
My off-duty life

author:Wisdom is also a pearl

#Record my off-duty life#Every day after work, I go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and cook for my father, since I was 10 years old, my mother left me and my father forever in order to save her students, if there was no accident... I remember when I was 10 years old, I went to the vegetable market for the first time and bought 3 dishes that my dad likes to eat, and I made 3 dishes and a soup that day: fried shredded pork with green peppers, braised Wuchang fish, fried cabbage, egg and tomato soup, this is the first dinner I made for my dad, although I was only 10 years old that year, but looking at my dad's expression when he ate should be bad and difficult to eat, but my dad also praised me for saying that it was delicious and delicious, my dad was good at everything is super strict and strict, At that time, when my dad said this, he burst into tears, and when he was 10 years old, he saw my dad cry for the first time, and I said that my dad and daughter didn't do it well, I'm sorry! I remember that day at noon after school ran to the library to buy a thick book to teach cooking, dad from tomorrow daughter will seriously learn to do each of the above dishes according to this book, the next day after school I will buy home according to the condiments of the dishes to be made today in the book, and then go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and then according to the book to the condiments to fry each dish, slowly I made more and more delicious dishes, at that time my father praised me every day to encourage me, remember that on my 18th birthday day, I made nine dishes and one soup: sweet and sour pork ribs, steamed Wuchang fish, Beef tendon roasted protein, garlic sprouts roasted eel, pearl yuanzi, potato roast beef, chopped pepper fish head, white chicken, stir-fried cabbage, mutton stew, are all dishes that my dad likes to eat, that day there were 8 very good girlfriends and classmates who played with me also came to wish my birthday, but the girlfriends and classmates have now entered the marriage and family, only 9 of us I am still single, maybe the fate has not yet arrived, every time the class reunion girlfriends say that the school flower classmates are too high...

Every morning I practice smiling in the mirror with chopsticks in my mouth for 10 minutes, then read aloud for 60 minutes, practice playing the guzheng for 60 minutes, playing the violin for 60 minutes, practicing Latin cha dance for 60 minutes, yoga for 60 minutes, doing 60 sit-ups, these are the practice tasks that I must complete every day, and my life after work every day... (swimming, golf, tennis, football, driving, traveling, etc.) actually I have a lot of hobbies, I haven't been to the swimming pool for 3 years during the epidemic, I haven't been to golf for 2 years during the epidemic, and my dad only took me to play every weekend this year... Every year in school, my dad will take me to travel to different places, to increase my knowledge, to appreciate the life of people in different places, etc., I have only been to one that I like very much, the UAE desert kingdom Dubai, when I was 18 years old, my dad took me there, that year I and a girlfriend classmate were admitted to the Emirates International Airlines flight attendant, my dad said that the flight attendant is to eat youth rice for a few years not to go, that year other girlfriends and classmates secretly helped me sign up for Miss Wuhan have entered the finals, But my dad saw on TV that I had to go home on my mobile phone, I said that my dad was about to compete in my group, my dad said that the girl came on and hung up the phone, I won the sweetest smile in that game, I didn't participate in the championship, second and third place competition, because my dad didn't want me to participate in such a competition, unfortunately,

From childhood to adulthood, my dad has used the method of managing the military to manage me, although my dad is strict and strict, he is also the father who loves his daughter the most! Grew up so old and was beaten by my dad once, one day when I was 18 years old, because my best friend's classmates had a birthday that exceeded my dad's time at 9 o'clock in the evening, I had to get home at 9 o'clock in the evening, and I arrived home 30 minutes late due to traffic jams on the road, but on the way I called my dad and said that it might be a little late, I remember that night as soon as I got home, my dad slapped me, and taught me that the traffic jam is not a reason why you don't know to go out early? I cried all night that day and didn't sleep, in the morning when my dad went to work, I went to sleep, if my mother was there would not let my dad fight, I wasn't going to pay attention to him, but he was raising and nurturing my dad, but I still didn't talk to my dad for a week, I wrote on the note every day when I cooked well: my favorite dad and daughter made your favorite dish today, and then wrote the name of the dish, and on the sixth day, my dad he really couldn't hold back and said that the girl was dad this time is not right, you are a good daughter of dad, I, Zhou Jun, am proud to have such a sensible and filial daughter as you, but your father is very principled in his life and work, and my dear father and daughter will always love you!

These are the experiences of my life!

My off-duty life
My off-duty life
My off-duty life

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