
Li Qin Zeng Shunxi's "Seven Nights of Snow" 1 female and 4 male BE aesthetic pinnacles, netizens: martial arts version of Sauvignon Blanc

author:Juneday sunny

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"Seven Nights of Snow": Li Qin and Zeng Shunxi jointly continued to write "Sauvignon Blanc", and the peak of the martial arts version of aesthetics came out quietly

Recently, the martial arts drama "Seven Nights of Snow" starring Li Qin and Zeng Shunxi was officially launched, which immediately attracted the enthusiastic attention of the audience. Written by a well-known self-media author, this drama adapts the classic martial arts novel "Sauvignon Blanc" from its unique perspective, presenting a new aesthetic style.

Li Qin Zeng Shunxi's "Seven Nights of Snow" 1 female and 4 male BE aesthetic pinnacles, netizens: martial arts version of Sauvignon Blanc

As a sequel to the earlier release of "Sauvignon Blanc", the show is known as the pinnacle of aesthetics, not only continuing the spiritual core of the original work, but also becoming a hot topic among the audience with its wonderful plot and exquisite pictures.

In terms of plot introduction, the heroine Shu Wan played by Li Qin in the play is a woman with strong martial arts, and she and the male protagonist Qinghao played by Zeng Shunxi performed a touching love story together.

Li Qin Zeng Shunxi's "Seven Nights of Snow" 1 female and 4 male BE aesthetic pinnacles, netizens: martial arts version of Sauvignon Blanc

Shu Wan has a mysterious background and is endowed with magical powers, she and Qing Hao face the test of life and death in the treacherous rivers and lakes together, they are desperate to protect each other with love.

Li Qin Zeng Shunxi's "Seven Nights of Snow" 1 female and 4 male BE aesthetic pinnacles, netizens: martial arts version of Sauvignon Blanc

The whole drama uses clever plot twists and thrilling fight scenes to bring the audience into a martial arts world full of surprises and excitement.

Different from traditional martial arts dramas, this drama has attracted the attention of a wide audience with its unique aesthetic style. Every scene in the play is like a picture, showing the ever-changing rivers and lakes with delicate pictures.

Li Qin Zeng Shunxi's "Seven Nights of Snow" 1 female and 4 male BE aesthetic pinnacles, netizens: martial arts version of Sauvignon Blanc

Whether it is the seclusion of falling snow or the fierce battle on the edge of the cliff, the audience is addicted. And Li Qin and Zeng Shunxi's superb acting skills are even more amazing, they incarnate as Shu Wan and Qinghao in the play, showing the characters' emotions and inner struggles vividly. The tacit cooperation between the two made the audience enthusiastic and immersive.

Li Qin Zeng Shunxi's "Seven Nights of Snow" 1 female and 4 male BE aesthetic pinnacles, netizens: martial arts version of Sauvignon Blanc

At the same time, the perspective of the self-media author also adds a lot of highlights to the show. In the play, the author skillfully leads the audience to suspense with a gripping plot, which makes people fascinated by the development of the plot. At the same time, the author skillfully connects the plot with the recent news and self-media news in the style of self-media, so that the audience can get interesting information and opinions while enjoying the plot, which adds to the fun and value of watching the movie.

Li Qin Zeng Shunxi's "Seven Nights of Snow" 1 female and 4 male BE aesthetic pinnacles, netizens: martial arts version of Sauvignon Blanc

It is worth mentioning that the originality of this drama is also quite high. Although it is a sequel to Sauvignon Blanc, the author is unique in the continuation and development of the plot.

Li Qin Zeng Shunxi's "Seven Nights of Snow" 1 female and 4 male BE aesthetic pinnacles, netizens: martial arts version of Sauvignon Blanc

Each character in the play has a distinct personality, and the development of the story is always unexpected, and it is difficult for the audience to predict the next development. This innovative plot and ingenious layout make the audience feel surprised and happy in the process of watching the movie.

The launch of "Seven Nights of Snow" has become a hot topic recently.

Li Qin Zeng Shunxi's "Seven Nights of Snow" 1 female and 4 male BE aesthetic pinnacles, netizens: martial arts version of Sauvignon Blanc

The audience has said that this drama not only gives people a refreshing feeling in terms of performance, but also brings people a kind of beautiful enjoyment. The wonderful interpretation and heart-warming plot in the play made the audience deeply touched while appreciating it. Some netizens commented: ""Seven Nights of Snow" is a martial arts drama with a new aesthetic style, which is refreshing.

Li Qin Zeng Shunxi's "Seven Nights of Snow" 1 female and 4 male BE aesthetic pinnacles, netizens: martial arts version of Sauvignon Blanc

Li Qin and Zeng Shunxi's performances perfectly present the charm and affection of the characters, which is real and moving. ”

It can be said that "Seven Nights of Snow" has a new interpretation of the classic martial arts novel "Sauvignon Blanc", and has won unanimous praise from the audience with its unique aesthetic style and novel plot.

Li Qin Zeng Shunxi's "Seven Nights of Snow" 1 female and 4 male BE aesthetic pinnacles, netizens: martial arts version of Sauvignon Blanc

The shaping of the characters and the wonderful plot development in the play make the audience happy. I believe that as the plot continues to advance, this drama will continue to bring more surprises and touches to the audience. Let's wait and see what this aesthetic pinnacle will do!

Li Qin Zeng Shunxi's "Seven Nights of Snow" 1 female and 4 male BE aesthetic pinnacles, netizens: martial arts version of Sauvignon Blanc

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