
A live broadcast sold 1 billion? Simba is in trouble with the brand

A live broadcast sold 1 billion? Simba is in trouble with the brand

Recently, Simba's Douyin account was blocked again.

The reason for the ban may be that on November 1, Simba started broadcasting on his Douyin account, reprimanding Douyin for double standards, guiding social values, and controlling public opinion, and he scolded angrily in the live broadcast room: "(Douyin) first fried Li Jiaqi to 'control the price', and now Simba is selling cheaply!" ”

When he started broadcasting for more than 30 minutes that night, Douyin sent a violation reminder: it is forbidden to provoke and insult others, ridicule specific groups, and use bad nicknames or metaphors in live broadcasts.

It is reported that Simba's live broadcast lasted nearly 50 minutes and was watched by more than 4 million people before it was forced to shut down. The next day, some media found that his account had been banned, and the number of followers remained at 4.15 million.

A live broadcast sold 1 billion? Simba is in trouble with the brand

As soon as this incident came out, it quickly aroused public opinion among netizens and appeared on Weibo hot search. As of press time, it has #辛巴抖音账号被封禁话题阅读量已达2 200 million times and more than 80,000 interactions.

A live broadcast sold 1 billion? Simba is in trouble with the brand

|Reprimanded Douyin for "double standard" Simba's Douyin account was blocked

The reason for the account being blocked has to start with today's "Mousse Mattress" incident.

A few days ago, Simba sold out a "Mousse Big Black Cow Leather Soft Bed" in the live broadcast, with a single sales of more than 1 billion yuan and a sales volume of 320,000. The reason why it can sell out, in addition to Simba's large traffic, the core reason is that the offline price of this mattress is 20,000 yuan, and Simba's live broadcast room is fractured, only 4980 yuan.

As a result, many offline consumers have asked the store to return the goods, and thousands of offline distributors couldn't bear it, and protested with the Mousse headquarters, and the Mousse official had to terminate the cooperation with Simba. Thus, triggering Simba's dissatisfaction.

Simba said, "There is a lot of pressure on Kuaishou, anchors, and brands, because no one has ever seen a brand as big as Mousse achieve this price." After selling out today, I may not see Mousse doing this kind of activity again in this life. I didn't break anything in the contract, so Mousse had to fulfill the contract, and all the shots before today were counted. ”

In an online video, Simba bluntly protested, "Don't mess with me, okay? I don't have the ability to monopolize an industry. I just want to tell you today that it doesn't matter how much I sell. My customer is not your user. Do you understand? No impact on your sales. Don't give me a hat. ”

This incident quickly fermented on Douyin and appeared on the hot search, with related entries including "Simba Mousse Mattress with Goods", "Simba Mousse Mattress" and so on. Seeing the incident fermenting and promoting on Douyin, Simba couldn't sit still, and was so angry that he started broadcasting Douyin.

A live broadcast sold 1 billion? Simba is in trouble with the brand

Simba reprimanded in the live broadcast room: Douyin Double 11 has two anchors, here it is said that Li Jiaqi controls the price, and then Simba sells the product cheaply, and there says that Li Jiaqi's products are expensive, and Simba is not good if they are cheap.

"For these topics, the marketing account will edit the video, and the platform will push it with a lot of traffic. The video I posted by myself has 20,000, 30,000, or 50,000 views, and I go to buy and promote it, but the video does not have any illegal content, but it shows that the video is not suitable for promotion, is this called manipulating public opinion? ”

Simba was dissatisfied, "As long as it's the opponent's anchor, as long as it's the person on your opposite side, no one will be spared, and you will die." ”

Simba also mentioned the "sugar water bird's nest" incident, he said that this product Xin Xuan was not the first to sell, at least 10 celebrities and anchors on Douyin were selling it at that time, and Xin Xuan only started selling it after that. After the product had problems, Douyin pushed dozens of hot searches by Simba, but deleted all the anchor sales records and screen recordings on its platform.

Faced with the "drainage" questions of Douyin users, Simba said that he was not here to grab traffic, but because he was in a bad mood, and also said that "Jinshan Yinshan will not come".

