
I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

author:Wooden fish recitation
I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

I am an ordinary person living in a small town in the countryside, my family is poor, and my daily life is uneventful.

That day, I was walking on my way home, carrying a heavy school bag and walking on tired steps. As I walked forward exhausted, an uncle came up to me and kindly invited me to help him pick oranges.

The orange grove is full of oranges, and the golden fruits are crystal clear, like jewels set among the green leaves.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

I nodded obediently and moved my hand. The uncle's surname is Liu, although he is old, but his strength is not small. He skillfully plucked the high oranges with a bamboo pole, and I, like an industrious bee, put the oranges in the basket.

In the interaction again and again, I found that Uncle Liu is not only a warm-hearted person, but also an interesting person. He told me interesting stories about the countryside, and I couldn't help but laugh.

On that day, we picked a whole basket of oranges, and Uncle Liu took out a kitchen knife with a smile and peeled an orange for me.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

I met my uncle who warmly invited me to pick oranges, which not only made me laugh, but also made me feel the warmth of the countryside. From that day on, I would often go to the orange grove to find Uncle Liu, picking oranges and chatting at the same time.

Time flies, and I have spent several springs, summers, autumns and winters by Uncle Liu's side. However, one day, I received the heartbreaking news that my beloved wife had been in a car accident.

The car accident not only seriously injured his wife, but also caused her cancer. Looking at the pain of my wife's illness, my heart was like a knife, and I couldn't help it.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

However, Uncle Liu did not leave me. He was always there for me, encouraging me and enlightening me. He told me that the most important thing now is to be strong and to be with his wife through this difficult time.

Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, my wife's condition was getting better and better. The doctor told me that her cancer cells were decreasing and that there was growing hope for a cure.

My wife's recovery gave me endless hope and courage, and I decided to ask her an important question.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

Sometimes life is like a dream, and sometimes it is like a sword. But no matter what we face, the warmth of family and the concern of family can give us strength.

After my wife's continued treatment and my company, it was finally time for her to be discharged from the hospital. I was in a happy mood to pick her up and take her home, hoping that we could start happily ever after.

However, just as we were on our way downstairs, a motorbike running a red light suddenly rushed towards us. I subconsciously pulled my wife to dodge, but I couldn't dodge.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

I hugged my back and moaned in pain. Seeing that the rider of the motorcycle was about to escape, his wife resolutely stood up and stopped the fleeing motorcycle.

The motorcycle rider glanced at me who fell to the ground and said disdainfully, "You didn't see it clearly, and you blame me?" It can't be a deliberate attempt to find ballast, right? With that, he stepped on the gas pedal hard and disappeared into the distance.

I struggled to get up, patted my wife on the shoulder, and said gratefully, "Thank you for speaking up for me, it's okay, just a little skin trauma."

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

However, I could feel my wife's anger and disappointment. Back at home, she sullenly sat on the couch without saying a word.

"How can you do this to me? It's obviously the other party's fault, but you help him speak! She finally couldn't help but let out a roar.

I was stunned, I didn't expect her to be so angry. I tried to explain, "Honey, I just don't want to make a big deal out of it, after all, I'm not too hurt to be held accountable."

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

My wife glared at me fiercely, her eyes full of uncontrollable anger: "You are always like this, always giving up your rights and interests for the sake of others.

Her words pierced me like a sharp sword. I was speechless because she wasn't right at all.

This small matter has become the flashpoint of the long-standing contradictions between us. We started arguing over a little trifle, complaining to each other about each other's incomprehension and indifference.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

I realized that there was a serious problem with the communication between us. I didn't perceive my wife's thoughts and desires in time, and blindly took her efforts for granted.

This argument made me see my problems clearly, and I decided to change. I want to listen to my wife and re-establish trust and communication between us.

However, it is not easy for the wife to restore trust. Our relationship became tense and fragile, full of doubts and resentment.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

I am well aware that it will take time and effort to regain her trust. I am willing to give everything for this because I love her deeply and do not want to lose her.

