
The last 3 kilometers The four major families in northern Myanmar are sitting in the city of sorrow, crying and waiting to die! The Burmese army airdropped a boxed lunch to save lives!

author:Talented Mastercard

Recently, the four major families in northern Myanmar have faced a situation of being trapped in the city. According to the latest battle situation, the Kokang Allied Army's multi-way forces are moving forward, and it is only about 3 kilometers away from Lao Cai.

The last 3 kilometers The four major families in northern Myanmar are sitting in the city of sorrow, crying and waiting to die! The Burmese army airdropped a boxed lunch to save lives!

The 15,000-strong coalition of the Kokang National Democratic Alliance Army, the Ta'ang National Liberation Army and the Arakan Army was tasked with three main tasks: first, to clear the area around Lao Cai and the strongholds of the Tatmadaw and the Tatmadaw militia; second, to besiege Kokang and the surrounding Burmese military bases; Third, block the main force of Burmese reinforcements.

For the past few years, the four major families of northern Myanmar have been controlling Lao Cai and the surrounding area, using their resources and influence to brutally exploit and oppress the local people. These families also have strong ties to the Burmese junta, consolidating their position and power by supporting the junta's actions.

The last 3 kilometers The four major families in northern Myanmar are sitting in the city of sorrow, crying and waiting to die! The Burmese army airdropped a boxed lunch to save lives!

However, with the rise of rebels such as the Kokang Alliance, the status of the four major families in northern Myanmar began to waver. These rebels, supported by the local population, have gradually regained lost ground through hard struggles and launched numerous attacks on Tatmadaw and telemail militia strongholds. In addition, rebels such as the Arakan Army have further weakened the Burmese army by blocking the main force of Burmese reinforcements.

Now, the four major families in northern Myanmar are under tremendous pressure. Their troops were besieged around Lao Cai and were unable to receive timely support and supplies. At the same time, the rebels are gradually narrowing the encirclement, further reducing their space for maneuver. In addition, due to the long-term war and unrest, the local people's dissatisfaction and rebellion against the four major families in northern Myanmar are also rising.

The last 3 kilometers The four major families in northern Myanmar are sitting in the city of sorrow, crying and waiting to die! The Burmese army airdropped a boxed lunch to save lives!

Under these circumstances, the four major families in northern Myanmar are faced with a choice between life and death. They must take steps to turn things around, or risk being wiped out completely. However, due to the strong offensive of the rebels and the support of the local people, it is difficult for these families to have a chance of turning around.

For their part, the Burmese government must take seriously the threat and challenge posed by the rebels. If the government forces are unable to defeat the rebels quickly, then the four major families in northern Myanmar are likely to continue to exist, which will cause great damage to the authority and image of the Burmese government. Therefore, government forces must take more effective measures to combat the rebels and strengthen communication and cooperation with the local population in order to reduce tensions.

The last 3 kilometers The four major families in northern Myanmar are sitting in the city of sorrow, crying and waiting to die! The Burmese army airdropped a boxed lunch to save lives!

The four major families in northern Myanmar are facing unprecedented difficulties and challenges. They must take steps to turn things around, or risk being wiped out completely. At the same time, the Myanmar government must also take seriously the threat and challenge of the rebels, take more effective measures to combat the rebels, and strengthen communication and cooperation with the local people to reduce tensions.

Highway blockade, Burmese army airdrop box lunch to save lives! The Kokang Allied Army showed great combat effectiveness

In the mountainous jungles of northern Myanmar, a tense battle is underway. The Kokang Allied Army, with its flexible tactics and tenacious perseverance, is engaged in a blocking battle on the road, delaying the offensive of the main force of the Burmese army. In this battle, they showed amazing fighting power and the spirit of unity.

The last 3 kilometers The four major families in northern Myanmar are sitting in the city of sorrow, crying and waiting to die! The Burmese army airdropped a boxed lunch to save lives!

1. Blocking Battle: The Myanmar Army's Mi-35 helicopter gunships could not find the target

On the mountain roads in the Kokang area, Allied combat units used flexible tactics that prevented the Burmese army's Mi-35 helicopter gunships from finding their targets. Taking advantage of dense jungles and difficult terrain, they carried out rapid diversions and dispersions, making it impossible for the enemy to deliver effective air strikes.

In this blocking battle, the Allied forces showed excellent fighting qualities and brave spirit. They accurately judged the enemy's movements and flexibly adjusted their tactics so that the Burmese army could not advance. The soldiers of the Allied forces used accurate marksmanship and tacit cooperation to constantly cause trouble and blows to the enemy.

The last 3 kilometers The four major families in northern Myanmar are sitting in the city of sorrow, crying and waiting to die! The Burmese army airdropped a boxed lunch to save lives!

2. The paratrooper special operations detachment airdropped by helicopters of the Burmese Army

During the battle, the Allied forces successfully annihilated the Burmese army's paratrooper special operations detachment airdropped by helicopter. These paratroopers were unable to carry out their tasks effectively under the tight defense of the Allied forces, and were eventually wiped out by the Allied forces with accurate fire and decisive action.

This victory further demonstrated the Allied forces' formidable combat effectiveness and superb tactics. Not only do they have excellent marksmanship and combat skills, but they also have a calm mind and a tight teamwork. This fighting power has enabled them to form an effective restraint and blow to the Burmese army.

The last 3 kilometers The four major families in northern Myanmar are sitting in the city of sorrow, crying and waiting to die! The Burmese army airdropped a boxed lunch to save lives!

3. Quickly clear the Burmese army strongholds on the outskirts of Lao Cai, the capital of Kokang

On the other side, the Burmese strongholds on the outskirts of Lao Cai, the capital of Kokang, are being quickly cleared by the Allied forces. They adopted tactics of surprise attacks and division and encirclement, quickly breaking down the Burmese army's defensive lines and recapturing important strongholds. This quick and effective action allowed the Allies to take the initiative on the battlefield.

Fourth, the Myanmar Air Force helicopter urgently airdropped supplies to rescue the besieged Burmese army

In the face of the Allied offensive, Burmese Air Force helicopters began to urgently airdrop supplies, including boxed lunches, to besieged Burmese troops in Kokang and northern Chan State. This move illustrates the helplessness of the Burmese army in the face of stubborn resistance from the allied forces.

The last 3 kilometers The four major families in northern Myanmar are sitting in the city of sorrow, crying and waiting to die! The Burmese army airdropped a boxed lunch to save lives!

However, whether these supplies can reach the besieged Tatmadaw will depend on the situation. The Allied forces displayed strong combat effectiveness on the battlefield made the Burmese army difficult in this battle.

The last 3 kilometers The four major families in northern Myanmar are sitting in the city of sorrow, crying and waiting to die! The Burmese army airdropped a boxed lunch to save lives!

Fifth, the unity and combat effectiveness of the Kokang Allied Army have been recognized by the world

In this battle, the unity and combat effectiveness of the Kokang Alliance were recognized by the world. Their heroic deeds and selfless dedication have won people's admiration and praise. Whether they held their ground in the midst of a hail of bullets or fought guerrilla warfare in the depths of the jungle, they showed tenacious perseverance and unyielding fighting spirit.

This battle is not only a contest between the Kokang Allied forces and the Burmese army, but also a contest between good and evil, peace and war. The tenacity and bravery of the Kokang allies won the battle and gave them more opportunities for peace.