
How big was the impact of the Battle of Huaihai? Chiang Kai-shek lost the three most precious things

author:Leisurely squirrel hQ9

The War of Liberation is the most important period in modern Chinese history, and in this war, there were three decisive battles, which became a footnote to history with brilliant victories and great influence. These three battles were the Liaoshen Campaign, the Huaihai Campaign, and the Pingjin Campaign. Their scale and far-reaching impact made them milestones in the history of the War of Liberation. In this article, we'll dive into these three Armageddons, revealing their significance and implications.

How big was the impact of the Battle of Huaihai? Chiang Kai-shek lost the three most precious things

The Battle of Liaoshen was the first decisive battle in the War of Liberation, and it was also the largest one. The battle began in September 1948 and lasted a month. Great efforts were exerted on both sides of the war, and the end result was the complete defeat of the Kuomintang army. The three provinces of Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang were all liberated, and the northeastern region became the rear base of our army. The region is not only rich in resources, but also has important industrial cities such as Shenyang, Changchun and Harbin. The victory in the Liaoshen Campaign laid a solid foundation for the victory of the War of Liberation.

How big was the impact of the Battle of Huaihai? Chiang Kai-shek lost the three most precious things

The Liaoshen Campaign was followed by the Huaihai Campaign, which was even greater in scale and influence. The Battle of Huaihai broke out in November 1948 and lasted less than a month. The victory in this battle was decisive for the PLA. After the Huaihai Campaign, the Kuomintang army lost its elite troops, the initiative on the battlefield, and its dominance in domestic politics. On top of that, Chiang Kai-shek lost his presidency. The victory in this battle pushed the war of liberation to a new climax.

How big was the impact of the Battle of Huaihai? Chiang Kai-shek lost the three most precious things

After the Huaihai Campaign, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) began the Battle of Crossing the River, which also left a strong mark in China's military history. The People's Liberation Army quickly destroyed the Yangtze River defense line, and the front of the army was directed at Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places. The Kuomintang troops tried to block the offensive of the PLA, but ultimately failed. This series of victories has expanded the territory of the People's Liberation Army to the whole country, and the victory of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party has been looming.

How big was the impact of the Battle of Huaihai? Chiang Kai-shek lost the three most precious things

Finally, let's talk about the Battle of Pingjin, which was the third decisive battle in the War of Liberation. The Battle of Pingjin broke out from January to April 1949 and was the last battle of the Liberation War. In this battle, the PLA won a decisive victory, liberating Tianjin and Beiping (present-day Beijing). Most importantly, the high command of our army moved into the city of Beiping, which marked the victorious end of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. The victory in the Pingjin Campaign paved the way for the birth of New China.

In summary, these three decisive battles played a crucial role in the war of liberation. The Liaoshen Campaign laid the foundation for the War of Liberation, the Huaihai Campaign changed the tide of the war, and the Pingjin Campaign marked the end of the Kuomintang-Communist Civil War. The victories of these three battles not only affected the trend of China's modern history, but also affected the pattern of the whole world. As Mao Zedong said: "The people are the creators of history and the masters of great causes." "The victories of these three decisive battles are the victory of the people's strength and perseverance, and they are great feats in China's modern history.