
Starts tomorrow night! CCTV pushes hard, the three highlights are very eye-catching, netizens: stay up late to chase it


Recently, the domestic TV drama market has shown a prosperous scene, with a series of new works, various genres such as period dramas, spy war dramas, criminal investigation dramas and suspense dramas, for example, "The Bell Man in the Fog", "Pearl River People" and "Plum Blossom Red Hearts" and other works have attracted the attention of the audience. Although the quality of these works varies, at least to a certain extent, it alleviates the "drama shortage" of the audience.

Starts tomorrow night! CCTV pushes hard, the three highlights are very eye-catching, netizens: stay up late to chase it

However, despite the endless stream of popular dramas in the market, costume historical dramas seem to have withdrawn from the audience's field of vision. In the past, such works were a guarantee of ratings, such as "Yongzheng Dynasty", "Kangxi Dynasty" and "Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty", etc., which still make the audience talk about it today. Although costume historical dramas such as "The Long River under Heaven" and "Da Qin Fu" have also been broadcast in the past two years, their word-of-mouth and ratings cannot be compared with classic masterpieces such as "Daming Dynasty". More than half of this year has passed, but there is still no costume historical drama worth looking forward to, which makes many viewers feel regretful.

Starts tomorrow night! CCTV pushes hard, the three highlights are very eye-catching, netizens: stay up late to chase it

It is gratifying that a new costume historical drama "Ding Baozhen" will premiere on CCTV 8 on October 26, becoming the focus of audience expectations. This drama is based on the life of Ding Baozhen, a famous minister in the late Qing Dynasty, showing his life of honesty and integrity, and his courage to take responsibility, which is deeply popular among the people. After Ding Baozhen returned to his hometown, he not only rectified the local corrupt officials, but also brought the floods of the Yellow River under control, streamlined the bureaucracy, and did many useful things for the people, winning himself the reputation of "the treasure of the country."

Starts tomorrow night! CCTV pushes hard, the three highlights are very eye-catching, netizens: stay up late to chase it

The cast of the series is also quite strong. Ma Shaohua is an experienced veteran actor who won the title of Golden Eagle Award for Emperor with his superb performance in "The Awakening Age", and he will play the role of Ding Baozhen in this play. Although Cao Jun is not as famous as some child stars, his acting skills are undoubted, and his performance in the recent period drama "Pearl River Family" has been well received. In this play, he will play Ding Baozhen's strategist Chen Yunfei, and Ding Baozhen is the same father and son. In addition, Hou Tianlai, a well-known actor to the audience, will also join the play, and his role in the play is also exciting.

Starts tomorrow night! CCTV pushes hard, the three highlights are very eye-catching, netizens: stay up late to chase it

In addition to a wonderful storyline and a strong cast, the show also has an excellent creative team, which undoubtedly lays the foundation for it to become a hit drama. Director Yin Fei and screenwriter Liu Yi are both recognized gold medal creators in the industry, and they have created many works that are loved by the audience. With such a strong team, I believe that "Ding Baozhen" will become a masterpiece worth looking forward to.

Starts tomorrow night! CCTV pushes hard, the three highlights are very eye-catching, netizens: stay up late to chase it

In general, although costume historical dramas are slightly scarce in the recent domestic drama market, with the broadcast of "Ding Baozhen", I believe that this situation will be improved. I hope this drama can meet the audience's expectations and present us with a wonderful historical story.

Starts tomorrow night! CCTV pushes hard, the three highlights are very eye-catching, netizens: stay up late to chase it