
The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

author:Xia Moyan
The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

Text/Xia Mo

Editor/Xia Mo


Aging is a topic that people can't avoid, and it is also a natural phenomenon of life that cannot be resisted. Skin laxity, organ aging, bone loss, etc., are all signs of aging in the elderly.

Everyone is willing to enjoy life more and prolong their lifespan, which has been the common desire of human beings for thousands of years. But in life, some habits of the elderly unconsciously make the speed of aging faster.

The following five habits that accelerate aging, have you been tricked?

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

Fifth place: stay up late

It only takes one night to stay up late and have a visible impact on the body. Dark circles become heavier, the complexion is dull, the skin is dry, the depth of wrinkles increases, and the whole person looks more vicissitudes.

The skin of the elderly itself lacks moisture and collagen, and long-term insomnia and staying up late will only accelerate the loss of skin moisture and form wrinkles. And the loss of collagen is gone, it cannot regenerate on its own.

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

This causes the skin to lose its elasticity and its toughness, so dark circles appear. In the process of staying up late, the elderly do not dare to adjust the internal organs in the body to a state of rest.

If the liver and gallbladder cannot get enough rest, the metabolic function will be hindered, resulting in the waste products in the body not being discharged in time, and the skin will appear dull yellow and become rough.

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

If you stay up late and don't get enough sleep, the brain will not get enough rest, and its normal metabolism will also be affected, causing the brain to be in a state of overload.

During the day, people are in a low state of mind, have difficulty concentrating, often accompanied by dizziness, and even have an anxious mood when doing things, and will also increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

Sometimes the elderly are forced to stay up late, want to sleep but can't sleep, at this time, the more they think about it, the more energetic they are, the sympathetic nervous excitement will rise, and the blood pressure will also rise.

Some elderly people with coronary heart disease should pay attention to the fact that the increase in blood pressure will affect the body's blood supply to the heart, which will invisibly aggravate the condition, and even have symptoms such as chest tightness and shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, etc., which will be life-threatening in severe cases!

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

Staying up late can also disrupt the body's normal biological rhythm, interfere with the normal operation and metabolism of the body, and cause hormone secretion disorders. Some people think that it would be good to make up for it, but this is not entirely true.

Catch-up sleep can indeed help the body recover its strength, but scientific research has pointed out that even after catch-up sleep, people's sleep cycle will still be affected by the last time they stayed up late, and can only regulate some of the metabolic abnormalities caused by staying up late.

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

Looking at it this way, staying up late is really a stumbling block to your health, but it is not good for your body, and it will also cause problems such as sallow complexion and hair loss. Habits that affect appearance are not limited to staying up late, smoking is also a risk factor.

4th place: smoking

Many people are stressed and trapped in their work life when they are young, so they like to release their stress through cigarettes. This is because the nicotine in cigarettes stimulates the brain to produce more dopamine.

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

Dopamine is a stimulant of the human body, which can drive mood and give people a sense of pleasure, and over time, the craving for smoking is formed. This is also called "nicotine dependence" in medicine, so many people have difficulty quitting smoking, and the old smoking gun is one or two decades.

These old smokers must have yellow stains on their teeth that can't be brushed off, and the perennial smoking action will also make the sides of their cheeks sunken. Some elderly people can even smoke a whole pack of cigarettes every day when they sit without doing anything, and the smoky skin will accelerate the aging of the skin, and the lip lines will also become darker.

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

In addition, cigarettes contain more than 7,000 chemicals, of which no less than 60 are confirmed to be carcinogenic. When you are enjoying the joy of cigarettes "racing over the living immortals", the body is silently bearing the price of happiness for you.

Stimulated by the smoke of cigarette smoke, the possibility of respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis and chronic pharyngitis is increasing. Normal breathing will be affected, and lung function will be significantly reduced, leading to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

Life expectancy is therefore threatened, so it is better to say goodbye to cigarettes as soon as possible in order to make health exist.

3rd place: poor mood and negative mentality

Stress is a problem that we must face and find solutions to, and it is not a problem that is unique to young and middle-aged people, who also face social, emotional and self-stress.

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

After entering the old age, many elderly people live separately from their children, due to the busy work of their children, the lack of family companionship, loneliness and loneliness will haunt the elderly.

Some elderly people can find emotional comfort in their partners, or interact more with close friends, and carry out emotional catharsis through social interaction, but there are still many elderly people who live alone.

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

Such a situation can lead to a depressed mood in the elderly, and they feel helpless in the face of some unexpected things in life, which may lead to a negative attitude towards life.

Poor emotional state has a direct impact on the health of the body, which may lead to loss of appetite, insufficient nutrient intake, and a gradual decline in the body's immunity.

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

At night, I will have insomnia and dreams, which will affect the quality of sleep, my heart will decay, and the speed of aging will be accelerated. Xiaobian suggests that the elderly who are convenient for mobility should go out for a walk, go for a walk in the park, and bask in the sun to replenish calcium.

Now that communication is so developed, children should also contact their parents more on weekdays, and use the warmth of family affection to give their parents care in their later years.

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

2nd place: no exercise

When it comes to the elderly going out for a walk and a walk, we must talk about a 10-year follow-up study done by an Australian medical research institute.

The study found that older people who exercised a certain amount of exercise had a lower risk of chronic diseases than those who did not exercise. The use of the four words "in, abandonment, and retreat" also applies to the body of the elderly.

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

If you just sit and listen to small songs every day, don't like to exercise, your bones can't get a certain amount of exercise, and the loss of bone mass, the flexibility of the elderly's legs and feet will not be able to keep up, and the coordination of the body will deteriorate, and the risk of wrestling will increase.

Exercise can not only exercise the body, but also promote blood circulation in the process, increase the speed of metabolism, keep the body alive, and delay aging.

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

1st place: Dietary problems

"People take food as the sky", and people's daily activities can be inseparable from the normal intake of three meals a day. Diet has always been the focus of people's attention, but not eating well is often the culprit of accelerated aging!

High-salt diet increases the burden on the liver, eating hot food is harmful to the esophagus, pickled food has a risk of causing cancer, drinking alcohol hurts the liver and stimulates the stomach, and high-sweet food promotes the aging of the skin. These unhealthy eating habits should be avoided by the elderly!

The culprit of accelerating the aging of the human body: staying up late is only ranked 5th and 1st, and many people can't avoid it

The elderly should eat green and light, and more importantly, eat nutritionally balanced. Green vegetables and protein should not be missing in three meals, and you can eat more whole grains, which are rich in dietary fiber, which is conducive to helping gastrointestinal peristalsis.

Habits create life, these habits that accelerate aging are all things that we can control and avoid, it is better to act immediately and take health into your own hands!