
Starting this month, girls in the first year of junior high school can be vaccinated against HPV

author:Xingyang release

Prevent cervical cancer earlier, smaller, better! Since this month, the Zhengzhou Municipal Health Commission and the Zhengzhou Municipal Education Bureau have jointly launched the HPV vaccination for first-year girls in Zhengzhou.

Starting this month, girls in the first year of junior high school can be vaccinated against HPV

According to reports, cervical cancer is a malignant tumor that seriously threatens women's health. At the same time, cervical cancer is also the only malignant tumor with a clear cause and effective prevention methods, and it is known that persistent infection of high-risk HPV is the most important cause of cervical cancer. As a primary preventive measure for cervical cancer, prophylactic HPV vaccination is the most effective means to prevent cervical cancer and precancerous lesions.

As one of the first batch of pilot cities of the Healthy China Action Innovation Model in China, Zhengzhou promotes HPV vaccination for school-age girls, which is a requirement of the pilot city and an important part of promoting the construction of a healthy Zhengzhou. In order to effectively prevent and control the occurrence of cervical cancer and improve women's health and quality of life, combined with the actual situation of Zhengzhou City, it was decided to implement HPV vaccination among female students in Zhengzhou City.

Starting this month, girls in the first year of junior high school can be vaccinated against HPV

Is the child so young? Is it necessary to get the HPV vaccine?

In response to the concerns of some parents, Liu Aizhen, chief physician of Zhengzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, said that the HPV infection rate among Chinese women is distributed in a "double peak" according to age, with the first peak of infection at the age of 17-24 and the second peak at the age of 40-44. This data means that adolescent girls will have their first peak of infections as they grow up. Therefore, vaccinating adolescents and children against HPV before the peak of infection can produce protective antibodies as early as possible and achieve early protection. Moreover, according to the clinical effect, the younger the vaccine, the easier it is to stimulate the protective effect of the vaccine.

Experts say that according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), girls aged 9 to 14 should be the first target of HPV vaccination. Therefore, the city takes first-year junior high school girls as the key target group for HPV vaccination, which can give priority to ensuring and greatly increasing the HPV vaccination rate of adolescent girls, and can make better use of effective social resources to achieve the best effect of the primary prevention strategy of cervical cancer.

According to the plan, the first dose of HPV vaccine for first-year girls in Zhengzhou will be from November 1, 2023 to December 30, 2023, and the vaccination targets will be first-year girls who have no contraindications to vaccination and no history of HPV vaccination in the city.

This vaccination uses bivalent or 9-valent HPV vaccine, and the vaccination schedule is divided into 2 doses or 3 doses according to the type of vaccine. In strict accordance with the principle of "informed, consenting, voluntary, and self-paying", parents should independently choose whether to be vaccinated and the types of vaccines to be vaccinated.

Is the HPV vaccine safe? Experts said that the HPV vaccines currently used in mainland China have been confirmed by rigorous clinical trials and basic research, are safe and reliable, and vaccination will not affect the growth and development of girls, and there are no long-term and serious adverse reactions.

Xingyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention Tel: 64602552

(Source: Zhengzhou Daily client, Xingyang Municipal Health Commission)

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Starting this month, girls in the first year of junior high school can be vaccinated against HPV
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Edited by Qin Warring States

Editor-in-charge|Liu Jing

Issued by Geng Peng

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