
In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

author:Haiyan AIj, who loves life


In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

The Opium War, a shocking conflict in the face of China's sovereignty, profoundly affected China's history and future. The Chinese people held fast to their faith in confrontation under the aggression of foreign powers, but in the late Qing Dynasty, China fell into diplomatic difficulties. It was a time of diplomatic difficulties and international insults, and diplomats in the late Qing Dynasty faced unprecedented challenges. This article will focus on one of the outstanding diplomats, Xu Shiying, whose story fully demonstrates the firm faith and wisdom of the Chinese people in resisting foreign aggression.

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

Diplomatic dilemmas in the late Qing Dynasty

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

In the late Qing Dynasty, China faced an unprecedented diplomatic dilemma. China was forced to sign a series of unequal treaties after the Opium War, losing its sovereignty and territory. Diplomats face major challenges, not only dealing with the interference of foreign powers, but also preserving the dignity of their countries. They are often insulted by foreign powers, but they must remain calm and dignified.

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

Go abroad to study the Western judicial system

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

In response to this dilemma, China has taken the initiative of sending young diplomats abroad to learn about the Western judicial system. Behind this decision is a desire to learn and absorb foreign legal systems in order to improve China's rule of law system. Xu Shiying is one of them, who went to France to further his studies and strive to acquire legal knowledge so that he can return to China to contribute to the country's rejuvenation.

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

In the face of French insults

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

However, it was while studying in France that Xu Shiying's conflict with foreign powers first broke out. He witnessed the incident of watching a striptease in France, which provoked provocations by foreigners against the Chinese mission. The foreigners made it difficult for the Chinese mission and tried to humiliate them, but Xu Shiying showed extraordinary calmness and wisdom. He responded appropriately to questions from foreign journalists and upheld China's dignity.

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

Xu Shiying's political career

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

After returning to China, Xu Shiying began his political career during the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. He has actively served the country in different positions and spared no effort in the cause of the rule of law in China. Hsu Se-ying's political wisdom and outstanding abilities made him a trusted diplomat.

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

Became the Chinese ambassador to Japan

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

Xu Shiying's outstanding performance eventually led him to the post of Chinese ambassador to Japan. This is an important mission that requires him to serve as China's representative in Japan and maintain relations between the two countries. Xu Shiying accepted this challenge and devoted his wisdom and energy to China's diplomatic cause.

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

The Lugou Bridge Incident

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

However, while Japan was ambassador to Japan, the Lugou Bridge Incident broke out and China's anti-fascist war began. Xu Shiying faced a new diplomatic challenge, and he actively worked to prevent Japan's war of aggression against China. Although he ultimately failed to prevent the outbreak of war, his efforts and contributions were highly recognized by the state.

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

China's domestic political situation

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

After the Lugou Bridge Incident, China's domestic political situation was chaotic, and the country was facing pressure from inside and outside. However, the Chinese people and government firmly resisted aggression and worked hard to defend the independence and dignity of the country. Xu Shiying also played an important role at this critical moment and made positive contributions to the country's anti-aggression cause.

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

Xu Shiying's patriotic spirit

In 1910, the Qing Dynasty mission was invited to watch a striptease, and the reporter deliberately asked how he felt, Xu Shiying: Okay

Xu Shiying has shown a deep patriotic spirit throughout his life. He always firmly believes that China is a great country that deserves to be defended and defended. He has made outstanding achievements in the field of diplomacy and made outstanding contributions to the country's rule of law. His famous quote, "The rule of law is for the world, freedom is for democracy", profoundly reflects his values and beliefs.


Xu Shiying's story fully demonstrates the wisdom and tenacity of an outstanding diplomat. He has not only excelled in diplomacy, but has also shown unwavering determination in a time of political turmoil at home. His patriotism and wisdom have influenced future generations, and his contributions will not be forgotten. We should admire and learn from his patriotic spirit and contribute our strength to the prosperity and development of the country.

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