
Six Chinese warships continued to stay in the Middle East, and the West continued to hype up, and the Chinese spokesman said to death

author:Ice Fist Tekker

The tragic consequences of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has caused the loss of countless innocent lives and left the entire Middle East region in a state of grief and unease, are deplorable.

Six Chinese warships continued to stay in the Middle East, and the West continued to hype up, and the Chinese spokesman said to death

The clashes between Israel and Hamas forces have escalated amid fierce confrontation between the two sides, with the death toll rising and the Gaza Strip in ruins. The attitude of the United States in this conflict has attracted widespread attention, and its vote at the United Nations and its behavior in support of Israel have caused many questions and dissatisfaction in the world.

Six Chinese warships continued to stay in the Middle East, and the West continued to hype up, and the Chinese spokesman said to death

China has played a constructive role in this incident and has always advocated that the two sides stop the conflict and avoid the loss of innocent lives. China's dispatch of warships to the Middle East to maintain the safety of shipping routes has also attracted unnecessary attention and misunderstanding from Western countries. The appeal of the Chinese Embassy in the United States hopes that Western countries will stop hyping and blaming China and take a rational view of China's actions in the Middle East.

Six Chinese warships continued to stay in the Middle East, and the West continued to hype up, and the Chinese spokesman said to death

In the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, peace remains the most important demand. It is hoped that all parties will remain calm and rational, seek a ceasefire as soon as possible and resolve their differences through peaceful negotiations, so as to avoid further bloodshed and irreparable losses.

Six Chinese warships continued to stay in the Middle East, and the West continued to hype up, and the Chinese spokesman said to death


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