
Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people you have in your family? I was so stupid that I was deceived before

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Have you ever wondered how gentlemen who claim to be able to tell fortunes predict your family situation and personal characteristics? They are often surprisingly accurate and seem to know everything about you. However, when we delved deeper, we found that these abilities do not come from occult powers, but rather from a skillful use of psychology and observation.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people you have in your family? I was so stupid that I was deceived before

These fortune tellers are usually highly observant and perceptive, and they infer information about a person's family background, economic status, personality traits, etc., through subtle observations, such as clothing, speech and behavior, facial expressions, etc. They will be able to guess your family background and social status from what you wear and how you speak. This use of observation allows them to make surprisingly accurate predictions.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people you have in your family? I was so stupid that I was deceived before

In addition to their powers of observation, these fortune tellers are also adept at a technique called "cold reading." Through vague and general descriptions, they guide you to subconsciously reveal your own information and make you feel like the other person knows everything. They may say, "I have a feeling that you have been having some troubles lately, probably because of your family. This kind of discourse will find its own shadow in almost everyone, and thus unconsciously reveal personal information.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people you have in your family? I was so stupid that I was deceived before

More advanced fortune tellers will also use the "hot reading" technique to tell your fortune after learning some information about you, which will make you more convinced. They may obtain your basic information through channels such as social media and the Internet, combined with on-site observation and guidance, to make their fortune-telling results more accurate.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people you have in your family? I was so stupid that I was deceived before

Of course, we do not deny that there are some fortune tellers who do possess extraordinary abilities, and their insights into human nature and society are breathtaking, and they are able to inspire and help people. However, there are also some unscrupulous elements in this industry who take advantage of people's curiosity about the unknown and their desire for the future to make huge profits through various means.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people you have in your family? I was so stupid that I was deceived before

Therefore, when we meet a fortune teller, we should keep a calm mind, not trust their words, and should not rely entirely on fortune tellers for our life decisions. The real life still needs to be mastered and grasped by ourselves. In modern society, information spreads extremely fast, and personal privacy leakage occurs from time to time.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people you have in your family? I was so stupid that I was deceived before

Therefore, when facing fortune tellers, you should be more vigilant, protect your personal information, and avoid falling into the trap of criminals because of momentary curiosity or superstition. At the same time, we also need to establish a correct outlook on life and values, believe in our own efforts and perseverance, and not hope for the so-called "fate" of fortune tellers.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people you have in your family? I was so stupid that I was deceived before

On the road of life, everyone will encounter difficulties and setbacks, which are part of growth and are also valuable assets in our lives. We should not be discouraged by momentary difficulties, let alone seek the help of fortune tellers to escape reality. Only by bravely facing difficulties and creating the future with our own hands can we truly take control of our own destiny and live a wonderful and meaningful life.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people you have in your family? I was so stupid that I was deceived before

Instead of wasting time and energy on fortune telling, it is better to use these precious resources to improve ourselves and realize the value of life, which will make our life more colorful. After realizing the routine behind the fortune teller, we should keep a clear head, face it with a rational and scientific attitude, and create our own future with practical actions.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people you have in your family? I was so stupid that I was deceived before

Life is one's own, and instead of believing in the arrangement of fate, it is better to believe in one's own strength. Through continuous learning and hard work, we are fully capable of blazing a bright path of our own and living a wonderful and meaningful life. In this process, we may encounter difficulties and challenges, but as long as we persevere, we will always find ways to overcome difficulties and achieve our goals in life.

Why doesn't the fortune teller know you, but he knows how many people you have in your family? I was so stupid that I was deceived before

Although the tricks behind the fortune teller are cunning, as long as we keep a clear head and face it with a rational and scientific attitude, we will definitely be able to see through its hypocrisy and protect our lives. On the road ahead, let us use our own efforts and wisdom to create a better life and live a wonderful life of our own.

Welcome to the message area to express your views on the routines behind the fortune teller, let's discuss together! Have you ever met a fortune teller in your life? What do you think of their abilities and skills? Do you believe in fate? How do you deal with difficulties and setbacks in life? Please share your stories and perspectives with us in the comments section.

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