
The best work chair in the world

The best work chair in the world

The best work chair in the world

Each type of work has its own special consumables, and for everyone in the editorial department of the compound, the most frequently replaced consumables are not keyboards, not pen and paper, nor the editing itself, but chairs.

The right chair means a healthy spine, and a healthy spine means you can work overtime until dinner makes up for dinner, and the savings over time are immeasurable.

The best work chair in the world

Although it will be accompanied by the rehabilitation department of the orthopedic hospital in the end, the concept that the best chair must be the next one has been rooted in the heart of the hospital, and the ultimate office chair that has been struggling to be pursued really exists in this world?

Yes, the rubber bench is here.

The best work chair in the world

 New Concept Office Chair Competition 

Before we look at why the plastic stool is the best chair in the world, let's take a look at the things that have been beaten by the plastic stool.

Anyone who is new to the workplace must have had a huge fantasy about this word: ergonomic office chairs.

This concept, together with office greenery, personal mini water bar, self-organizing mechanical keyboard and four-level work classification desktop wallpaper, carries most of the fantasies of migrant workers for custom workstation decoration.

The best work chair in the world

Workstation layout? Workstation decoration!

However, the office chairs configured by many companies are hindered by budget problems, and the sense of experience is always stuck between "can be endured" and "really cheap but not good", and the final outcome is to be thrown into the spare parts warehouse together with the black keyboard with the new host, and the workers began to spend a huge amount of time looking for the videos and articles of the top ten office chair evaluations in 2023, and began to work hard to do their homework.

The best work chair in the world

Seeing this kind of scene, it reminds me of what Huang Zihua said: When I was in school, I was already doing homework every day, why do I have to do my homework now when I don't go to school.

In fact, doing homework is the main thing to have a sense of participation, you read the evaluation, very top, overnight to summarize the data pull table, feel that I can also be regarded as a small research in the field of ergonomic office chairs, buy the 600+ mid-range office chair when you can also convince yourself, the money is definitely not in vain.

The best work chair in the world

You can see how much of a month's salary is spent on workplace decoration

However, the cost of trial and error cannot be completely offset by doing homework, and people will always buy some things that did not buy freight insurance due to some kind of certainty when they were young and vigorous, and finally returned to Xianyu in the same city to pick up their own things, and in the face of the cliff of the balance, they could only be angry in a rage.

The best work chair in the world

Some people do crazy additions, add heightened footsteps, add lumbar pillows, desks and hand pillows, and then pad heightened brackets behind the pedals, and then go to work in a form comparable to turning on a mecha.

The best work chair in the world

After naming the pet, it will become unacceptable to accept the death of the pet, and the chair will be reluctant to replace it after adding equipment.

The so-called each flower into each eye, people can be ten times by the headrest of ten means of transportation, and can also be injured ten times by ten ergonomic chairs (wallet), anyway, it costs money, let your ass decide the head, open your mind, find another way, and the concept of office chairs that have nothing to do with the concept of office chairs, all take them to try,

For example, Buick's mid-row dismantled saddle,

The best work chair in the world

Seat belts are also provided

For example, the cheapest dining chair in IKEA,

The best work chair in the world

The hospital office loves to use things

For example, a self-propelled wheelchair with a motor,

The best work chair in the world

The back seat is reserved for the leader to point out, and the speed limit in the office area is 10, remember not to speed

Or a rubber stool for a food stall.

The best work chair in the world

Of course, mainly because of the cheapness, the price is really a cost-effective and cheap, cheap grade, comfortable and cheap, if the roadside restaurant closes and asks if people can pick it up, it is estimated that it will be cheaper.

Most of the good ergonomic chairs are very expensive and very complicated, the president of the hospital once purchased an office chair with side lifting/front and rear gear handles, and its complexity requires another master to come and install, and the installation fee is 150 yuan.

The best work chair in the world

But the food stall rubber stool is different, 150 pieces can be three brand new strong plastic stools, if there is no accident, you can carry three generations.

More and more people have discovered the sweetness of consumption downgrade, from hard-working painters to college students to middle-aged social animals, all of them are choosing this people-friendly product, and the moment they sit on it, they thoroughly understand what it means to be refreshing, and the liberation of the spine is in one fell swoop.

The best work chair in the world
The best work chair in the world

It is even well-known at home and abroad

As a leisure recliner, the rubber bench surface is breathable and hemorrhoid-proof, the one-piece molding does not jam cat hair, there is no arrogant headrest on the back of your head, and there is no inexplicable interactive back that you can only press down, the rubber bench will heal every hard-mouthed ergonomic chair lover and tell them that the rubber door is your ultimate destination.

