
The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

author:Cord tells a story
The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted.

My name is Li Wei and I am the only son in my family. My parents have always had high expectations for me, hoping that I can find a good daughter-in-law and live a happy life.

On this day, I finally married Li Li as my future wife. The guests came one after another, and the scene was lively.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

I heard my niece say, "Mother-in-law, this is our bride price." "I couldn't help but be surprised, because this bride price has my savings of nearly three years of work, and it has reached 70,000!

As an only child, my parents have always doted on me. But I didn't expect that the bride price for my marriage would be so exaggerated.

Looking at my father's worried and confused face, I felt a pang of sorrow in my heart.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

Back at home on the wedding night, Li Li saw that I was depressed and asked with concern, "Wei, what's wrong?" Did the wedding make you a little tired? I sighed softly and told Li Li about the bride price.

And our parents just want us to live well, they are willing to pay for us, and we must also honor them.

However, the issue of bride price does not seem to be so simple. The next day, my father-in-law and mother-in-law came to the house and sat down to discuss something with my parents.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

But from a secular point of view, the issue of bride price is still very important to our family. We hope to get a relatively high bride price.

Looking at my parents' nervous expressions, I felt extremely guilty. I walked up to my parents, shook their hands and said, "Mom and Dad, this is the last money."

We work together to create a happy family. The parents' eyes were a little glazed, but they finally nodded.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

In the days that followed, I worked hard to be able to pay off my parents-in-law's bride price, looking for various opportunities and projects, hoping to make more money.

After a period of hard work, I was able to barely raise enough money for the bride price. At the banquet, I solemnly handed the money to my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

We believe that you will definitely give Leigh a happy family.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

When I heard this, I felt a surge of joy in my heart. Looking at Li Li, I knew I had made the right choice.

So, Li Li and I started our newlywed life. We face life's difficulties and challenges with optimism, support each other and forge ahead together.

This power will become an unquenchable flame that will burst out on the road of our lives.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

Our family life is gradually on the right track, but family disputes and conflicts have inadvertently surfaced.

One night, Li Li and I were chatting intimately when suddenly my phone rang. I picked up the phone, but it was my father calling.

My heart tightened, and I hurriedly told Li Li that we hurried to my parents' house. When I entered, I saw my father sitting on the sofa with a huff and my mother sitting next to me with a cup of hot tea.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

My mother looked at me and said with a sad face: "Your father said that they don't want this bride price and want to return it to your father-in-law, but your father-in-law and mother-in-law disagreed, they said that this breach of contract, whether it is out of life needs or emotional reasons, we can't get it back."

I listened to my mother's words, and my heart felt a pang of regret. I didn't expect this bride price to cause such a contradiction.

Seeing my hesitation, my father held his breath and said, "Wei, why are you so stupid? Your father-in-law and mother-in-law insist like this, they must look down on us and teach them a lesson.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

I was a little puzzled when I heard my father's words, but he has always been a lover, so it's no wonder he gets angry like this.

Li Li patted my hand lightly, smiled and said, "Wei, in fact, this matter is not a dispute between parents, but a test for us.

We can't ruin our feelings for each other because of something like this. Perhaps we can take the initiative to communicate with our parents-in-law and try to understand their thoughts and concerns and find a solution.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

Li Li's words calmed my mind, and she was always able to give me courage and wisdom in my most difficult times.

The bride price is not so important to us, what matters is our feelings and mutual understanding.

When my parents heard what I said, the sadness on their faces gradually dissipated, and they looked at each other, smiled and nodded.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

So, at Li Li's suggestion, we took the initiative to find our father-in-law and mother-in-law and explained our thoughts and wishes to them.

We decided to convert the bride price into a sum of property to be used for our life as a couple.

This family dispute and conflict made us understand the importance of family and the importance of mutual understanding.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

At present, our family is gradually returning to an atmosphere of harmony. The issue of bride price and the misunderstanding between the father-in-law and mother-in-law have been resolved, and we believe that we will be more united in the future and go through all stages of life together.

Li Li and I started our newlywed life, and although the bride price issue was finally resolved, another sudden conflict caused us to fall into a dispute.

A few months later, I learned that my parents-in-law were planning to buy a piece of land nearby and build a house there. I didn't pay much attention to it when I first heard the news, after all, it was a private matter for my father-in-law.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

Although I understand that after getting married, we will be a family, but I have not completely come to my senses, and I have paid so much for the bride price, and my parents' savings are already very small.

"Wei, this is their request, can you consider it?" Li Li's voice was full of anticipation. I looked at her with a conflict.

