
Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

author:The food of the snow peaks

Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

The weather is getting colder day by day, especially in the northern region, where the climate changes greatly, and the beginning of winter is preceded by the late autumn season, which is characterized by a changeable climate, dry and windy. In this season, our diet should eat more ingredients that are not easy to get hot, so that the body is stronger, hardy and not afraid of cold.

Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

In this climate, my family chooses to eat fish, and there are many types of fish, which can be roughly divided into two categories, marine fish and freshwater fish. There are many varieties of each of them, such as carp, grass carp, silver carp, catfish, black fish, etc., which are different in texture and taste. Today I made a spicy fish made of black fish at home, the family loves to eat, the method is not difficult, the nutrition is high and there is a craving, and the black fish has no miscellaneous spines, it is very suitable for the elderly and children, try it together if you want to eat!

Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

Ingredients: 1 black fish, soybean sprouts, millet spicy, minced garlic, chili noodles, spicy base, green onions, ginger slices, sweet potato starch, egg whites, a little salt, appropriate amount of peanut oil.


Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

Step 1: 1 black fish, slaughtered and cleaned. Here we will focus on the black fish, the black fish is also called mullet, the body is black, the black fish meat contains protein, 18 kinds of amino acids, etc., as well as the necessary calcium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of vitamins for our body, with the black fish can be made into a variety of dishes, is very nutritious and delicious. In addition to the functions of tonifying the spleen and water, removing stasis and renewing, detoxifying and heating the liver and kidneys, the black fish also has the effect of promoting milk and replenishing blood, and nourishing the body is very good.

Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

Step 2: Split the black fish from the middle, remove the fish bones, slice the fish with an oblique knife, and you can't slice the fish yourself, so you can ask the fish seller to slice the fish into fillets.

Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

Step 3: Add an egg white and a little sweet potato starch to the fillet and marinate for 10 minutes. The starch of pickled fish fillets must be sweet potato starch, sweet potato starch is relatively viscous, and the fish fillets are not fragile.

Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

Step 3: Put water in the pot, put the fish fillets in the stew and remove them for later use.

Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

Step 4: Put peanut oil in the pot, add green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, add spicy base and stir-fry well, cook in a little cooking wine, and light soy sauce.

Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

Step 5: Pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water, bring to a boil over high heat, add a little salt to taste, if you don't like it too salty, you don't need to put salt, because there is a certain amount of salt in the base.

Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

Step 6: Put the fillets on low heat and cook slowly for about 10 minutes to allow the fillets to fully absorb the flavor.

Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

Step 7: Blanch the soybean sprouts in boiling water and put them directly into the pot. If you don't like soybean sprouts, you can also use other vegetables to match, and your family can like it.

Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

Step 8: Pour the boiled fish fillets directly into the soybean sprouts, and top with millet spicy, minced garlic, chili noodles and coriander.

Before the beginning of winter, eating it is better than eating chicken and duck, nourishing and relieving hunger, the whole family loves to eat!

Step 9: Heat the oil in a separate pot, pour on the minced garlic and chili noodles, and the dish is ready. Spicy fish is a kind of Sichuan cuisine, spicy and spicy taste is very popular, Sichuan cuisine is generally made with grass carp, I chose black fish to make this dish, the taste is more delicious, and black fish has no thorns, very suitable for people who do not like to pick thorns.

Feng'er's words:

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