
How to make an appointment for brand franchisees

author:Ningxia Yuke Network

Many industries have central or head brands, and for physical brand enterprises to develop quickly and efficiently, in addition to direct stores in many places, they also need to recruit franchisees to increase business revenue.

Therefore, online channels have become particularly important, in addition to websites, mini programs are a good tool to connect with the multi-platform ecosystem, which can be opened at any time and directly reached, which is convenient and fast.

So what effects can be achieved by making a snack brand franchisee information display and appointment applet through the [] platform?

1. Information carrying and content publicity

Brand joining often has a lot of information, process, price, etc. to introduce, the use of the franchise information applet graphics, video, audio, files and other functions to present all the information, business sharing or user search / click to enter the view, no need for the merchant to slowly ask and send a bunch of information, customer self-service browsing is more convenient or online consultation.

How to make an appointment for brand franchisees

The content modules such as brand information, cases, and addresses are classified and integrated, and users can filter/classify and view, which can better show the brand strength.

Mini Programs can be published to WeChat, Baidu, Douyin, Toutiao, Alipay, and Kuaishou platforms, and merchants can take advantage of the platform ecosystem to mount, embed, and share, so that customers can directly access and view information through content, which is also conducive to platform recommendations to obtain organic traffic.

How to make an appointment for brand franchisees

2. Appointment and lead acquisition

Different service backgrounds are managed on the shelves, classified display in the Mini Program, users can enter the Mini Program to view the service details and fill in the information to make an appointment, and the form function is the same, the collection items can be customized, payment is supported, and the message notifies the merchant to follow up and view the order in time.

How to make an appointment for brand franchisees

At the same time, the advantage of using the Mini Program is that the information shared with the user is that it can enter the Mini Program to obtain information from multiple nodes, and with the business opportunity radar, the merchant can view what content the user has browsed, the duration, etc., which is convenient for accurate follow-up management and effective acquisition of potential customers.

3. Interaction and marketing effect

In addition, there are messages, inquiries, quotations, promoters and other systems that may be used in recruiting franchisees, easy setting in the background, front-end user participation, a variety of module function layout and settings in the applet, sub-pages, etc.

Refined functions such as platform traffic channel settings, operation logs, and member permissions. The ready-made exquisite mini program template can be built directly, and merchants can quickly use it online.

How to make an appointment for brand franchisees

Now search for the [] platform to make a franchisee information display appointment applet.

How to make an appointment for brand franchisees


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