
After losing the final, Ma Long officially announced an important decision, and made a speech after the game to show his intentions, and Liu Guoliang understood

After losing the final, Ma Long officially announced an important decision, and made a speech after the game to show his intentions, and Liu Guoliang understood

The WTT Frankfurt Star Challenge, for the national table tennis men's team, can definitely be called a failed journey. In the end, Ma Long, a veteran who has been considered by many fans to be retiring and giving way to young people, has become a fig leaf for the men's team. However, Ma Long, who reached the final, has indeed tried his best. It is also normal to lose to the young and vigorous young player Lin Yunru. So, after losing the final, what is Ma Long's mentality? Many fans are worried, after all, the Paris Olympics are less than a year away.

After losing the final, Ma Long officially announced an important decision, and made a speech after the game to show his intentions, and Liu Guoliang understood

In the history of Chinese table tennis, Ma Long, who is still the main player on the active role, is definitely a heavyweight athlete who will go down in history. The winner of the double Grand Slam is the highest honor that most athletes may not be able to dream of, but Malone has it. However, today's Ma Long is no longer the young man of the year, and he pursues his dream with youthful vigor. Ma Long is already a veteran in his 30s, and this age is definitely an age to retire long ago in national table tennis. After all, national table tennis is the dream team of world sports, and the involution is quite powerful, and the competition is very fierce. Therefore, in national table tennis, after the age of 30, they are basically on the verge of retirement, and there are even some who choose to retire in their 20s.

After losing the final, Ma Long officially announced an important decision, and made a speech after the game to show his intentions, and Liu Guoliang understood

But Malone is really an exception, and at the Tokyo Olympics, he was still able to win the men's singles gold medal. However, the existence of Ma Long did make the outside world have some criticism, thinking that Ma Long hindered the rise of young players in national table tennis. At this point, even Liu Guoliang once had this thought. At that time, after the Tokyo Olympics, Liu Guoliang said that he was considering whether to let Ma Long retire and give young people a chance. However, Ma Long's strength lies in the fact that even if he is indeed a real veteran in national table tennis, his strength is not a veteran, but a strong strength player Ma Long. Therefore, even if there is no head coach and no physical fitness coach for a long time, Ma Long can still be ranked among the three main players of the national table tennis men's team, which is enough to show that today's national table tennis does not have young players who can pose enough threat to Ma Long's status.

After losing the final, Ma Long officially announced an important decision, and made a speech after the game to show his intentions, and Liu Guoliang understood

Although in today's national table tennis, Ma Long has not been able to get the best resources, and even sometimes has to withdraw from some competitions to give young players a chance to perform. However, as long as Malone plays, he will not disappoint the fans. In this Frankfurt Star Challenge, Ma Long once again became the anchor of national table tennis. After Fan Zhendong, Wang Chuqin, Liang Jingkun and other young main players were eliminated one after another, Ma Long stood up and played all the way to the finals, becoming the fig leaf of national table tennis. Although, in the final final, Ma Long lost to the young powerhouse Lin Yunru, Ma Long's performance was good enough.

After losing the final, Ma Long officially announced an important decision, and made a speech after the game to show his intentions, and Liu Guoliang understood

However, if you lose the final, you will still be a little uncomfortable and unhappy. Fans also expressed concern about Ma Long, after all, the Paris Olympics are less than a year away. Will losing the final make Malone lose his confidence to participate in the Paris Olympics? Actually, fans don't have to worry, because Malone gave the answers the fans wanted after the game. Ma Long said his current mentality in 7 words: "Love has no ceiling". This sentence is also Ma Long's own important official announcement, and it can be seen from these 7 words that Ma Long will not only not announce his retirement, but will also meet the challenge of the Paris Olympics with a better attitude. And Liu Guoliang believes that he also understands that Ma Long is not only a main player in the team, but also a role of passing on the help. With Ma Long, there is confidence.

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