
A prescription that specializes in bone spurs, four flavor medicines, can easily dissolve bone spurs all over the body

author:Shangyang Chinese Medicine Dr. Wan

Bone hyperplasia, there is a very vivid name called "bone spur", the bone has thorns, pierced into the flesh, and it is uncomfortable to think about.

Why do people have bone spurs?

To put it bluntly, it is a kind of compensatory hyperplasia. For example, if a house is beautiful and sturdy after it has just been built, after more than ten years or decades, the wall skin has fallen off, the windows have leaked, and the whole house has creaked when the wind blows.

Of course, it is necessary to reinforce, nail a few boards to the window, and add a few wooden stakes in front of the house and behind the house to fix it, but sometimes the reinforcement is not necessarily so appropriate, such as the window is blocked by wooden boards, and the window cannot be opened, and the wooden stakes used to reinforce block the door, and it becomes a trouble to go in and out.

You see, right? It was supposed to be well-intentioned, but it turned out to be bad.

This is probably the case with bone spurs. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the liver is the main tendon, the kidney is the main bone", people are old, due to the decline of liver and kidney function, the muscles and bones are not as resistant to toss as when they were young, at this time the body will instinctively reinforce, in some special parts of the bone spurs, such as cervical spine, lumbar spine, heel, why these parts are easy to grow bone spurs?

Because the load-bearing pressure of these parts is relatively high, the work is heavy.

The weight of the entire head is pressed on the cervical vertebrae, and at the same time, the cervical spine is also responsible for looking left and right, working at the desk, bowing his head to study, playing with mobile phones for a long time, and the busiest is the cervical spine; The lumbar spine, bending over, turning, moving and lifting, all depend on our waist to complete; Although the heel is less flexible, it bears the weight of the whole body, and it is the hardest part.

What should I do if I have bone spurs? Is it surgically removed? Of course not, now Western medicine does not advocate surgery, because they found that not only did the symptoms not improve after the bone spur removal, but the wound brought more pain, and now the treatment plan of Western medicine is nothing more than anti-inflammatory and analgesic, and let you go back to rest when it is over.

In this regard, Chinese medicine is more reliable, what is the best way to treat bone spurs?

Today, I will share with you a recipe that is widely circulated in the Chinese medicine industry.

This recipe is called Bone Paralysis Soup, which is a recipe created by the late Master Guan Youbo, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, who used this recipe to save many people with bone spurs and bone hyperplasia in his life.

A prescription that specializes in bone spurs, four flavor medicines, can easily dissolve bone spurs all over the body

Friends, hurry up and take a notebook to write down this recipe:

Bone Paralysis Soup: White Peony, Raw Licorice, Papaya, Clematis, Chu Shizi

White peony and licorice together is the famous peony licorice soup, is Zhang Zhongjing specially used to nourish the liver yin, nourish the liver and blood, liver main tendons, many people leg cramps, low back pain, leg pain, and some people involuntary shaking, to put it bluntly, the muscles and veins are not nourished, human tendons are the same as the leather bands, are elastic, if the lack of liver and blood nourishment, it will be shortened, cramped, cramps, and even pain;

In addition, without the suppression of liver blood, the internal wind will arise, and the internal wind will involuntarily shake as soon as it blows, some people often tremble with their hands, and some people can't help but shake their heads, which are all manifestations of the internal movement of the liver wind.

Traditional Chinese medicine says "sweet and sour", white peony and licorice have a sour taste, a sweet taste, together on the energy of the continuous metabolic qi and blood, in order to achieve the purpose of nourishing yin and soft liver, and licorice is sweet, sweet herbs have the effect of relieving pain, people call this recipe "go to the stick soup", that is, it can be like a masseuse, while nourishing the muscles and bones, while soothing your pain, the pain disappears, and the crutches are thrown aside.

Next is papaya, which is not only a very delicious fruit, but also a high-quality medicinal herb.

Papaya is best at dispelling rheumatism, and it is said in "Materia Medica" that "the evil of wind, cold, dampness, and paralysis can be reached."

Papaya can also relax the tendons and activate the nerves, that is to say, while the papaya dredges the tendons, it can also scavenge out the wind, cold, and dampness in the meridians and bones.

The most noteworthy here is the clematis, the biggest role of the clematis is "through", clematis is a vine plant, its vines are like the meridians stretch and spread, criss-cross, so what it is best at is through the meridians, its strength is very strong, it can block the wind, cold, dampness and congestion in the meridians, and forcibly dredge the meridians, the meridians are opened, the local pressure is relieved, and the pain disappears.

In addition, softening bone spurs is also a unique skill of clematis, and there is a saying in the Chinese medicine world that "iron feet clematis, bones are soft into cotton", which means that clematis can dissolve excess bone spurs in the body.

Speaking of which, clematis also has a wonderful use, if the fish bones are stuck in the throat when eating fish, as long as you drink it with clematis and aged vinegar, the discomfort in the throat can be relieved quickly.

Clematis can soften bone spurs, and combined with its stringing properties, it can soften bone spurs and bone hyperplasia throughout the body.

The last Chu Shizi was added by himself, why did he add Chu Shizi?

As mentioned earlier, the root cause of bone spurs is the deficiency of the liver and kidneys, and the simple softening of bone spurs is only a symptom, and the root cause of the liver and kidney is to be treated.

Of course, there are also opinions that bone paralysis soup does not dissolve bone spurs, but achieves the purpose of eliminating pain by dredging the meridians, in fact, this statement also makes sense.

Some people feel that their back pain or cervical spine is uncomfortable, and they go to the hospital to take a film to see that it is bad, there are bone spurs, and then they take it for granted that the pain is caused by bone spurs.

In fact, most bone spurs are asymptomatic and do not require treatment, some people have done a survey, randomly selected people over 50 years old for examination, and the results show that most people have bone hyperplasia, but they have no symptoms.

Moreover, there is no such thing as bone spurs in traditional Chinese medicine, for pain, the idea of traditional Chinese medicine is to replenish the liver and kidneys to strengthen the muscles and bones, and then it is to invigorate the blood and circulation, the muscles and bones are strong, the meridians are unblocked, and the pain naturally ceases to exist.

However, there is another problem here, hyperplasia can occur in multiple parts of the body, and where it occurs will affect the flow of qi and blood, how can it be treated in a targeted manner?

Actually, the solution is also very simple, isn't it okay to add a medicine primer?

Like what:

cervical hyperplasia plus pueraria; thoracic hyperplasia plus turmeric; lumbar hyperplasia plus intermittent supplication, mulberry parasitism; Knee and heel hyperplasia plus hyssop, epimedium

How does this recipe work?

Normal decoction and warm service can be done, one dose a day, twice a day, and the remaining residue can be boiled with water and soaked feet again. Seven days for a course of treatment, generally mild symptoms can be effective in a course of treatment, for a long time, it is recommended to use three courses of treatment to observe the effect.