
Beijing surprised the "White Stone Cordyceps Long Scroll" appreciation

author:Yihui Financial Review

Recently, in the capital, I had the privilege of witnessing the long scroll of the old man of Shiraishi, and I was full of emotions. Compose a song "Jiangnan is good" to express the state of mind: Beijing is good, and the imperial city is counted. Dayan Mountain Huahui Langyuan, Qianzhong Chenyu Yao Jinjing. Flat land is bummering. Beijing is good, Mingli number Yihe. Jie Ge towered over the clouds, and the spring breeze blew the willows and clear waves. Zhu Fang sang around the sheng. Beijing is good, the three seas are like immortal residences. Qiongdao Yanxia Fei Pagoda Shadow, Fengchi Qingshui Yingfu. Sit idly and watch the fish.

"Portrayal of ten thousand insects, zhang shen for hundreds of birds" is the motto of Qi Baishi, a master of the painting world. Shiraishi paints insects, with fine brushwork, and no hair appears. But it is out of the rigidity of the pen, everyone sees god, gets a worm, and enjoys the fun of the countryside. At present, there are 598 Qi Baishi grass insect paintings, up to 522 painting insects, followed by two, three, four and five, the more insects, the more rare, the more strange goods, the more rare.

Beijing surprised the "White Stone Cordyceps Long Scroll" appreciation
Beijing surprised the "White Stone Cordyceps Long Scroll" appreciation

This classic masterpiece "Cordyceps Picture Scroll", 465 cm long and 39 cm wide, a total of about 16.3 square feet, is well preserved and neat, and is an exquisite cordyceps picture scroll. There are lifelike grasshoppers, grasshoppers, bees, knife mantises, butterflies, dragonflies and other pen worms, as well as coloring and ink painting. And its pen and ink are majestic and moist, the colors are bright and bright, the shape is concise and vivid, and the artistic conception is simple and simple. Shiraishi's most interesting works are his flowers and cordyceps, full of innocent childlike fun and the rhythm of life, he likes to draw grass worms with brush strokes, delicate and vivid, while flowers and birds are freehand. Seiko's fine brushes do not lose their simplicity, and the large brush strokes are dripping with ink and ink, which adds vitality. Cover its flowers, birds, grasses and insects, natural and flexible, on the paper or jubilant, or quiet, a kind of natural joy. Butterflies, dragonflies, autumn cicadas, grasshoppers are clumsy and cute, all written with a brush, and the back part of the scroll has Mr. Shiraishi's inscription.

Beijing surprised the "White Stone Cordyceps Long Scroll" appreciation

First, let's talk about Mr. Fukuhiro's inscription. Wang Fuchang (1880-1960) was originally named Wang Shouqi, later renamed Wang Zhen, the word Weiji, the number of Fu'an, also known as Fuchang, do not sign Luocha Jiangmin, Indian maid, hoe stone farmer, holding the old man, etc., room name Elk Yan Zhai, ChunJu Lou, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, modern famous Jinshi family. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, he co-founded the Xiling Printing Society with Ding Ren Icon (Fuzhi), Wu Yin (Shi Qian), and Ye Weiming. His inscription on this volume is: Self-satisfaction.

Beijing surprised the "White Stone Cordyceps Long Scroll" appreciation

Yu Feimin's inscription is: Mr. Shiraishi painted figures at the age of thirty, landscapes at the age of forty, and flowers and grass insects after the age of fifty.

Beijing surprised the "White Stone Cordyceps Long Scroll" appreciation

Yu Feimin (1889~1959) Chinese painter. Born in Beijing on March 22, 1889, died in the same place on July 3, 1959. In his early years, he studied painting with Wang Runxuan, entered the Normal School in 1912, and later taught at the private Normal School, the Fine Arts Department of the private North China University, the private Jinghua Art College, and the National Art College. He is also the tutor of the Chinese Painting Research Center attached to the Antiquities Exhibition Center. In 1935, he specialized in painting flowers and birds with brush brushes, worked in the Antiquities Exhibition Hall of the Forbidden City, copied and studied a large number of ancient paintings, and laid a deep traditional foundation. After 1949, he was a researcher at the Central Institute of Ethnic Fine Arts. Born in Beijing on March 22, 1889, died in the same place on July 3, 1959. In his early years, he studied painting with Wang Runxuan, entered the Normal School in 1912, and later taught at the private Normal School, the Fine Arts Department of the private North China University, the private Jinghua Art College, and the National Art College. He is also the tutor of the Chinese Painting Research Center attached to the Antiquities Exhibition Center. In 1935, he specialized in painting flowers and birds with brush brushes, worked in the Antiquities Exhibition Hall of the Forbidden City, copied and studied a large number of ancient paintings, and laid a deep traditional foundation. After 1949, he was a researcher at the Central Institute of Ethnic Fine Arts. His original name was Yu Zhao, the word is not factory, not signed non-Min, also known as idle people, smell people, old non, Shandong Penglai people, the matriarchal line is Ai Xinjue Luoshi. In 1908, he entered the Manchurian-Mongolian Higher School, in 1912 he entered the Beijing Normal School, and a year later he taught at the Beijing Municipal No. 2 Primary School, where he also served as the editor of the Beijing Morning Post, and studied painting with the folk painter Wang Runxuan. He has written books such as "Dumen Fishing Record", "Dumen Yiju Record", "Dumen Pigeon Breeding" and other books, which have a great influence. In 1935, he went to work at the Palace Museum (now the Palace Museum), copied and studied a large number of paintings collected by the Palace Museum, and laid a solid foundation for traditional painting. At this time, he served as the tutor of the Chinese Painting Research Center attached to the Antiquities Exhibition Institute, and successively taught at Beijing Normal School, Jinghua Art College, North China University, and Beiping Art College. In 1936, he held his first solo exhibition in Zhongshan Park in Beiping. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he successively served as a researcher at the Central Institute of National Fine Arts, a painter and vice president of the Beijing Academy of Chinese Painting (now the Beijing Academy of Painting).

