
Xie Guangkun Rolls-Royce was scratched, and he demanded compensation on the street, shouting at ordinary people for not being able to afford compensation

author:Warm-hearted and innocent


Xie Guangkun, a high-profile duo-turned-actor, was recently involved in a vehicle collision incident, which caused widespread controversy. The incident involved his Rolls-Royce luxury car and the accidental scratching of a female college student, while netizens held two completely different opinions on the incident.

What happened

One day, Xie Guangkun's Rolls-Royce was parked on the side of the road and unfortunately became the object of a collision with a female college student while driving negligently. Xie Guangkun was annoyed, not only scolded the female college student angrily, but also claimed that the car was worth millions, which was a big surprise.

Xie Guangkun Rolls-Royce was scratched, and he demanded compensation on the street, shouting at ordinary people for not being able to afford compensation

Controversy and divergence of opinions

The incident quickly sparked controversy on social media, with netizens voicing their opinions. There is a faction that supports Xie Guangkun, believing that the young female college student behaved recklessly and was unwilling to take responsibility after causing an irresponsible accident. They believe that luxury cars are worth a lot of money, Xie Guangkun does not need to pay for the repair of the car out of his own pocket, and female college students should bear full responsibility. The other faction believes that the female college student is innocent, accusing Xie Guangkun of being too fierce and should not be so angry about an unexpected incident. This view is that regardless of the value of the vehicle, it should be treated calmly and not emotionally.

Xie Guangkun Rolls-Royce was scratched, and he demanded compensation on the street, shouting at ordinary people for not being able to afford compensation

Situation on the spot

More worrying, however, is the situation at the scene of the accident. With improperly parked vehicles and no clear parking spaces, Xie Guangkun's Rolls-Royce obstructed traffic and laid the groundwork for the accident. This has sparked questions from some who believe that Xie Guangkun should also bear some responsibility for the improper parking of the vehicle.

Xie Guangkun's response

Xie Guangkun responded to the controversy, emphasizing that the brand of the car is not the key, the key is the quality of the car. He mentioned that his friend also owned a Rolls-Royce, but it was not as controversial as he was.

Xie Guangkun Rolls-Royce was scratched, and he demanded compensation on the street, shouting at ordinary people for not being able to afford compensation

In addition, he explained the background of his car purchase in an attempt to dispel suspicion that he was flaunting his wealth.

Xie Guangkun's bad behavior

However, it is worth noting that Xie Guangkun has had some unethical behavior in the past. Some netizens pointed out that he had been involved in issues such as land occupation and improper contact with beautiful women, which called into question his attitude in this collision incident. These past actions have left a certain negative impression on the public mind, which also adds a layer of complexity to the controversy.


Who is to blame in this controversial incident? The question has always been there, but the answer is not so simple.

Xie Guangkun Rolls-Royce was scratched, and he demanded compensation on the street, shouting at ordinary people for not being able to afford compensation