
The new nuclear bomb was exposed, the United States was preparing for two wars, 6 aircraft carriers were on the ground, and the crisis was approaching China and Russia

author:See the world in the vernacular

Everything the United States has done is to consolidate its hegemonic position, and this time the Pentagon actually plans to start a war with China and Russia at the same time, so does the "confidence" to win the war come from the development of a new type of nuclear bomb?

The U.S. Department of Defense said it would develop a modern version of the B61 nuclear gravity bomb, and now "everything is ready, only the east wind is owed" waiting for the authorization of the U.S. Congress. As a nuclear power, the United States has a B61 series of weapons that is an important part of its nuclear deterrence. If the newly developed B61-13 is a tactical nuclear weapon to replace the B61-7, then its explosive yield is equivalent to more than 22 times the power of the atomic bomb exploded on Hiroshima, Japan. The "freshly baked" tactical nuclear bomb can be said to be the result of the "careful consideration" of the US Department of Defense and the experience learned from the recent Russia-Ukraine conflict. Some US media analysts believe that the B61-13 will mainly target "the adversary's underground nuclear facilities or headquarters", and this kind of ground-penetrating nuclear bomb is an important part of the United States' implementation of strategic nuclear deterrence. So to whom is such an act of "deterrence" directed at? Which countries in the world today have the ability and need to build underground nuclear facilities? The answer is self-evident, and the US media even bluntly said that "in addition to traditional nuclear weapons competitors China and Russia, North Korea and Iran are also vigorously developing such facilities."

The new nuclear bomb was exposed, the United States was preparing for two wars, 6 aircraft carriers were on the ground, and the crisis was approaching China and Russia

Perhaps in response to the voice of the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Congressional Strategic Posture Committee warned that "the United States and its allies must be prepared to deter and defeat two adversaries at the same time, opening up two wars." "These two opponents are, of course, China and Russia. How exactly should we prepare for these two wars? The U.S. military has already given the answer with real actions. The second "large-scale exercise" in August, organized by the US Navy and Marine Corps, spanned 22 time zones and brought together six carrier strike groups and three amphibious assault ship formations, with a total strength of more than 25,000 troops. Judging from the content of the actual exercises of the US military, such "distributed operations" and the so-called "frontline extension" are a real threat. If the US military uses the mutual cooperation of aircraft carrier strike groups and amphibious assault ships to carry out "island hopping" tactics in a conflict that may break out, it will be able to achieve "strategic imminence" against China and Russia.

The new nuclear bomb was exposed, the United States was preparing for two wars, 6 aircraft carriers were on the ground, and the crisis was approaching China and Russia

As a matter of fact, China and Russia are not afraid of preparations for a conventional war, because a big country like China, the United States, and Russia will certainly not "settle the matter in one war" but will fight a protracted war. The United States intends to fight a war with China and Russia in the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean to lay the foundation for its hegemony, and the probability of such a two-front war is really not large. But the imminence of a real "crisis" is also on the way, such as the new nuclear weapons that the United States is building. Once the process of nuclear war is initiated, there will be no winners, neither China nor Russia, nor the United States. It is better to study how the "shield" can defend against the "spear" than to sharpen one's own "spear." This is the fundamental logic of strategic nuclear deterrence.

The new nuclear bomb was exposed, the United States was preparing for two wars, 6 aircraft carriers were on the ground, and the crisis was approaching China and Russia

It is worth mentioning that not long ago, the US Department of Defense's "Report on China's Military and Security Development" not only hyped up the "China threat theory" but also claimed that China already possessed more than 500 nuclear warheads that could be used in combat. Isn't it funny that the hype on such a topic has not yet disappeared, and now it is openly expanding its own nuclear arsenal? Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said earlier that "the United States is the world's biggest source of nuclear threat, and the United States should thoroughly reflect on its nuclear policy, earnestly fulfill its special and priority responsibilities for nuclear disarmament, reduce the role of nuclear weapons in national security policy, reduce nuclear risks with meaningful and practical actions, and maintain global and regional peace and strategic stability in a responsible manner." The Americans obviously didn't listen to this.

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