.

He said to his disciples, "I am not proficient in all things, but I have mastered the essentials of learning. If you want to learn the essentials of my learning, you can ask me questions. The disciples asked questions, and he answered them one by one.

Many of his disciples received his knowledge and his books, and after class, they carefully read the teacher's books, studied diligently, and studied the truth in depth.

In less than a year, the disciples all learned the teacher's knowledge. However, his knowledge is only taught to the outside world, but there is no self-replenishment and renewal, and his talent is only paid to the outside world, but not increased.

Many of his students are very talented, and some of them have even surpassed their teachers. In this situation, not only did he not have a sense of crisis, but secretly thought in his heart: "Since I have become a teacher of the world, what are I studying so hard for?"

From then on, he lived in peace, got by, did not want to make progress, and only wanted to have fun. Later, the disciple came back to ask him for advice, and his answers did not exceed his previous opinions.

The disciples were disappointed and left him one after another. Without a disciple, he couldn't eat together, so he had to return to Kua's country, and the people in the country saw him gray and sloppy, and they no longer treated him politely.

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#Record My 2023# The Philosophical Story of the Teacher of the Kwa Country The Philosophy Story of the Kwa Shi Country...
#Record My 2023# The Philosophical Story of the Teacher of the Kwa Country The Philosophy Story of the Kwa Shi Country...
#Record My 2023# The Philosophical Story of the Teacher of the Kwa Country The Philosophy Story of the Kwa Shi Country...