
Hamburg Airport Horror: Man with guns takes his daughter hostage, suspected of fighting for custody with his ex-wife


A terrorist incident occurred at Hamburg Airport in Germany on the night of November 4, when a man with a gun broke through a roadblock, broke into the airport and fired a gun into the air, and threw two incendiary objects outside the car. The man also took his 4-year-old daughter hostage and confronted the police for nearly two hours. It is reported that the man's actions may be related to his custody dispute with his ex-wife.

Hamburg Airport Horror: Man with guns takes his daughter hostage, suspected of fighting for custody with his ex-wife

According to German media reports, at about 20 o'clock local time on November 4, a man driving a black Audi car rushed into the airport from the taxi lane of the airport, crashed through two road barriers, and then stopped in the parking lot of the airport. The man then pulled out a pistol from the car and fired several shots into the air, causing panic among airport staff and passengers. The man also threw two incendiary objects outside the car, but they were extinguished in time and caused no damage.

Hamburg Airport Horror: Man with guns takes his daughter hostage, suspected of fighting for custody with his ex-wife

The police soon arrived at the scene and started negotiations with the man. The man refused to get out of the car and also threatened to shoot if the police approached. Police found that there was also a 4-year-old girl in the man's car, who was his daughter. The man took his daughter hostage and asked to speak to his ex-wife. Police then contacted the man's ex-wife and asked her to speak to the man in an attempt to persuade him to renounce the violence.

Hamburg Airport Horror: Man with guns takes his daughter hostage, suspected of fighting for custody with his ex-wife

After nearly two hours of confrontation, the man finally agreed to get out of the car and handed over his daughter to the police. Police then arrested the man and conducted a vehicle inspection. Police found that the man's pistol was an air gun, while the incendiary object he threw was some flammable liquid and cloth. Police also found that the man had some knives and iron bars in his car. The man was identified as a 32-year-old German and is currently being interrogated.

Hamburg Airport Horror: Man with guns takes his daughter hostage, suspected of fighting for custody with his ex-wife

It is reported that the man's actions may be related to his custody dispute with his ex-wife. The man and his ex-wife have divorced, but there has been a dispute over custody of their daughter. The man had repeatedly threatened his ex-wife, saying that he would take her daughter away and not let her see her again. The man may have made such a move on the spur of the moment, trying to get the attention of his ex-wife, or to take revenge on his ex-wife.

Due to the man's behavior, Hamburg Airport suspended flight movements and evacuated passengers. Security and firefighting personnel at the airport were also urgently mobilized to respond to a possible crisis. Operations at the airport returned to normal on the evening of November 4, but some flights were still delayed or cancelled. The airport said it was shocked and outraged by the man's behavior and would strengthen security measures at the airport to prevent a similar incident from happening again.

The incident has attracted widespread attention in German society, with people condemning the man's actions while also expressing sympathy for his daughter's plight. Some believe that the man is an irresponsible father who uses violence to solve his own problems without regard for his daughter's safety and feelings. It has been suggested that a man may be a mentally unstable person who needs to be subjected to psychological treatment and legal sanctions. Some people believe that this incident reflects the contradictions and problems of some families, and needs more attention and help from society.

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