
Reminder: If there are 5 manifestations in middle-aged and elderly people, cancer may have occurred, and it is time for a check-up

author:Lao Zhang talks about medicine

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Cancer is a terrible disease, and middle-aged and elderly people are the people with a high incidence of cancer, because with age, the body's immunity and antioxidant capacity decrease, and the ability of cells to repair and renew is weakened, making them more susceptible to carcinogenic factors.

Reminder: If there are 5 manifestations in middle-aged and elderly people, cancer may have occurred, and it is time for a check-up

There are many types of cancer, and different types of cancer have different symptoms and manifestations. However, some cancers have no obvious symptoms in the early stages, or are overlooked or misdiagnosed as other common diseases. This leads to delays in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, causing patients to miss the best chance of cure.

Therefore, middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to the changes in their bodies, detect the early signs of cancer in time, and carry out examination and treatment in time. So, what are the early signs of cancer that middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to? Below, we will introduce 5 common early manifestations of cancer, hoping to attract everyone's attention.

Reminder: If there are 5 manifestations in middle-aged and elderly people, cancer may have occurred, and it is time for a check-up

1. Significant weight loss

If a middle-aged or elderly person does not particularly diet or exercise, but has significantly lost a lot of weight over a period of time, then this could be a sign of cancer. Because cancer cells consume a lot of nutrients and energy, leading to metabolic disorders and malnutrition in the body.

At the same time, cancer cells will also secrete some substances that inhibit appetite and digestive function, making patients lose appetite and indigestion. Significant weight loss may be associated with many types of cancer, such as lung, stomach, colon, pancreatic cancer, etc. Therefore, if this situation occurs, one should go to the hospital in time for a comprehensive examination to rule out the possibility of cancer.

Reminder: If there are 5 manifestations in middle-aged and elderly people, cancer may have occurred, and it is time for a check-up

2. Persistent cough or hemoptysis

Cough is a common manifestation of respiratory illness, usually caused by colds, allergies, bronchitis, etc. However, if a middle-aged or elderly person has no obvious history of colds or allergies, and the cough lasts for more than 3 weeks, and is accompanied by hemoptysis or other uncomfortable symptoms, chest tightness, shortness of breath and other uncomfortable symptoms, then it is necessary to be alert to whether there is an abnormality in the lungs.

Persistent cough or hemoptysis may be caused by a lung tumor compressing or eroding the trachea, bronchi, or alveoli. Lung tumors include lung cancer, tuberculosis, lung abscesses, etc. Among them, lung cancer is the most common and dangerous one. Therefore, in these cases, one should go to the hospital as soon as possible for a chest X-ray or CT scan, as well as tests such as sputum or bronchoscopic biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.

Reminder: If there are 5 manifestations in middle-aged and elderly people, cancer may have occurred, and it is time for a check-up

3. Indigestion or change in bowel habits

If a middle-aged or elderly person has no obvious changes in diet or lifestyle habits, and has persistent indigestion, such as stomach discomfort, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, etc., then it is necessary to pay attention to whether there is a possibility of gastrointestinal tumors.

Gastrointestinal tumors include gastric cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, etc. These tumors can affect the digestion and absorption of food, leading to indigestion. At the same time, these tumors can also cause changes in bowel habits, such as more or less frequent stools, changes in the shape or color of stools, and blood or mucus in the stool.

Reminder: If there are 5 manifestations in middle-aged and elderly people, cancer may have occurred, and it is time for a check-up

4. Abnormal changes in the skin

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, and it is also the organ that is most susceptible to external stimulation and damage. If a middle-aged or elderly person finds that he has some abnormal changes on his skin, then he should be alert to the possibility of skin cancer. It usually manifests as abnormal skin, unbearable itching, enlargement, irregular bumps on the body, and more.

Skin cancers include melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma, among others. These cancers all affect the normal structure and function of the skin, causing abnormal changes in the skin. Melanoma is the most dangerous and deadly. Therefore, when these conditions are detected, one should go to the hospital in time for examinations and treatments such as skin biopsy or excision.

Reminder: If there are 5 manifestations in middle-aged and elderly people, cancer may have occurred, and it is time for a check-up

5. Difficulty swallowing or hoarseness

If a middle-aged or elderly person has no obvious history of colds or allergies, and has persistent dysphagia or hoarseness, accompanied by tinnitus, hearing loss, nasopharyngeal secretions and other uncomfortable symptoms, then it is necessary to pay attention to whether there is a possibility of throat tumor. Throat tumors include esophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer, thyroid cancer, etc.

These tumors can compress or erode structures such as the esophagus, trachea or nerveolia, causing difficulty swallowing or hoarseness. At the same time, these tumors can also cause inflammation and infection of the throat, resulting in tinnitus, hearing loss, and blood in nasopharyngeal secretions. Therefore, in the event of these conditions, one should go to the hospital in time for an examination to confirm the diagnosis.

Reminder: If there are 5 manifestations in middle-aged and elderly people, cancer may have occurred, and it is time for a check-up


The above are the 5 early manifestations of cancer that middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to, of course, these manifestations are not necessarily signs of cancer, but may also be symptoms of other diseases. However, for the sake of your own health and safety, once you find these abnormalities, you should go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time, without delay or neglect, so as not to delay the condition and miss the chance of cure.

Cancer is a preventable and curable disease, and as long as we have sufficient awareness of prevention and the ability to detect it early, we can effectively reduce the incidence and mortality of cancer.

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