
The 4 actresses who were "chosen" by the director because of their beauty! A mother has become a mother before the play is over

author:Strategizing the sea breeze CAl

The Bizarre of the Entertainment Industry: The Story of Love and Marriage

The 4 actresses who were "chosen" by the director because of their beauty! A mother has become a mother before the play is over

The entertainment industry is a mysterious place, full of the glory and honor of stars, as well as their love and marriage. This story will explore several high-profile stars in the entertainment industry, their love and marriage, and the untold stories behind them. Chen Kaige and Chen Hong, Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Di, Xu Fan, Jiang Wenli and Gu Changwei, Jiang Qinqin, Chen Jianbin and Wu Yue, the emotional entanglements between them, and their thoughts on love and marriage.

The 4 actresses who were "chosen" by the director because of their beauty! A mother has become a mother before the play is over

The love story of Chen Kaige and Chen Hong

The 4 actresses who were "chosen" by the director because of their beauty! A mother has become a mother before the play is over

Chen Kaige, a famous Chinese director, is popular for his outstanding filmography. And Chen Hong, who is also a famous Chinese actress, is highly praised for her superb acting skills. This pair of golden boys and girls in the entertainment industry has a memorable love story.

The 4 actresses who were "chosen" by the director because of their beauty! A mother has become a mother before the play is over

Chen Kaige and Chen Hong met and fell in love while filming the movie "Farewell My Concubine". This film has become one of the classics in the history of Chinese cinema and the pinnacle of the careers of the two actors. However, the marriage of the two stars was not all smooth sailing. At the peak of their careers, they chose to separate for various reasons. Chen Kaige's many marriages have sparked controversy in society, while Chen Hong has always kept a low profile. The story of the two tells us that love is not always long-lasting, and marriage needs more tolerance and understanding.

The 4 actresses who were "chosen" by the director because of their beauty! A mother has become a mother before the play is over

Feng Xiaogang's marriage experience with Zhang Di and Xu Fan

The 4 actresses who were "chosen" by the director because of their beauty! A mother has become a mother before the play is over

Feng Xiaogang, a famous Chinese director and actor, is known for his sharp comedic style. His marriage experience has attracted much attention, and he married two different wives, namely Zhang Di and Xu Fan.

The 4 actresses who were "chosen" by the director because of their beauty! A mother has become a mother before the play is over

Feng Xiaogang and Zhang Di's marriage is a love story full of passion and quarrels. Zhang Di is Feng Xiaogang's first love, the two met in college, but they also caused a lot of conflicts because of Feng Xiaogang's career and personality. Their married life has attracted much attention from public opinion, and the two have also been separated and reunited. However, in the end, they chose to separate.

Feng Xiaogang's marriage story did not end there, he later married actor Xu Fan. The marriage seemed more stable, and the two had children together. However, even with a relatively quiet married life, the media continued to be interested in his marriage.

The marriage story of Jiang Wenli and Gu Changwei

Jiang Wenli, a famous Chinese actress, is loved for her outstanding performances. Gu Changwei, on the other hand, is a famous Chinese director who is widely recognized for his unique film style. This talented couple also has a fascinating marriage story.

Jiang Wenli and Gu Changwei met while filming the movie "Let the Bullets Fly". They fell in love at first sight and quickly came together. The marriage of the two talented women has attracted much attention, and their married life is also full of romance and creativity. They have collaborated on many film projects together, which have become a good story in the entertainment industry. This marriage story fully demonstrates the deep emotions and creative passion of the two artists.

The emotional entanglement between Jiang Qinqin, Chen Jianbin and Wu Yue

Jiang Qinqin, Chen Jianbin , Wu Yue, the emotional entanglements of these three stars have attracted much attention. Jiang Qinqin and Chen Jianbin used to be a couple, but after they broke up, Chen Jianbin and Wu Yue came together.

Jiang Qinqin and Chen Jianbin met and fell in love during the filming of the TV series "Daming Palace Ci", and their relationship attracted much attention. However, due to various reasons, the two eventually chose to separate. Chen Jianbin and Wu Yue's marriage has attracted much attention, they have children together, and they have a happy married life. This emotional entanglement makes people think about the complexity and variability of love.

Difference Between Love and Marriage

Love and marriage are two different concepts. Love is full of passion and longing, while marriage requires tolerance and understanding. Love and marriage stories in the entertainment industry tell us that celebrities are also ordinary people, and their love and marriage will also face various challenges. Although their love story is in the limelight, it also takes effort to keep the marriage together.


Behind the bizarre entertainment industry, there are many untold stories. The love and marriage stories of celebrities are full of joys and sorrows, and they are also ordinary people who face various emotional and life challenges. In addition to their own love and marriage, the stars of the entertainment industry also have many outstanding works, which deserve our attention and appreciation.