
After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

author:Xiaomang Story House
After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

We used to live in the city, working, raising children, and taking care of our parents at the same time, and every day was very busy.

In order to enjoy a sense of tranquility and comfort, we decided to return to our hometown in the countryside to retire. Our decision was supported by our children, who believed that we could live a quiet and peaceful life in the countryside and enjoy a wealth of leisure and entertainment activities.

Our husband and wife, who are in their sixties, returned to their hometown with great anticipation. During our time in the city, we worked hard, saved up some savings, and with the support of our pensions, we were able to live relatively well.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

We had a million-dollar property, which was a big family in the countryside at that time. When the people of the village saw that we were back, they immediately came to visit us and sent all kinds of gifts and blessings.

The people in the village are becoming more and more dependent on us, and they want us to give them more help and support.

In the beginning, we were able to cope with it, but as time went on, the problems grew and our energy ran out.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

Once, my wife said to me, "Wang, how are you going to live these days?" The people in the village come to us all day long to ask for things, when can they live their own lives? I also sighed and said: "Yes, we came back to retire and prepare to live a peaceful life, but we turned out to be the 'fairy grandparents' in the village, which is a little helpless."

Some relatives in the village also came to hear about it, hoping that we could help them solve their difficulties. Once, a distant relative happened to have a failed business and wanted to borrow some money to make a transition.

In the end, I had no choice but to agree to his request, but I was very unhappy and felt that I was being taken advantage of.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

Gradually, we began to regret our decision to go back to the countryside. The peace and comfort we had hoped for turned into endless worries and troubles.

To solve this problem, we try to be honest with our children about our problems, hoping that they can help us figure it out.

We are mired in confusion and contradictions. We want our children to understand us, but we feel helpless because of their lack of support and understanding.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

Today, we still live in the countryside. Although we are facing contradictions and problems, we do not want to give up.

As a couple, we racked our brains to solve the current problem so that our lives could return to peace.

When Xiao Ming found us, his eyes revealed endless confusion and anxiety. We are deeply sympathetic to his plight and are willing to help him solve his difficulties.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

When our children found out about Xiao Ming's search for us, they all expressed their support for us to help him. They see it as our duty and obligation to help him, and to help him is part of helping their own family.

At the same time, there was a conflict between me and my wife. She thinks we should help Xiao Ming, after all, he is our relative, and he is indeed facing a difficult situation.

After hesitating for a long time, I finally agreed to help Xiao Ming. I know it's a difficult decision, but I also know in my heart that it's our family values to let go of our indifference to our loved ones and give them warmth and support.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

We helped Xiao Ming solve the marriage problem and provided some financial and experienced support. Xiao Ming was grateful, and he thanked us from the bottom of his heart.

We are also very relieved to see him come back on his feet with our help. Although our lives are still troubled, at least we have done something good for our loved ones.

In order to cope with the growing number of problems, we decided to find ways to adjust our mindset and face the things in life with a more positive attitude.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

The longer we spend in the countryside, the closer our relationship with the people in the village seems to become. While we were annoyed by the change in role, we couldn't refuse their request.

However, one day, an unexpected event shattered the peaceful life we had been living all along. My wife fell in the field and suffered a broken leg and needed to be hospitalized for surgery immediately.

We thought they had come to visit out of concern and help, but things turned out to be unexpected.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

"Actually, I never had much contact with him, but I couldn't help but be a little surprised that he suddenly made such a request at this time.

I hesitated for a moment, but looking at his anxious expression and worried gaze, I couldn't bear to refuse.

This matter quickly spread in the village, and I thought that helping him would get the villagers' understanding, but I didn't expect it to be as I imagined.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

A few days later, another man named Li Ming came to the village, and he also mentioned to me about borrowing money. He said his son was going to open a store and needed some start-up capital.

I told him about my current situation and hoped he would understand. I thought he would understand me, but he looked disappointed and dissatisfied.

This incident touched my heart, and I began to think about the original intention of our return to the countryside for the elderly and the practical predicament.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

We are surrounded by stress and contradictions, unable to breathe.

When I got home, I didn't mention it to my wife because I knew she was already in enough pain.

Our pensions and possessions have become a burden on our lives and a source of conflict.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

We try to be optimistic and try to find a new way of life in the countryside to balance our inner conflicts.

One day, our eldest son suddenly came to our door with his wife and children. They said they were struggling to live in the city and wanted to be able to move back to the countryside and enjoy their retirement with us.

We are both happy and worried. Happily, we can reunite with my son's family and spend our old age together; The concern is that we wonder if they are really here for our company and not for our possessions.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

We were confused about their true motives, but we couldn't communicate them honestly. We are full of contradictions and confusion in our hearts, and we don't know how to find a decision.

A few days later, our daughter also unexpectedly returned to the countryside. She is divorced and has two young children.

Once again, our hearts are mired in deep contradictions. We would love to help our daughter, but the house is already overcrowded.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

We tried to enlighten our children and tell them about our predicaments and concerns, but they didn't seem to understand our struggles.

We feel helpless and miserable. As parents, we want to do our best to help our children, but the reality is in front of us.

Only in this way can we truly achieve family harmony and resolve family disputes and contradictions that have been passed down from generation to generation.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

The days of trying to find balance continue, but new contradictions have emerged.

One day, while my husband and wife were busy in our vegetable garden, a voice suddenly came: "Is this land yours?" I'm going to use it.

I hurriedly stepped forward and asked him, "Who are you and why did you come to our vegetable garden?" He replied with a blank face: "I planted this land a few years ago, and now it is empty and useless, and I want to use it."

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

In order not to allow our rights to be violated, we decided to seek legal protection. We found the village cadres and put forward our own demands.

Instead of defending our rights, they sided with the strange villager.

Such a situation made the couple feel hopeless and angry. We thought that we could live a quiet and peaceful life when we returned to the countryside, but we did not expect to encounter such contradictions and problems.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden

We gradually realized that family disputes and conflicts do not exist only between us and my husband.

Nevertheless, we do not regret our decision to return to the countryside for retirement. No matter how many difficulties and contradictions we have experienced, we still stick to our principles and beliefs.

After the 60-year-old couple returned to the countryside to retire, they found that having a pension and a million-dollar family property had also become a burden