
How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

author:Chenchen talks about emotion

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In the journey of life, remarriage can be a brave and hopeful decision for older people. When the 56-year-old aunt and her wife celebrate their first night of remarriage, this special moment is destined to be filled with all kinds of feelings. When recalling that night, the aunt confessed: "There were accidents and surprises. Let's take a look at her story and hear how she really feels about this special night.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

Aunt Wang's Story:

This is the true story of Aunt Wang, who is 57 years old this year and is a retired nurse. In the past, she and her husband lived happily ever after, and their two daughters were married, and the family was harmonious. It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, five years ago, her husband died in a car accident, and Aunt Wang lost her support all of a sudden, and the whole person collapsed.

She didn't want to see anyone again, she didn't want to go out to work, and she cried at home all day. Unable to stand it anymore, her daughters persuaded her to move in with them, but Aunt Wang felt that she was a burden and didn't want to disturb her daughters' lives.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

Eventually, at the insistence of her daughters, Aunt Wang moved to her eldest daughter's house. The eldest daughter is a white-collar worker with a busy job. The youngest daughter is a secondary school teacher. They are very filial to Aunt Wang, and they will call her every day to care about her body and mood.

Although she appreciates her daughters' care, she still feels useless and lacks a sense of worth. The increase in age made her think that she was old and had no hope. She also didn't dare to imagine looking for a partner again, for fear of being ridiculed by others.

After more than four years, Aunt Wang's life has not changed. Until one day, she met Lao Liu in the park.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

Lao Liu is a 62-year-old retired doctor. He and his wife used to be very affectionate, but she died of cancer three years ago. He has a son who works abroad and currently lives alone in a suburban neighborhood.

That afternoon, Lao Liu was playing mahjong in the park, enjoying this kind of leisure and entertainment, and at the same time making some older friends. He has a cheerful and optimistic personality, a zest for life, and believes that although he is over sixty years old, there is still much to pursue.

In the midst of a happy mahjong time, Lao Liu suddenly noticed a familiar face on the park bench. The lady sitting there reading a book, with gray hair and a somewhat lonely expression, was none other than Aunt Wang. Lao Liu was kind, so he took the initiative to walk over and greet her.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

It turned out that the two of them had been colleagues before and had worked in the same hospital. Although they don't have much communication with each other, because each has its own family and work responsibilities. However, Lao Liu was very happy to meet Aunt Wang again and invited her to participate in the fun of mahjong games.

Aunt Wang was originally hesitant, but under Lao Liu's warm hospitality, she finally readily agreed. She deeply felt Lao Liu's gentlemanly demeanor, and she was deeply impressed by his humor and attention to playing mahjong. Gradually, she relaxed herself and talked to Lao Liu Chang about their past work and life experiences.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

Lao Liu also had a good impression of Aunt Wang, thinking that she was gentle and virtuous. Despite her age, she retains her feminine elegance. He wanted to know more about her, so he couldn't help asking, "Do you have WeChat?" "

Aunt Wang admitted that she didn't know much about WeChat and would only use her mobile phone to make calls. Lao Liu took the initiative to help her download and use WeChat, and also sent her a red envelope as a demonstration. Aunt Wang not only felt that this was a new experience, but was also moved by Lao Liu's carefulness, and told him her mobile phone number without hesitation.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

From that special day onwards, they began to chat with each other frequently on WeChat, and sometimes even communicate with each other on the phone. Surprisingly, they found that they shared many interests and hobbies with each other, such as reading and watching dramas. Not only that, but they also share each other's inner feelings and concerns, providing each other with warmth and encouragement.

Lao Liu was deeply impressed by Aunt Wang's listening ability and felt that she could always understand his mood and emotions. On the other hand, Aunt Wang felt that Lao Liu was an excellent communicator, and he could always make her happy and moved. Over time, their feelings are not limited to friendship.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

Once, Lao Liu invited Aunt Wang to watch a movie together. The film is a love story of an elderly couple who fell in love when they were young but were separated for years for various reasons. However, fate reunited them, and in the end they decided to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand again.

