
Zhang Zuolin presided over the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (enlarged) meeting and the first research exchange meeting of the city's "go to find and promote" activities

author:This is Ningxiang
Zhang Zuolin presided over the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (enlarged) meeting and the first research exchange meeting of the city's "go to find and promote" activities

Zhang Zuolin presided over the (expanded) meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee

The city's "go to find and want to promote" activity of the first research exchange meeting

Brainstorm countermeasures

Promote city-wide theme education and

The activity of "looking for and promoting" is deep and practical

Zhang Zuolin presided over the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (enlarged) meeting and the first research exchange meeting of the city's "go to find and promote" activities

On November 1, Zhang Zuolin, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, presided over the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (expanded) meeting and the city's "go to the grassroots, find problems, find solutions, and promote development" activities of the first research exchange meeting, in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on investigation and research, summarize and exchange Daxing investigation and research experience, brainstorm research countermeasures, and promote the city's theme education and "go to find and promote" activities to go deeper and more practical.

Zhang Zuolin presided over the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee (enlarged) meeting and the first research exchange meeting of the city's "go to find and promote" activities

The meeting noted:

Since the Daxing investigation and research was carried out in April, all departments at all levels in the city have conscientiously implemented the major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on the investigation and research of the whole party and the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and the Changsha Municipal Party Committee. In particular, we adhered to the above rate and took the lead in researching, and carried out special research on key tasks such as the construction of Jinzhou New Town, safe production, grassroots governance, and deep integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, further clarified the bottlenecks restricting the high-quality development of Ningxiang, and clarified the ideas and measures for the next stage. It is necessary to adhere to problem-oriented and systematic thinking, open up all links of "looking for and promoting", and effectively transform the results of activities into practical effects that are needed for development and satisfactory to the masses.

The meeting emphasized

It is necessary to swoop down and go to the grassroots level to ensure that people are affectionate and physically and heart-to-heart. It is necessary to adhere to the sinking line of grounding, highlight the key points to investigate the facts, improve the image of the style tree, focus on solving the worries and worries of the masses, pay attention to the combination of daily visits and "dissecting sparrows" type research, and the "key minority" take the lead in "four grassroots", and adopt the "four noes and two straights" method, go out of the office, out of the pile of documents, go deep into the grassroots, into the masses, collect and reflect what the masses think, think and expect, focus on the difficult pain points and plug the problems, and strive to find the crux of the problem and the deep-seated contradictions. Get to the bottom of it.

The meeting emphasized

It is necessary to find the problem carefully and accurately, and ensure that it is accurate and deep, and touches the essence. It is necessary to broaden the channels to find problems, sort out the problems from the rough and fine, analyze the problems from the surface and the inside, insist on sitting on the same bench with the masses and sitting at a round table with the enterprises, talk with the masses and enterprises frankly and sincerely, and earnestly find out the problems accurately, constantly improve the focus and authenticity of the problems, and strive to truly solve the problems fundamentally.

The meeting emphasized

It is necessary to innovate ideas and find ways to ensure precise implementation of policies and treatment of both the symptoms and the root causes. It is necessary to pay attention to solving from the ideas, methods, and working mechanisms, dare to break the traditional concepts and path dependence, adhere to classified policies, draw inferences from one example, and achieve the combination of "immediate reform" and "long-term establishment", so that difficult problems can be solved, and problems solved can be optimized, so as to enhance the general recognition and sense of gain of the masses.

The meeting emphasized

We must dare to dare to work hard to promote development, and ensure that problems are solved and the situation is opened. It is necessary to focus on the key points of development, people's livelihood, governance pain points and safety blind spots, focus on the construction of Jinzhou New Town, industrial development, investment promotion, scientific and technological innovation and other key work, focus on employment, education, medical care, housing and other areas of people's livelihood to fight the "key people's livelihood security battle", make good use of the experience of the "Ten Million Project" and the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era to promote the modernization of the grassroots governance system and governance capacity, and make every effort to prevent and resolve risks and hidden dangers in key areas such as ideology and production safety. Earnestly maintain the harmony and stability of Ningxiang's political, economic, and social situation.

(Duty Leader: Luo Sisi Review: Wang Jingren Coordinator: Liu Shijiang Proofreader: Liu Chang Reporter: Fan Ting, Zhou Jie, Zhou Huan Editor: Gong Suzhen)

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