
What a surprise! They suddenly announced: quit

author:Bright Net

According to the official news of the @ChinaCupWorld Figure Skating Grand Prix, the Chinese ice dance pair Wang Shiyue/Liu Xinyu abstained due to physical reasons, and will be replaced by another Chinese pair, Shi Shang/Wu Nan.

What a surprise! They suddenly announced: quit

Previously, Liu Xinyu posted that due to mycoplasma pneumonia, his heart could not withstand high-intensity training, so he decided to withdraw from the China Cup.

What a surprise! They suddenly announced: quit
What a surprise! They suddenly announced: quit

Wang Shiyue/Liu Xinyu in the game. Xinhua News Agency

What a surprise! They suddenly announced: quit

China's Wang Shiyue (left)/Liu Xinyu during the match on February 12. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Cao Can

What a surprise! They suddenly announced: quit

China's Wang Shiyue (left) and Liu Xinyu compete in the rhythm of ice dancing at the figure skating event at the Beijing Winter Olympics on February 12. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ma Ning

Wang Shiyue also posted on Weibo that it is a pity to withdraw from this competition, wishing the engine (referring to Liu Xinyu) a speedy recovery, hoping to see you again soon in the field, and wishing this China Cup a complete success! Come on, Chinese team!

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It is reported that mycoplasma is the smallest and simplest prokaryotic found so far. Mycoplasma is the smallest microorganism that can survive on its own and is an atypical pathogen. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is one of these subtypes, which mainly affects the respiratory system, causing pneumonia in 10% to 40% of children after infection. The so-called "atypical" means that Mycoplasma pneumoniae is neither a bacterium nor a virus, and cannot be detected by ordinary blood routine, and conventional treatment with "penicillin" and "cephalosporin" is also ineffective.

What are the symptoms of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection?

According to the Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in children (2023 Edition), the main clinical manifestations of the disease are fever and cough, which can be accompanied by headache, runny nose, sore throat, earache, etc. Among them, the fever is mainly moderate to high fever, and those with persistent high fever indicate severe disease. The cough is severe and may resemble whooping cough. It should be noted that in recent years, the proportion of young children has increased, and infants under 3 years old are also infected from time to time.

How can I tell if my condition is severe?

Hou Wei, deputy director of the Department of Pediatric Internal Medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, believes that if a child is sick and infected, he can ask for leave to rest at home to avoid infecting other students. If your child only has a fever or a slight cough, you can take some antipyretic drugs or antiviral Chinese medicine at home, and the body temperature will also be lowered. However, if your child has a high fever that persists, or if he is not in good spirits, wants to sleep, or has a particularly severe cough, he or she needs to go to the hospital.

How to distinguish

Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection vs. the common cold?

"The most common symptoms of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection are fever and cough. In some cases, it may manifest as a high fever that does not go away, or it may be a recurrent high fever. The cough will be intense and may even interfere with your child's sleep. Zhang Yanli, director of the Second Department of Respiratory Medicine of the Department of Pediatric Internal Medicine of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, said that the common cold may not have such a severe fever, and the high fever will not go away, and the symptoms usually reduce after three to five days. Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection has a long course of disease, and the fever is mainly moderate to high fever, and persistent high fever indicates severe disease.

How is it treated?

Reminder: Azithromycin should not be taken on its own

Due to the lack of cell wall in Mycoplasma pneumoniae, well-known drugs such as penicillin and cephalosporins that act on the cell wall and have antibacterial effects are "helpless", and there is no vaccine that can effectively prevent it.

According to the Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in children issued by the National Health Commission this year, macrolide antibiotics such as azithromycin and clarithromycin are still the preferred drugs for mycoplasma pneumonia in children. For the recent hot azithromycin, experts pointed out that there are many clinical types of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in children, and parents cannot judge the type and condition of the disease by themselves, so it is not recommended to take azithromycin by themselves, let alone the so-called "strategy" on the Internet, and it needs to be taken under the guidance of a doctor or pharmacist.

How can respiratory infections be prevented?

Expert Reminder:

• Good personal hygiene: Children should develop good habits of washing hands and changing clothes frequently;

• Reduce contact with children when someone in the family is suffering from a cold or other respiratory illness;

• Actively prevent colds, and in the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases, it is best not to go to crowded public places;

• Keep warm in time, add clothes according to temperature changes, maintain good sleep, and avoid overwork;

• Nutritionally balanced, reasonable diet, balanced nutrition, not picky and picky eaters, drink plenty of water;

• Exercise more to increase resistance, strengthen physical exercise before the arrival of winter, enhance physical fitness, train children's cold tolerance, promote nerve and blood vessel response more sensitive, adapt to external climate change;

• Vaccination, which is the most effective way to prevent certain diseases, especially in the fall, requires an early flu vaccination. After receiving the flu vaccine, it generally takes 2~4 weeks to produce enough antibodies.

Transferred from: Quanzhou Radio and Television Station

Source: News Wide Angle