
The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible

author:Let's cook every day

We all know that high-sugar food is not good for health, but do you know that there is a kind of food, one bite is equivalent to eating 1 pound of sugar, which can be called the "king of glycemic rises", it is the invisible killer on our daily table, let's take a look!

The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible

1. Processed foods: such as biscuits, pastries, candies, etc., all contain a lot of sugar and additives. Long-term consumption of these foods can lead to a rise in blood sugar, increasing the risk of diabetes.

2. High-fat foods: fried foods, barbecued foods, fatty meats, etc. They contain a lot of fat and calories, which can cause blood sugar to rise when they enter the body. In addition, high-fat foods can also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, when choosing food, you should try to choose low-fat foods.

3. White flour products: White flour products include bread, noodles, biscuits, etc., which contain a lot of carbohydrates, which will be broken down into glucose after entering the human body, resulting in an increase in blood sugar.

The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible

It is recommended that you stay away from the above foods every day, and if you want to stabilize your blood sugar, I will share two healthy recipes with you today, let's take a look!

1. Recommended recipe: stir-fried bitter gourd

The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible
  1. Prepare two bitter gourds and wash them, put them on the cutting board, cut off the head and tail, divide the bitter gourd into two, and then divide it into four, then scoop out the gourd with a spoon, and then cut it diagonally into slices, cut the garlic into minced pieces, cut the millet pepper into rings, and put them in a bowl after all the cuts.
The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible

2. Seasoning sauce: Add a little salt, a little chicken essence, a little sugar, half a spoon of cornstarch to the bowl, then pour in a little water, and stir well with a spoon.

The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible

3. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, add a little salt and a few drops of cooking oil after the water boils, then pour in the bitter gourd, gently push it with a spoon to heat it evenly, blanch the water for about a minute, take it out and put it in cold water, control the water after it is cooled and set aside.

The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible

4. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, pour in minced garlic and millet pepper after the oil is hot, stir-fry the fragrance, pour in the bitter gourd, stir-fry quickly over high heat, fry the water on the surface of the bitter gourd, and then pour in the seasoned sauce and continue to stir-fry over high heat.

The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible
  1. Fry the bitter gourd until it tastes, you can get out of the pot, a delicious and simple fried bitter gourd is ready, like the collection and try it!
The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible
  1. Recommended recipe: Scrambled eggs with onions
The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible

1. Prepare a fresh onion, put it on the cutting board, change the knife and cut it into small pieces, cut the green and red peppers into small pieces, crush the garlic and chop it into minced pieces, cut the millet pepper into rings, put it all into a bowl, and add a spoonful of tempeh.

The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible

2. Sauce: Add a small spoon of salt, a small spoon of chicken essence, a spoonful of light soy sauce, and a spoonful of oyster sauce to the bowl, then pour in an appropriate amount of water, stir evenly with a spoon and set aside.

The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible

3. Beat three eggs into a bowl, stir well with chopsticks, pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, pour in the egg liquid after the oil is hot, fry over medium-low heat until set, cut into small pieces with a spatula, fry and put it in a bowl.

The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible

4. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, after the oil is hot, garlic, millet pepper, and tempeh, fry the fragrance, pour in the onion, stir-fry quickly, fry the onion until it is broken, pour in the egg and the seasoned sauce, and stir-fry quickly.

The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible

5. After stir-frying evenly in the pot, pour in the green and red peppers, simply stir-fry a few times, fry the green and red peppers until they are broken, and you can get out of the pot.

The king of glycemic rises, a bite is equal to 1 pound of sugar, if you don't want the islets to rot like mud, evacuate the table as soon as possible

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