
Prices, starting to rise across the board!

Prices, starting to rise across the board!

Prices, starting to rise across the board!

WeChat public account: Ke Tan Real Estate View (ID: lincokk)

Editor-in-chief: Ke Tan (personal WeChat: linco_kkkkk)

In the past, we often heard the central bank's commitment to stabilize prices and ensure people's basic livelihood, but now the central bank has publicly stated that it will promote the recovery of low prices and keep prices at a reasonable level.

In layman's terms, the CPI is not strong, and all measures must be taken to promote price increases!

Prices, starting to rise across the board!

Countless experiences in history tell us that as long as the balance of broad money (M2) continues to grow at double digits, whether it is the deposit rate or the lending rate, it will continue to fall, and inflation will definitely come, and M2 has maintained a double-digit monetary expansion state for 18 months as of the end of September.

The flood that lasts for a long time is like boiling a frog in warm water, and when everyone perceives a large-scale rise in prices, in fact, inflation has already begun.


Garlic is one of the main condiments on the people's table. Every time inflation happens, garlic can't run away. "Garlic you are ruthless" has always been a leading indicator of inflation.

Since April this year, the price of garlic in the country has begun to rise, and it has risen until today, and there is no trend of turning back. According to the latest data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the average wholesale price of garlic in China was 10.48 yuan per kilogram in October this year, up 2.6% month-on-month and 55.7% year-on-year. Especially in Beijing, the increase in garlic is even more pronounced.

The price increase of garlic also alarmed CCTV Finance and Economics, and not long ago a special price increase program was made.

Prices, starting to rise across the board!

According to CCTV financial reports, in Beijing's Xinfadi agricultural products wholesale market, the price of high-quality Henan garlic is 5.6 yuan to 5.7 yuan per catty, more than double the price last year.

Prices, starting to rise across the board!


The fast-moving consumer goods industry, which is closely related to people's livelihood, began to rise in price this year.

Shortly after the end of the 2023 New Year holiday, Nongfu Spring, a leader in the beverage industry, fired the industry's "first shot of price increase" at the beginning of the year, announcing the adjustment of the price of 19L bottled water in Hangzhou, and from February 1, the product will be raised from 20 yuan/barrel to 22 yuan/barrel.

Prices, starting to rise across the board!

At the beginning of February, the price of Yakult's original and low-sugar products with 10 billion live bacteria also began to rise, with the unit price rising from 11.7 yuan and 12.7 yuan to 12.8 yuan and 13.8 yuan respectively.

Subsequently, JuneYao Health, known as the "No. 1 Lactic Acid Bacteria Beverage", also announced on February 12 that it would adjust the ex-factory prices of some products under the "Wei Power" brand, with an increase of about 3% to 6%, and the new prices will be implemented from March 1, 2023.

In the first quarter of this year, Coca-Cola ushered in a wave of price increases. In the Chinese market, the price of Coca-Cola has gradually increased from 3 yuan to about 3.5 yuan, and some convenience stores and catering channels even mark the price of 3.8 yuan and 4 yuan.

Coincidentally, another strong rival of Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, has also adopted the same price increase strategy.

A few days ago, PepsiCo also announced its financial report data for the second quarter of 2023, in which the company's food and beverage sales declined, but with the support of the price increase strategy, it still achieved a year-on-year increase in revenue and profit.

People who often visit supermarkets can see with the naked eye: supermarket beverage display cabinets, drinks below 3 yuan are getting fewer and fewer, and beverage products about 5 yuan occupy more positions on the shelves.


In the environment of long-term flooding of currency, Kweichow Moutai, Luzhou Laojiao, and Master Kong can't bear it.

On October 31, Kweichow Moutai announced that after research, it was decided to raise the ex-factory price of the company's 53%vol Kweichow Moutai (Feitian and Five-Star) from November 1, 2023, with an average increase of about 20%, and this adjustment does not involve the market guidance price of the company's products.

Subsequently, Luzhou Laojiao followed up with the price increase and announced that from now on, the settlement price of 52 degrees, 43 degrees and 38 degrees Luzhou Laojiao 60 version of the special song dealer will be increased to 478 yuan/bottle, 438 yuan/bottle and 428 yuan/bottle respectively.

One day later, Master Kong issued an announcement: From November 1, 2023, the suggested retail price of Master Kong's tea/juice series products will be adjusted: the suggested retail price of medium-packaged tea/juice series will not be less than 3.5 yuan/bottle, and the recommended retail price of 1L tea juice series will not be less than 5 yuan/bottle.

Prices, starting to rise across the board!

In addition to many domestic beverage giants such as Master Kong and Nongfu Spring, world-renowned beverage companies such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi, as well as liquor companies, Qiaqia and Weilong in the field of rest, yogurt drink Yakult, condiment Haitian, Thirteen Spices and so on are all increasing prices one after another.


In terms of people's livelihood, the food industry is also a top priority. The price of beverages and liquor has risen, and the fast food and fruits in the food industry can't resist the impulse to raise prices, and they have already begun to act.

Since January 5 this year, the happiness of tens of millions of low-level workers has been reduced by half. Because on this day, the McDonald's poor ghost package, the most beloved by migrant workers, actually began to quietly increase in price.

Prices, starting to rise across the board!

It actually rose from 12.9 yuan last year to 13.9 yuan, which is 1 yuan more expensive. The economic environment is not good, perhaps it is this dollar that has become the last straw that overwhelms the emotions of the workers at the bottom.

Every time the price of foreign fast food rises, McDonald's must not be able to run away from KFC.

At the beginning of this year, KFC, another Western-style fast food chain giant, also adjusted the prices of many of its products, including a variety of breakfast packages, fries, and burgers, all of which have increased prices by 0.5 yuan to 2 yuan.

Foreign fast food giants are quietly adjusting prices, and the price increase of seasonal fruits can be described as a blockbuster.

What is the most expensive fruit of the season? Many people might say Chilean cherries. In some supermarkets, it is basically sold for 160 yuan a catty. Although the price of Chilean cherries is already high, there is one fruit that is now more expensive than Chilean cherries. It's a strawberry.

The price of strawberries that have just been listed can be described as "eyebrows flying" and "far ahead", strawberries have been sold in the supermarket for 99 yuan a box, a box is about 300g, converted into yuan / catty, about 166 yuan a catty.

Prices, starting to rise across the board!


Inflation is coming, and the price of beverages and food related to people's livelihood is visible to everyone, and the perception is obvious. But Disney also came to join in the fun, but it was a big surprise.

Disney couldn't bear the flooding, and from June 23 in the second half of the year, ticket prices began to rise sharply.

Prices, starting to rise across the board!

Source: Shanghai Disney Resort official website

As can be seen from the ticket price list, the price of the four tickets has basically increased by at least 30 yuan. Among them, the price of the most expensive "special peak day" ticket rose to 799 yuan, and the price of the cheapest "regular day" ticket also rose to 475 yuan.

In short, the flood is flooding, the tide of price increases in all walks of life continues, and the property market will not be able to run away sooner or later.

Real estate, the largest reservoir of monetary water in history, is also quietly working. Not long ago, the Ministry of Natural Resources issued a document to cancel the upper limit of land auction prices, which is a clear signal.

Land prices are allowed to rise, and the prices of new houses will definitely rise. Monetary release shows a rotation effect, after the people's livelihood, it is the property market!

Prices, starting to rise across the board!

I have said more than once that inflation is the ultimate weapon to solve all debts. Inflation is also an inevitable path to economic development, especially when the economy is weak.

You can get rid of the low-level fun, but never want to get rid of inflation.

What other products have increased significantly, welcome to leave a message.

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