
These "keywords" interpret the Harbin information education model丨Harbin information batch success, stone into gold

author:Ha information

The cradle of engineers

Harbin Institute of Information Engineering has been running for 28 years. In 2003, the school became a national exemplary software technology college and became one of the national teams in the cultivation of computer and IT talents.

These "keywords" interpret the Harbin information education model丨Harbin information batch success, stone into gold

For a long time, the school has incorporated cutting-edge knowledge and technology into the training program of professional talents, and attaches great importance to the cultivation of design ability such as programming, especially in cooperation with Apple, Lenovo and other Fortune 500 IT companies to jointly train students. It was awarded the National Advanced Unit for Employment by the Ministry of Education.

In the practice of running a school for many years, especially in the process of school-enterprise cooperation, the school motto of "standardized and rigorous, keep improving" and the campus culture of "positive, practical, learning and openness" have been condensed. It is an interactive teaching reform that aims to cultivate students' ability to use information, team discussion and cooperation, display ideas, and express themselves; The "learning in work" teaching model focuses on practical hands-on ability and independently undertakes project development ability; In addition, in order to solve the weak creative ability of Chinese students, CDIO is introduced into the core curriculum; In addition, the college model of inter-professional accommodation, as well as a series of measures such as cross-border communication, sports and fitness, learning to live, and outward bound training, provide students with a platform for the development of whole-person education and achieve excellent quality cultivation. In the practice of running a school for many years, especially in the process of school-enterprise cooperation, the school motto of "standardized and rigorous, keep improving" and the campus culture of "active, practical learning and openness" have been condensed. It is an interactive teaching reform that aims to cultivate students' ability to use information, team discussion and cooperation, display ideas, and express themselves.

Professional courses are pre-emptive

The pre-placement of professional courses is based on the needs of enterprises for talent quality as the starting point and foothold, and fully considers many factors in the process of setting: coordinating the professional teaching plan, taking into account the professional standards and enterprise standards of teaching coverage, and planning the professional curriculum system in accordance with the educational goal of "employment-oriented and professional ability-oriented"; Coordinate undergraduate education and technology application ability, take into account the integrated teaching methods and means of "teaching, learning and doing", and take into account the "integration" of theoretical teaching and practical teaching; Establish an assessment and evaluation method for enterprises to participate in the assessment, take into account academic standards and industry requirements, and improve the teaching quality assurance system, so that students can truly become high-quality, skilled, and application-oriented professionals.

These "keywords" interpret the Harbin information education model丨Harbin information batch success, stone into gold

In order to ensure the smooth progress and good results of the pre-teaching mode of professional courses, the school has adopted the following safeguard measures:

These "keywords" interpret the Harbin information education model丨Harbin information batch success, stone into gold

After-school tutoring

As the last link in the entire education system, colleges and universities are responsible for directly delivering "finished talents" to the society. The teaching content of after-school tutoring classes is closely related to the learning content of our students' main lessons, and the difficulty of teaching can be selected according to the specific situation of students.

These "keywords" interpret the Harbin information education model丨Harbin information batch success, stone into gold

The after-school tutoring class is more active and lively, which increases our students' interest in learning. Because the class schedule of the tutorial class is after the main class, students come to the tutorial class with a variety of questions after learning once, the classroom teaching mode encourages the discussion of their own opinions, the classroom atmosphere is quite lively and vivid, and the discussion-based learning method will also make students very relaxed, have a stronger interest in the course, so as to improve their professional level and academic performance.

Course 3 Advanced

Summing up the experience of cultivating application-oriented talents, the school has reformed the core curriculum and implemented the "three advancements": the original professional core courses with one semester and 64 hours of teaching hours have been expanded into three courses.

For example, "Java Language Programming" has been expanded into three courses: "Java Language Programming", "JSP Programming" and "Java Framework Development", each of which is 64 hours; At the same time, it is supplemented by two special software development training courses, "Programming Project Case Training" and "Enterprise Development Training", to increase software development experience; Coupled with the two-week course design per semester, the three advanced processes of "theory + practice" of software development have been realized.

These "keywords" interpret the Harbin information education model丨Harbin information batch success, stone into gold

In the first stage, the basics of programming are taught, so that students are familiar with the basic knowledge of software development language, and have a preliminary understanding of how to develop, and the amount of code completed by students is more than 10,000 lines;

In the second stage, the actual cases in project development, combined with the development experience of teachers, are used to teach students how to develop software projects in a modular way, and the amount of code completed by students can reach more than 25,000 lines;

In the third stage, students participate in the horizontal scientific research of teachers or the actual projects brought by shared engineers from enterprises such as Microsoft Corporation, Chinasoft International and Heilongjiang Haikang Technology Co., Ltd., and gain practical project development experience, and the amount of code completed by students is more than 50,000 lines.

The three stages, interlocking and progressive, effectively ensure that the vast majority of students can learn software development and become programmers. Software engineers need not only solid basic knowledge, but also skilled software development skills. In teaching, we have changed the teaching mode of teacher-centered, lecture-based, and computer-based verification to a student-centered, task-driven, and training-based teaching mode. In the three-stage ring, no matter which stage focuses on "doing", students are immersed in an environment where what they have learned is applied, using theory to guide practice, and then using practice to verify theory.

Project studio system

The "project studio system" is one of the experiences of the school's application-oriented talent training. The "project studio system" refers to the project-oriented, studio-based, student-centered, construction of a teaching system that integrates traditional classrooms and practical classrooms, and conducts open teaching. At present, the combination of theoretical teaching and practical operation should change the teaching management model, introduce the real projects of the enterprise into the classroom, and establish a project studio, so as to truly carry out project-based teaching.