The best work chair in the world

 The past and present life of the provincial stool in Guangdong Province 

The rubber stool, known as the provincial stool of Guangdong Province, generally refers to this kind of stool

The best work chair in the world

In a broad context, it also refers to this

The best work chair in the world

This is the rubber stool, the rubber stool is the chair of the god car Wuling, there are only two situations that can be used and the remaining half of the chassis, whether it is a broken hand or a broken foot, it is very easy to make up, after making up for the iron-blooded veteran who returned from the battlefield, calm and calm, the weight increased by thirty pounds.

The best work chair in the world

The rubber stool is born with a transcendent background, which can bring a kind of Cantonese confidence to the sitter, and it can be said to be a noble spirit (one-hour experience card) that has crossed the hurdle of renting a building and collecting rent.

The best work chair in the world

They will also evolve their own adaptive function because of the plastic material properties, and gradually become your most comfortable shape over time, and the pulped rubber stool is no less than an excellent bracelet, and its status at home is comparable to that of a large set of acid branches.

The best work chair in the world

The toothpick stool is one of the four major artifacts in the province, and it is automatically unlocked at a certain age

We know that food stalls predate plastic, so the original food stall chairs actually looked like this:

The best work chair in the world

The first weapon spectrum in the Cantonese-speaking area is the folding stool, which often appears in early martial arts films, and is known as the stool together with the stool, which is the weapon in hand before Jackie Chan became the god of war at IKEA.

The best work chair in the world

After upgrading to a rubber stool, although some weight is missing, it is more calm.

When checking the information, the hospital office found that his memory had some deviations, and he always felt that the Huoyun Evil God in "Kung Fu" was also sitting on a plastic stool when negotiating with the Axe Gang, but in the original film, he was actually sitting on an ordinary armchair.

The best work chair in the world

Maybe it's the beauty of the plastic stool that makes me think it's a perfect match for the fire cloud evil god, and more likely, I think it's reasonable for the plastic stool to appear anywhere.

Your rubber stool is not of unknown origin

The rubber stool always gives people the illusion of unknown origin, as if it is just a bargain produced in a small workshop in Guangdong according to the rough concept of four legs and a backrest, add two armrests, and dig a few holes to breathe, and then multiply in the night markets around the country through word of mouth, and many people will feel that this is not a Guangdong specialty, and this chair can be found all over the country.

In fact, even if you go to the corners of the world, you can't get rid of this chair.

The best work chair in the world

It doesn't matter if you're on an isolated island, it will wash ashore with you

You can see it in Ditto by NewJeans

The best work chair in the world

Can be found under Virgil's ass

The best work chair in the world

In 2021, someone made a documentary about it, and different people sat on different plastic stools, and you can still recognize it at a glance.

The best work chair in the world

《MONOBLOC》by DOK.fest Munich

Although its trade name on Taobao is a food stall rubber stool, in the museum, it also has a name, called Monobloc Chair.

Monobloc refers to the process by which it is made, meaning that a module is formed in one piece. When the prototype of the chair was designed by Canadian designer D.C. Simpson in 1946, it was not cheap, and the industrial design of the time did not show up in the cheap injection molding process, and this expensive show-off caused only a few discussions.

The best work chair in the world

In the seventies, the time for it finally arrived. Following the prototype "Forteuil 300" created by engineer Henri Massonet in 1972, the Grosphilex Group produced the first real products called garden chairs.

The best work chair in the world

Born at a time when plastic was not yet considered the greatest evil invention on the planet, Monobloc was quickly embraced by different capitals and cultures as a representative of the best industrialized products, with low average costs, no need for complex labor, and most importantly, no patents.

The best work chair in the world

It would be nice not to be sued, and it was so explosive that Monobloc was quickly allowed to breed around the world in different variants, taking over the streets at low prices, and this explosive phenomenon even led the Swiss city government of Basel to issue a special rule in 2008 prohibiting it from appearing on the streets on the grounds that it was too ugly and affected the city's appearance.

The ban was lifted in 2017

Once seen as a proud representation of the phenomenon of globalization, the chair was later accused of invading local cultures, making traditional chairs disappear, and when it became a part of local culture, it began to be one of the main culprits of plastic pollution.

The best work chair in the world

After all, it is cheap and durable, replaceable, unrecognizable, and can make usable products without enough materials - wait, how do you feel that you are talking about social animals themselves.

The best work chair in the world

bro it just works

Since it can be found everywhere, it is not impossible for the plastic stool to appear in the office, so the first step to go to work is to move your ergonomic chair from the shopping cart to the favorites first, buy a plastic stool and try it (you can go downstairs and pick one up).

After becoming a believer in Jiaomen, what should I do if I want to take the current half-hanging roller office chair?

It doesn't matter, you can take it to participate in the office chair racing competition in the sea jumping compound, registration is now open, enough 50 people to choose a day to start the competition, welcome to do it, machine wine and participating chairs take care of themselves, thank you!

The best work chair in the world

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