
"The Big Game" has poor acting skills and unpleasant characters, and the role setting has no sense of identity at all

author:Ohzori misses

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As a highly anticipated drama, "The Big Game" has naturally become the focus of the audience's attention for its character building and actor performance. However, characters who deviate from the plot and perform out of place, such as Lao Ma played by Chen Xiaojun, are not only suffocating, but also affect the viewing experience of the overall series. To that end, revisiting these roles may give us something new to think about. Let's reveil the show from a different perspective.


In "The Big Game", Lao Ma played by Chen Xiaojun gave the impression of a rich second generation at first but didn't want to live a comfortable life, so he chose to work two jobs. Such a setting should have made it appear "reliable", at least with a rigorous personality and a solid work attitude. However, Lao Ma's performance is a puzzling suspended figure, especially at Liu Biding's drinking party, appearing in inappropriate hot pants, which is incompatible with the person in formal attire, exuding a frivolous atmosphere. Whether the interlocutor is a bigwig or a leader of a state-owned enterprise, he always seems casual and indifferent, which makes people feel abrupt. It's like a clown popping up in the middle of a show without any comedic effect.

"The Big Game" has poor acting skills and unpleasant characters, and the role setting has no sense of identity at all

Another incredible character is Lao Yu, the editor-in-chief of Business Intelligence magazine. In the play, he only played the role of a tool man, but the screenwriter wasted a lot of space on him. As the editor-in-chief of the magazine, he should have been a high-IQ and high-EQ character, but he always revealed a low IQ that was simpler than the car repairer, and he had no high-level temperament. The scene of him picking up his mobile phone in Liu Biding's company is even more ridiculous, claiming to be "Yu Fugui", but he is ignored and seems to have no social common sense. This kind of plot not only affects the atmosphere of the plot, but also highlights the disharmony of the identity of the characters in the play.

The battle between business and officialdom that the audience is looking forward to is diluted by these two characters who obviously have inconsistent identities. The role effects of Lao Ma and Lao Yu obviously lowered the level of the whole play. Even Chen Xiaojun's performance was accused of being exaggerated and out of tune, and his image could not resonate with the audience, and he directly became one of the most failed characters in the series.

"The Big Game" has poor acting skills and unpleasant characters, and the role setting has no sense of identity at all

Compared with other characters, Sun Heping played by Qin Hao is too casual and lacks a stable temperament; Tan Kai plays the image of a senior state-owned enterprise leader, but the depth is insufficient. However, their roles are barely "watchable". And Lao Ma and similar characters can't live up to the audience's expectations. In the play, Zhang Manli and other subsidiary characters are also redundant, their roles are purely for the requirements of investors, but there is not enough room for performance to resonate with the audience.

Overall, these characters leave the viewer with the impression of being out of the plot and out of place, making it difficult for the audience to engage in the plot. Although they are part of the plot, they cannot form a harmonious whole with other characters, and become a discordant landscape in the series.

"The Big Game" has poor acting skills and unpleasant characters, and the role setting has no sense of identity at all


"The Great Game" is a popular drama, but it has caused some discussions and controversies because of the performance and portrayal of some of the characters. The image presented by Lao Ma and several other characters played by Chen Xiaojun is not in harmony with the overall story atmosphere, which provides several important revelations for the audience. First of all, the character setting of a story and the performance style of the actors are crucial. When the audience accepts a story, they will have an immediate emotional resonance with the character's performance. This also highlights the importance of creating characters in the production of a series or film. Second, character consistency and authenticity are core components of story quality. If a character is obviously incoherent or untrue in the plot or setting, it will interfere with the audience's understanding and recognition of the whole story. Furthermore, the characterization needs to consider the plot and the overall atmosphere to ensure that it fits harmoniously into the storyline. Finally, an actor's prior performance history and audience impressions have the potential to influence audience recognition of a new role. Therefore, when choosing a role, it is necessary to consider the adaptability of the actor and the reasonableness of the role, so as to avoid situations that do not match the audience's impression.

"The Big Game" has poor acting skills and unpleasant characters, and the role setting has no sense of identity at all


When commenting on some of the characters in "The Great Game", there was a sense of inconsistency between the image of Lao Ma played by Chen Xiaojun and other characters, and a controversy over the performance of the actors. This reminds us of several important concepts about storytelling and character building. First of all, the character setting and performance style should be in harmony with the overall atmosphere of the story. Character consistency and authenticity are key factors in ensuring that the audience buys into the story. Secondly, the characters in the play should fit into the overall plot to avoid destroying the coherence of the plot. Finally, an actor's prior performance history and audience impressions may affect their recognition in their new role. These perspectives highlight the importance of character development and actor selection to ensure that the story is relevant to the audience and resonates greatly.

"The Big Game" has poor acting skills and unpleasant characters, and the role setting has no sense of identity at all


In film and television works, the portrayal of the characters and the performance of the actors are crucial to the overall storyline. When evaluating some of the characters in "The Big Game", the inconsistency between the image of Lao Ma and the overall plot played by Chen Xiaojun has caused controversy among the audience. This provides several key takeaways. First of all, the consistency and authenticity of the characters are the key elements of the success of film and television productions. The audience needs to relate emotionally to the character, and if a character has obvious incoherence in the plot or setting, it can interfere with the credibility and acceptance of the story as a whole. The character's performance should fit the overall atmosphere and storyline to better attract the audience's resonance and recognition. Secondly, the characters in film and television works need to be suitable for the actor's performance style and the audience's expectations. The impression an actor has left in previous works can affect the audience's recognition of their new role. Therefore, when choosing a role, it is necessary to consider the historical performance of the actor and whether the role is compatible with the performance style that he is good at.


The comments on the roles of Lao Ma played by Chen Xiaojun in "The Big Game" have generated a controversy over the inconsistency of the character image, emphasizing the criticality of character building and actor performance in film and television works. The realism and consistency of the characters are key factors in the success of film and television productions. The audience needs to establish an emotional connection with the characters, and the characterization should be in harmony with the overall plot and atmosphere. The performance of the character needs to be consistent with the historical performance of the actor and the impression of the audience. These revelations underscore the importance of character development and actor selection to the success of film and television productions to ensure that the story engages and resonates with audiences.

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