These "keywords" interpret the Harbin information education model丨Harbin information batch success, stone into gold

The school introduces enterprise experts to jointly build a "project studio" to build a project curriculum integrating "knowledge, skills and quality" and a project-oriented curriculum system based on the project. At the same time, teachers turn project-based teaching into an inseparable part of the teaching content, so that students can understand the latest trends of the profession and understand the market situation, so that students can truly become the reserve army of the enterprise.

Modular pedagogy

The teaching mode of "modular teaching method" is actually to divide the knowledge content to be mastered in the course into different modules, build a learning platform through teaching design, give students the direction of learning, and let students explore freely in practice, so as to master each knowledge point one by one. In the teaching design of each module, the teaching method of practical teaching is adopted, supplemented by a variety of teaching methods, with a clear main line and flexible scheme, which fully mobilizes students' interest in learning, after all, "interest is the best teacher".

These "keywords" interpret the Harbin information education model丨Harbin information batch success, stone into gold

The biggest difference between the teaching mode of "modular pedagogy" and the traditional teaching mode is that the former practice precedes theory, and the latter theory precedes practice. The traditional teaching mode of theory before practice, the teacher will spend a lot of time explaining the theoretical knowledge of graphic design, no matter how the teacher in the classroom is suppressed and impassioned, and the students are like ducks listening to thunder, tasting the same as chewing wax, and so on, many students have lost the freshness and enthusiasm of the course, and the teaching effect can be imagined. The teaching mode of "modular teaching method" is practice-oriented, which arouses students' intentional attention and active thinking through hands-on operation, and allows students to experience a sense of achievement in practice, and the learning effect is also twice the result with half the effort.

SSPT teaching mode

The SSPT teaching model is not a reform of the classroom teaching mode of a single course, but a systematic idea and strategy for the design and implementation of the professional curriculum system, which includes three levels: one is the design and development of professional courses for each grade, the other is the appropriate teaching mode for different professional courses, and the third is the teaching organization, management and resource support.

1. SSPT Teaching Mode:

In order to improve the teaching effect of the course, the e-commerce major has developed and built the case library and homework collection of many courses such as "Introduction to E-commerce", "Economics", "Management", "Network Marketing", "Web Design", etc., and implemented case study teaching, the number of teaching classes is controlled below 40 people, divided into 5-6 groups. A number of cases and materials are given for a certain theoretical point, and the explanation mode of knowledge transfer is changed into a student-oriented process of thinking, exploring, discussing, formulating plans and displaying, and students have stimulated creative thinking, judgment ability, analysis ability, decision-making ability, coordination ability, expression ability and problem-solving ability through the mutual confrontation and interaction of different views on the same problem.

These "keywords" interpret the Harbin information education model丨Harbin information batch success, stone into gold

Sophomores and juniors have a strong professional and technical type of courses, but the students' technology has not yet been fully mastered, and they can not carry out actual combat operations, for this reason, the e-commerce major has cooperated with other colleges and universities and enterprises to build a software simulation operation training system, including "network marketing practice system", "electronic payment and settlement", "mobile e-commerce system", etc., students conduct simulation training in the software system, strengthen the understanding and application of theoretical knowledge, find out the shortcomings in knowledge and technical learning, and prepare for real practical operation.

These "keywords" interpret the Harbin information education model丨Harbin information batch success, stone into gold

The junior and senior students have initially possessed the professional practice ability, but lack of practical work experience, the handling of abnormal problems and the lack of sensitivity to market hotspots, the e-commerce major and Jingdong, Baidu, Alibaba and other outstanding enterprises in the industry, each semester to provide 4-6 weeks of real project operation, open the enterprise platform to students to do practical training, hire engineers to guide practical teaching, students can reach the level of enterprise intermediate engineer work after graduation, and truly realize the seamless connection between students and jobs.

Promote learning through competition

"Made in China 2025" is the Chinese government's implementation of the first 10 years of the manufacturing power strategy of the program of action, with the concept proposed, digitalization, automation, intelligence has become the main development trend of the future, robots as automation, intelligent typical products are more and more widely used in all walks of life, the professional demand for technical personnel is also increasing. In order to implement the policy of "Made in China 2025" and accelerate the training and selection of high-quality skilled talents in the field of industrial robots, the National College Student Robot Competition jointly organized by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the All-China Federation of Students.

These "keywords" interpret the Harbin information education model丨Harbin information batch success, stone into gold

1. The robot competition cultivates the innovation and practical ability of automation students

The robot competition provides a good platform for the cultivation of automation students' innovative and practical ability, and the corresponding knowledge required to complete the competition project involves many disciplines, requiring students to learn the unlearned knowledge independently, and at the same time be able to flexibly apply the knowledge they have learned, and be able to form a team with other students to complete it together; The competition items are novel, and the current robot competition items are basically related to the value of social applications (such as: home service robots, rescue robots, medical robots, etc.), which enhance students' initiative and interest in learning. Each item of the robot competition has its own tasks and rules, which requires students to be innovative and practical in the competition.

These "keywords" interpret the Harbin information education model丨Harbin information batch success, stone into gold

2. Robotics competition and student quality education

The main form of robot education into colleges and universities is competition, the competition itself actively promotes the development of higher education, and the development of robot competition can cultivate students' comprehensive ability. Cultivate students' ability to innovate in scientific research, cultivate students' ability to think and analyze problems independently, use their professional knowledge to solve problems, cultivate students' practical ability, and cultivate students' teamwork ability.