
In 45, Luo Shuai went to the Northeast, but was treated arrogantly by his commanders, how did Luo Shuai deal with it in the end?

author:Museum of the Elegant and the Strange

Luo Shuai, this name, is a well-known name in the history of the Chinese revolution. In 1945, Luo Shuai was entrusted with a major task by the Party Central Committee, that is, to go to the northeast to fight against the Japanese invaders, reorganize the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and support the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army. This task is not only full of challenges, but also involves the destiny of liberating China.

In 45, Luo Shuai went to the Northeast, but was treated arrogantly by his commanders, how did Luo Shuai deal with it in the end?

Background before the liberation of the Northeast

In 45, Luo Shuai went to the Northeast, but was treated arrogantly by his commanders, how did Luo Shuai deal with it in the end?

Before understanding Luo Shuai's mission, we need to understand the situation in the Northeast at that time. In 1945, Japan announced its surrender, ending an eight-year war of aggression. However, the situation in the northeast is complicated, and the ethnic contradictions have not been easily resolved. In addition, there are ideological controversies in China, as well as the untrustworthy rhetoric of Chiang Kai-shek and others.

In 45, Luo Shuai went to the Northeast, but was treated arrogantly by his commanders, how did Luo Shuai deal with it in the end?

At this critical moment, Chairman Mao decided to liberate the Northeast and break the blockade of domestic and foreign enemies. Luo Shuai's task was to go to the Northeast at this critical moment to assist in the Northeast Liberation Struggle.

In 45, Luo Shuai went to the Northeast, but was treated arrogantly by his commanders, how did Luo Shuai deal with it in the end?

Luo Shuai received the task of the Party Central Committee

In 45, Luo Shuai went to the Northeast, but was treated arrogantly by his commanders, how did Luo Shuai deal with it in the end?

Luo Shuai was an outstanding military general of the Chinese Communist Party, who had accumulated a wealth of experience in the long revolutionary war. In 1945, he was sent to the Northeast with the task of reorganizing the Anti-Japanese Federation and supporting the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army. This task was full of challenges, as the geographical conditions of the northeast and the heavy strength of the enemy were great obstacles.

Luo Shuai did not blindly accept orders, he fully understood the decision of the Party Central Committee and realized the importance of liberating the Northeast to the Chinese revolution. He acted quickly and planned to cross the Bohai Bay by boat and enter the northeast to join the liberation struggle as soon as possible. In the process, he and his troops faced various difficulties, such as seasickness.

See the arrogance of Commander Cheng

After Luo Shuai arrived in the northeast, he met Commander Cheng, the commander of the Southern Liaoning Military Region at that time. At first, Commander Cheng showed an unfriendly attitude and was even full of arrogance towards Luo Shuai. However, when Commander Cheng learned about Luo Shuai's strength and firm determination, his attitude changed 180 degrees.

Luo Shuai didn't care about the past because of Commander Cheng's arrogance. On the contrary, he showed a high degree of political consciousness and solidarity, and cooperated with Commander Cheng to jointly promote the cause of liberating the northeast.

Luo Shuai's outstanding contribution and death

Luo Shuai cooperated with Lin Shuai in the early days of the Liberation War, summed up experience, reversed the situation of the Northeast War, and finally achieved a nationwide victory. However, the life of this outstanding military general was not very long, and he died at the age of 61. Although his life was limited, his contributions were unlimited, and he made great sacrifices for the cause of China's liberation.

The background of the liberation of the Northeast

Luo Shuai was not only part of China's liberation cause, he was also a key figure in the liberation of Northeast China. At the beginning, the liberation of the northeast was full of difficulties, the city was lost, and the enemy had an absolute advantage. But by changing strategy and tactics, the Chinese Communist Party ultimately won this victory. The liberation of Northeast China was a crucial battle for the liberation of China, and its success laid a solid foundation for China's revolutionary cause.

Luo Shuai's mission is part of a major role in this process. With his wisdom and tenacity, he assisted the Communist Party of China in successfully liberating Northeast China.


Luo Shuai, the name, represents tenacity, wisdom and sacrifice. His life was a glorious chapter in the history of the Chinese revolution, and his deeds will forever be engraved in China's history, inspiring a new generation of soldiers and Chinese people to make unremitting efforts for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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