Beijing surprised the "White Stone Cordyceps Long Scroll" appreciation
Beijing surprised the "White Stone Cordyceps Long Scroll" appreciation

Yang Renkai's inscription is: Baishi Old Man was made by Zhao Boqian, a heavy doorman, when he was seventy-two years old, and the treasures of flower cordyceps rolls are rare for you.

Beijing surprised the "White Stone Cordyceps Long Scroll" appreciation

Yang Renkai is one of the most famous scholars of modern China, a master of calligraphy and painting appreciation, a master of calligraphy, and a museologist. Born in October 1915 in Yuechi County, Guang'an, Sichuan. At an early age, he studied private school, a family of scholars, his father was the president of the Yuechi Chamber of Commerce, he lost his father at an early age, and his family fell in the middle of the road, and he barely completed the old system of science. When he was young, he loved history, liked French calligraphy and painting, and his calligraphy was excellent; relying on his own efforts and diligence, he gradually entered the temple of Chinese calligraphy and painting art. Throughout his life, Yang Renkai signed himself as a "Gongxi person", "a remnant of Gongxi" or "Gongxi Renkai". According to the research, the name of the Yuechi Pond in Guang'an, Sichuan in the Shu Dynasty of the Song Dynasty is "Gongxi"; there are also examinations that there were once streams of water flowing through Yuechi called "Gongxi". Mr. Yang Renkai devoted his life to the pursuit, rescue, appraisal, research and protection of national treasures lost in the history of China in many disasters, and contributed to the protection, dissemination and exchange of Chinese historical and cultural heritage throughout his life. He has been extensive in his research and writings. With perseverance and perseverance, he has sorted out the history and current situation of the national treasures of the "Forbidden City" that have been lost in many disasters and catastrophes in China, and made detailed research on the lost tracking records and examinations, traveling all over the country and around the world to recover hundreds of national treasure-level cultural heritages, and examining and saving countless cultural relics. In his later years, he founded the science of identification, making it a scientific system that could be mastered. Yang Renkai has done a lot of in-depth and meticulous research work on the lost national treasures of the Forbidden City, so that a large number of national treasures have been re-starred. Among them, there are 37 national treasures, such as the historical masterpiece "Qingming Shanghe Tu", which is known as the first divine product in Chinese history, and the original manuscript of Mi Fu "Xingshu Cangxi Poetry Scroll" embellished from shredded paper pieces, all of which are legendary stories widely circulated by the popular population; including the famous "Picture of the Lady of the Hairpin Flower" and the original manuscript of "Liaozhai Zhiyi" and other calligraphy and painting treasures, all of which were restored to their original appearance by Yang Renkai's hand, and the status of national treasures was re-established.

Beijing surprised the "White Stone Cordyceps Long Scroll" appreciation

Shan Guoqiang's inscription five words of poetry: where the back is red, the fan is to the column weight, the flying is still the beginning, the team encounters, the far harm is finally prevented from the finches, the peach and plum lead back and forth, the orchid path leads to each other, the cuiyuan Dan heart is cold, the incense condensation powder wings are thick, you can find through the tree shadow, it is difficult to find the flowers.

Shan Guoqiang, born in Shanghai in February 1942, his ancestral home is Shaoxing, Zhejiang. In 1965, he graduated from the Department of Art History of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and entered the Palace Museum to engage in cultural and museum business. He specializes in the history of ancient calligraphy and painting and the identification of calligraphy and painting. In March 1985, he served as the director of the office of the Palace Museum, in June 1988 as the director of the exhibition department, and from April 1998 to March 2002, he was the director of the palace department.

  He has written and published more than 100 articles on the history of calligraphy and painting and the appraisal of calligraphy and painting, totaling about 600,000 words; written 10 monographs with about 800,000 words; co-authored 2 monographs with 150,000 words; edited more than 10 atlases, writing a total of 200,000 words of forewords and plate descriptions; associate editor of 6 atlases, writing a total of 80,000 words of forewords and plate descriptions. A total of 1.8 million words were written.

  He was once the tutor of the master's degree program of calligraphy and painting appraisal of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and was hired as a visiting professor of the Central University for Nationalities, the College of Applied Arts and Sciences of Beijing United University, and Haidian University.

Yihui (Member of China Art Education Promotion Association of Ministry of Education, Member of National Association for The Work of Art Teachers)

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