That day, I received a call from a stranger who claimed to be a distant relative of my wife, who said that my wife was the last straw for his distant cancer to suffer.

After thinking about it, I felt that it was appropriate to help my relatives, but such a large amount of pen was really beyond my ability.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

When I heard my wife's words, I felt very entangled. On the one hand, I hope to help those in need, especially relatives; On the other hand, I didn't want to hurt myself and my wife again.

My wife and I reminisced about our past interactions with this distant relative, and there were indeed many unpleasant pasts.

In the study, my wife and I were silent, with a heavy heart. Suddenly, the silence was broken by two knocks on the door. We looked up at the door, and Uncle Liu appeared at the door with a hint of anxiety on his face.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

Uncle Liu's eyes swept over my wife and me, and he asked me, "What happened?" You look unhappy. ”

I paused, not knowing what to say. My wife took the initiative to speak out about the money borrowed from us by a distant relative and her concerns.

Uncle Liu pondered for a moment and said, "To be honest, I have also heard about this matter. This man is really not trustworthy, he has a large debt to me in the past and has never paid it back.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

Hearing Uncle Liu's words, my wife and I breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time became more wary of this relative. We decided to refuse his request and cut ties with him.

After a little comfort, my wife and I gradually calmed down. We realize that family and affection are not always perfect, and sometimes they need to be measured intellectually.

The happy life with his wife continues, however, a jealous storm comes unexpectedly.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

That day, I had just come home and was about to cook a hot bowl of chicken soup for my wife when I heard an argument in the kitchen.

The wife pointed at Uncle Liu with a red face and said, "Why do you say that I am interested in other men?" Are you jealous? ”

Uncle Liu's face was also full of anger: "You are wrong, I am just worried about you, worried that he will not be good to you." ”

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

I watched them argue and felt bewildered. I hurriedly stepped forward and explained: "Mom, uncle, calm down, this is a misunderstanding."

When his wife heard this, tears began to flow: "Do you believe me? Do you believe that I will not betray you? ”

I was silent, feeling my distrust of my wife. I pursed my lips and could only hug her, silently expressing my guilt and regret.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

Seeing this, the uncle also felt that he was a little out of shape, and he stepped forward and whispered, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt your feelings."

The wife looked up at Uncle Liu, smiled and said, "Uncle, don't worry, he and I are single-minded." You are an important person in both of our lives, and neither of us wants to lose you.

Uncle Liu had a relieved smile on his face, he patted his wife's shoulder and sighed, "Okay, I blamed you wrong."

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

The days went by like water, and his wife's recovery gradually improved. We still maintain close contact with Uncle Liu and share the joys, sorrows and sorrows of life together.

Gradually, my wife's health is getting better and better, and our lives are back to their former peace. I thought that this happiness would last forever, but unexpectedly, an unexpected contradiction occurred.

I was suspicious, and finally I couldn't resist bringing up the topic to my wife. Seeing my uneasiness, my wife held my hand tightly and said seriously, "No matter what the outside world says, I have always regarded you as my husband and will never leave you."

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

However, this rumor did not subside, but intensified. Someone anonymously sent me a photo of my wife with a strange man with an address.

When I arrived at the address, a strange man appeared in front of me, with a face and age matching the photograph.

He hopes to recognize his wife and make up for his past regrets.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

I can't be sure if this man's claims are true, but my heart is full of contradictions and pain. I didn't debunk the secret because I was afraid of hurting my wife's heart; But at the same time, I don't want to easily trust the words of strangers to destroy our happiness all along.

When I got home, my wife's eyes showed endless helplessness and guilt. She hugged me tightly and said sincerely, "No matter what the truth is, I have made you and our home my all."

In the face of her determined eyes and sincere words, I made up my mind. I choose to believe in her, and I choose to continue to face this contradiction with her.

I met an uncle who enthusiastically invited me to pick oranges and told extraordinary stories, and my wife never gave up on cancer caused by a car accident

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