During the live broadcast, Simba also made two requests to Douyin.

1, as long as Douyin is not messing with him, he will no longer appear on Douyin. "If Douyin no longer does my hard work and does my own business, I will no longer appear on Douyin, I don't care about your traffic, I don't care about you."

2. Put out the orders and screen recordings of the anchors on the Douyin platform to sell sugar water bird's nest and compensate consumers. "Because you pushed me dozens of hot searches, everyone treated me equally, didn't you push me for consumers back then, I lost it, but you deleted all the consumer information and protected all the anchors, I don't understand this, and I don't accept it."

|A live broadcast sold 1 billion Simba and the brand got into trouble

At present, Simba scolded Douyin and his account was blocked, but the "Mousse Mattress" turmoil has not yet dissipated.

Many people in the industry said that they are not optimistic about the cooperation between Mousse mattress and Simba at such a low price.

Planning expert Jiang Yufei believes that Mousse should not cooperate with Simba and sell goods at a low price in the live broadcast, which is a harm to the brand.

Jiang Yufei did not agree with what Simba said that he brought new customers, not Mousse's original consumers, he said, if Moutai reduces the price very low, it will also bring a lot of sales, and it is not the credit of the live broadcast Internet celebrity, Apple Huawei mobile phone dares to reduce the price, and the product can also have huge sales at one time, but this is brought by the overdraft brand.

Jiang Yufei believes that if you can only sell goods at a low price, it will affect the investment of the brand, affect product research and development, and will not come out of well-known brands. Brands like Mousse should focus on offline channels.

Weibo V@ Zhai Caihua said that the crisis of Mousse Bed this time was not faced with a live broadcast and the condemnation of dealers, but completely messed up the value perception of the brand. "Once part of the added value of the brand is cut off, the interests of all parties in the entire business chain will have to be re-negotiated or even cleared."

Another Weibo V@ Zhao Cong also mentioned that Mousse's mistake was to want too much, want to make money from the rich, and set up high-end characters, but did not adhere to the bottom line of the price; wanted to earn the money of the poor to expand the market share, and the 20,000 yuan was reduced to 5,000 yuan, but the physical store was cut off, and the customer value was ruined.

But there are also people who applaud Simba.

Media person Liu Xuesong mentioned, "is also the top stream of goods, and Simba's role this time is exactly the opposite of that of some Internet celebrities who sell eyebrow pencils." This wave, I support Simba. But there is a premise, the batch of goods sold by Simba is the same goods for 20,000 sheets. ”

An obvious controversy is that live e-commerce has impacted the development of physical and offline commerce, and the vicious competition of low prices has disrupted the order of the market.

At the same time, a fact that cannot be ignored is that low-price competition will always be the main theme in the e-commerce track. As long as there is a demand for users between platforms and anchors, there will inevitably be price competition. However, price competition should not only be limited to price, but should have higher competition for service, quality control and other capabilities.

With the controversy of public opinion caused by the "floor price agreement" some time ago, Hangzhou has begun to rectify.

On October 30, the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Justice announced that in order to create a good business environment based on the rule of law, Hangzhou will compile a series of compliance guidelines for key industries, and at the same time publicly solicit opinions and suggestions on the "Compliance Guidelines for the Live Streaming E-commerce Industry (Consultation Draft)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines (Consultation Draft)").

In response to the phenomenon of "lowest price competition", the Guidelines (Draft for Comments) clarify that in addition to obtaining administrative licenses and filings, live streaming practitioners may not require businesses to sign "lowest price agreements" or take other agreements, resolutions or concerted actions that eliminate or restrict competition, except where they do not constitute a monopoly agreement in accordance with the law.

The provisions on the legality of prices require that live-streaming e-commerce practitioners shall not abuse their independent pricing power through low-price dumping, price collusion, price gouging, price fraud, etc.

With the savage growth of live streaming, all kinds of chaos about product pricing are proliferating. The right of brands and platforms to speak on product prices has been weakened, and pricing has gradually evolved into a multi-party game between platforms, anchors, brands, consumers, and even distributors.

A question is becoming more and more prominent: who should decide the lowest price?

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