My struggles didn't last long. A few days later, my father-in-law and mother-in-law came to my house and unceremoniously started talking about the land.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

I gritted my teeth and promised them that I would raise enough money.

In order to be able to buy that piece of land, I started working overtime, looking for all opportunities to make money. I work during the day and move goods on the construction site at night, just to be able to earn more.

After working hard day after day, I was able to raise the money I needed to buy the land. When I handed over the money to my parents-in-law, they smiled with satisfaction and appreciated my efforts.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

However, when construction began on the house, another contradiction resurfaced. My parents weren't happy with my decision to spend so much money to help my parents-in-law buy land.

The parents' grievances gradually turned into quarrels, and a tense atmosphere pervaded the house.

I sat on the construction site of the house, listening to my parents' blame and complaints on the phone, and my heart fell into endless pain.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

I want to give my parents-in-law a favor, but at the same time I don't want to hurt my parents.

In this moment of bickering, I received a phone call. My father's voice choked up on the other end of the phone: "Wei, you are our pride.

As long as you are happy, we will be happy. "When I heard my father's words, my eyes moistened. I understand how much my parents love me and how much they want me to do my filial piety, but I also have to make choices for my own family.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

I took a deep breath and made up my mind. I decided to communicate with my parents in the hope that they would understand my choice, and at the same time, find a balance.

Li Li and I worked hard and wanted to get our family back to health. However, just when we thought things were starting to get better, an unexpected paradox happened.

One day, Li Li and my mother were preparing dinner at home when they suddenly heard a fierce quarrel outside.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

I quickly walked among them and tried to calm the strife.

"Dad, father-in-law, what's wrong?" I asked anxiously.

Father's eyes widened, and he angrily pointed at his father-in-law and said, "He actually said that we are calculating their bride price, what a wrong!" ”

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

The father-in-law sneered and responded: "You know that their family doesn't have much money, but you still have to ask for such a high bride price, isn't it because you want their family's money?" ”

Hearing this, my heart felt like a blow to the heart, and I was speechless for a while. I always thought that I was giving for my family, but I didn't expect to be misunderstood as trying to make money.

"Father-in-law, this is a misunderstanding." Li Li hurriedly explained, "We don't want to occupy your property, we just hope to fulfill our filial piety and give you a happy home."

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

The father-in-law listened to Li Li's explanation, and the anger on his face dissipated slightly. He looked at me and said in a low voice, "Wei, I know you're a good boy, but family is more important than just a bride price.

I took a deep breath and replied emotionally, "Father-in-law, don't worry, I will try to change and do my best to create a happy family."

From that day on, I began to re-examine my behavior and attitude. Although the financial pressure has put our family in a difficult situation, more importantly, I have a new understanding of the understanding and dedication of family.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

However, in this debate, I also see a bigger problem – communication. There is not enough communication and understanding between our family members.

It is only through sincere communication that family conflicts can be resolved.

However, happy families are not always smooth sailing. In the days that followed, there were frequent quarrels and arguments between Li Li and me.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

Such contradictions gradually intensified, and our family disputes began to surface gradually.

During a heated argument, I accidentally dropped a glass on the ground, and the glass shattered into countless pieces.

I looked at Li Li's face like frost, and my heart was very heavy. She snapped: "Wei, our problem is not only the money behind the bride price, but also the problem of communication and understanding between us.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

I can't accept such a marriage.

These words were like a bolt from the blue, and I never thought that the conflict between us was so serious. I am well aware that the expectations of my parents and my sense of responsibility to the family have made me neglect my wife's feelings and needs.

We had a cold war for a few days, and there was an awkward and silent atmosphere throughout the house. Until one day, Li Li suddenly asked for a divorce.

Maybe we need to calm down for a while.

I couldn't accept the offer of divorce, and tears rolled down my cheeks silently. I choked up and said, "Li Li, I don't want to lose you, I know I'm wrong."

Please give me a chance to make amends, and together we will work to rebuild our family.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

She looked at me quietly, with some loss and hesitation in her eyes. We spent days in silence, reflecting on each other and trying to listen and understand each other.

We began to actively seek help, consult with family marriage specialists, attend marriage counseling sessions. Through communication and understanding, we slowly begin to rebuild feelings and trust.

Gradually, our family regained its vitality and warmth. We learned to listen to each other and respect each other's feelings and needs.

The only son got married, and the bride price reached 70,000 yuan, so the family's wealth was almost exhausted

Today, our family is back in harmony. We know that family is not simply a blood relationship, but also a bond of mutual care and tolerance.