
Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

author:Draft Sentence
Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

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The article was originally published by Shen Yan's headlines, please do not plagiarize and reprint

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

There have always been "wire fraud groups" in northern Myanmar, in addition to human beings, organ trafficking and other criminal acts, and many Chinese have been deceived to northern Myanmar, and this conflict in northern Myanmar has attracted the attention of many Chinese people.

On November 2, a spokesman for the Kokang Allied Forces said that they had taken a strategic town on the Sino-Indian border and urged the four major families in northern Myanmar to surrender to China, otherwise they would enter Lao Cai and completely wipe out the wire fraud syndicate.

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

What's going on here? What is the origin of the four great families and the Kokang Alliance?

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

Conditions for peace talks

Since the outbreak of the conflict in northern Burma, the Kokang Allied forces have been fighting fiercely with the Burmese army in the area of the Qingshui River, so it is very likely that the important town lost by the Burmese army is Qingshui Town, which is also one of the towns leading to the mainland territory.

Qingshui Town is only 31 kilometers away from Lao Cai, which is said by the Kokang Alliance, which means that the Kokang Alliance will further expand the results of the battle, and it is very likely to destroy the wire fraud group located in the Lao Cai area in one fell swoop.

By the morning of November 2, it was reported that the Kokang Allied Forces had occupied more than 90 Burmese government military positions, killed and captured a large number of government soldiers, and mixed up a large amount of military equipment.

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

At present, the Kokang Allied Army has advanced the battle line to a place only 10 kilometers away from Lao Cai, and only the telemail groups gathered in the Lao Cai area are left to wipe out. In the face of the menacing arrival of the Kokang Alliance, the four major families saw that the general trend was gone and wanted to negotiate peace with the Kokang Alliance.

At present, Peng Kun, the brigadier general of the Kokang Alliance, and the son of the commander-in-chief Peng Deren, have put forward the conditions for peace talks to the four major families.

He said that the Chinese in the wire fraud park must be unconditionally repatriated to China, all agreements with Chinese personnel must be nullified, and the leaders of the wire fraud, Wei Chaoren, Wei Huairen, Wei Rong Sanran, Bai Suocheng, and Ming Xuechang, father and son, must be handed over to the Chinese side for handling, and there is no room for negotiation.

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

I have to say that Peng Kun's attitude is very tough, as long as the other party does not agree, he will enter Laojie strongly and directly control the Kokang area.

It can be said that the government army was defeated and retreated under the blow of the Kokang Allied Army, and there was no power to fight back at all, and many netizens expressed surprise, how could the "local armed forces" easily defeat the regular army?

In fact, the victory of the Kokang Allied forces was not unexpected, and they gathered about 20,000 troops to launch a surprise attack on the Burmese government forces before the conflict broke out. This time they were well prepared, equipped with advanced equipment, and even drones.

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

On the other hand, although the Burmese government army has equipment imported from the mainland, their mass base in northern Myanmar is not good, and they cannot compare with the Kokang Allied Army.

In addition, they did not have many soldiers in northern Burma, and they could not stop the Kokang Allied forces, which were skilled in guerrilla warfare, so they had to flee in a hurry. This means that it is only a matter of time before the Burmese side loses control of northern Myanmar, so a change in strategy is necessary.

Li Jiawen, a spokesman for the Kokang Alliance, said in an interview with Phoenix TV: "The survival and large-scale development of the telefraud group in northern Myanmar is inseparable from the Burmese army. "Li Jiawen's meaning is very clear, the Burmese army is their protective umbrella.

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

This is not nonsense, as the director of the Myanmar Program at the U.S. Institute of Peace has said that the Tatmadaw acquiesces in this gray industry because it will bring huge profits, and the military and border guards will benefit from it.

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

Four families

What is the origin of the four major families, and why do they have the support of the Burmese army?

The four major families are Bai Suocheng, Wei Chaoren, Liu Abao and Liu Guoxi, especially Bai Suocheng, who was once Peng Dehuai's father Peng Jiasheng's right and left hand, and Peng Jiasheng is also full of trust in him, and his status in the army is second only to Peng Jiasheng.

The Kokang Alliance was defeated by the Burmese government army, most of which was due to Bai Socheng, no one could have imagined that Bai Socheng secretly reached an agreement with the Burmese army, and at a critical moment, contacted Wei Chaoren, Liu Abao, and Liu Guoliang, the three capable generals, and directly betrayed Peng Jiasheng.

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

From then on, the control of the Kokang region was in the hands of the four men, who recruited troops and gradually formed four families to control the Kokang region.

The three major families engaged in the fraud industry and opened casinos, the most famous of which is the Yum Group, which is famous for eating "human blood steamed buns", and has already extended its magic hand to the surrounding countries.

But one of the most hated is Liu Guoxi, who will not compete with the other three major families for profit, but will be engaged in the mining industry, but how can he operate normally, but human trafficking and organ trafficking, which is what we often call "Ka waist".

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

The Kokang Alliance has found a suitable reason for sending troops under the banner of "eliminating wire fraud"; if it can eliminate all the wire fraud groups, it can not only get the support of Chinese public opinion, but also send a signal of goodwill to the Chinese side.

In the face of the deterioration of the situation in northern Myanmar, mainland spokesman Wang Wenbin also expressed China's position, expressing the hope that the two sides will cease fire as soon as possible to ensure the security of the China-Myanmar border.

It is not true that the conflict has spilled over to the mainland, with military patrols already patrolling several border cities in Yunnan, some schools closed because of the clashes, and teachers and students can often hear the sound of gunfire.

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

Although the wire fraud syndicate has seriously endangered the safety of the people on the mainland, the mainland has further intensified its crackdown on the wire fraud industry, and at the same time, it has also actively cooperated with the Myanmar government, and so far, nearly 50,000 people have been rescued.

In addition, the mainland has always advocated peaceful coexistence and opposes interference in the internal affairs of other countries, so the victory or defeat of the Kokang Allied Forces is not our concern, and the mainland will never use illegal means to achieve its own goals.

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

Moreover, the Kokang Allied Forces did not necessarily want to eliminate the wire fraud group, but only to seize control of the Kokang region and force the Burmese side to recognize Kokang autonomy.

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud


In order to completely eliminate the wire fraud syndicate, we need the cooperation of China and neighboring countries, as well as the support of the Myanmar government, to truly solve the problem.

Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

It is always the people who suffer from the war, including not only the people of Myanmar, but also the people of the mainland.

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Conditions for peace talks with the Kokang Alliance: The four major families surrender to the Chinese side, otherwise they will enter Lao Cai to eliminate the wire fraud

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