When they watched the movie together, Aunt Wang couldn't help but shed tears. The plot of the movie evokes memories of her past, and she begins to think about the story of herself and her husband, as well as her new relationship with Lao Liu. She felt conflicted, unsure whether she should accept this precious and complex emotion.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

Lao Liu saw Aunt Wang's tears and gently held her hand. He said, "Don't be sad, you're not alone. I know that you miss your husband in your heart, just as I will always cherish my wife. But we can't be stuck in the past forever, we have our own future. I like you and I want to be with you. ”

These words made Aunt Wang feel numb. She was lost in thought, not knowing how to respond. She loves Lao Liu deeply, but at the same time she is worried that she is sorry for her husband, and she is also afraid that her daughters will not be able to understand her choice.

Lao Liu noticed Aunt Wang's hesitation, so he said, "You don't need to make a decision in a hurry, you can think about it slowly." I will wait for your reply. ”

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

After the movie, the two didn't talk much and went back to their homes.

When she got home, Aunt Wang was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. She thought about it a lot, and there was a fierce struggle in her heart. Eventually, she decided to share the puzzle with her daughters, recounting her emotional entanglements with Lao Liu and asking them for their opinions.

After listening to Aunt Wang's narration, the daughters were very surprised. They did not expect the mother to fall back in love at this stage, especially with a doctor. This plot was very unexpected for them, and it didn't seem to be appropriate.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

The daughters expressed their opinions one after another and persuaded Aunt Wang to cut off contact with Lao Liu. They believe that the two have different backgrounds, are older, and may not be in the same health as before, so there are many inconsistencies.

These exhortations weighed heavily on Aunt Wang. She understands that her daughters' fears are motivated by love, but at the same time, she firmly believes that she has the right to seek her own happiness. Her association with Lao Liu was not out of material or social status, but for love and warmth. She regards Lao Liu as a person worthy of trust and respect, and believes that he can bring her happiness and comfort.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

Aunt Wang said firmly to her daughters: "Please don't worry about me, I know what I'm doing." Lao Liu and I are just ordinary friends, and there is no inappropriate behavior. We just want to chat, watch movies, have dinner together, and enjoy the beauty of life. I want you to support me, not against me. ”

Although the daughters still insisted on their opinions, Aunt Wang felt more determined. She believes that the relationship between herself and Lao Liu is only friendship, and there is no emotion beyond friendship. She thinks her daughters' suspicions are too narrow and don't really understand the innocence of their relationship.

Aunt Wang expressed to her daughters: "Please stop interfering too much in my life, I have the right to make my own choice." Lao Liu and I are just ordinary friends, and we have no improper behavior. I expect you to understand and bless me, not to blame me. ”

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

The daughters listened to Aunt Wang's resolute attitude and felt helpless, but they also understood that their mother's emotions were already deep.

The eldest daughter said to Aunt Wang: "Since you have made a decision, we can only respect your choice." But it's important to be vigilant and make sure you're not being scammed. ”

Aunt Wang was very grateful when she heard her eldest daughter's advice. She understands that her daughters still care about her, albeit in different ways. She is very lucky to have such daughters.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

Aunt Wang said to her daughters: "I will be careful, I believe that Lao Liu is a kind person, he will be good to me and respect me." I hope you will understand my decision and accept him. ”

The daughters acquiesced to Aunt Wang's emotional choice. They understand that their mother has made a decision, and the bond between her mother and Lao Liu is unbreakable.

With the support of her daughters, the relationship between Aunt Wang and Lao Liu was further deepened. They walked together, visited local attractions every day, and also took classes together at the University for the Elderly, constantly enriching their knowledge.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

This time is full of sweetness and warmth, which makes them feel youthful vitality.

In the end, they decided to enter the palace of marriage again and open a new chapter for themselves. They went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get their marriage certificates, and instead of holding a grand wedding, they simply had a meal with family and friends to celebrate their love blooming again.

They returned to Lao Liu's home and started a new life. Lao Liu rearranged the house and carefully prepared a warm and comfortable bedroom for Aunt Wang. Not to be outdone, Aunt Wang cleaned her home spotlessly and cooked a sumptuous and delicious dinner for Lao Liu.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

On that warm night, Lao Liu said to Aunt Wang: "I feel very lucky to be able to marry you at this moment. I will do my best to fill our old age with happiness and no longer feel alone. If it weren't for us meeting, I would probably have spent the rest of my life alone. ”

When Aunt Wang heard this, she shed tears of happiness. She firmly believes that this life is the reward of the accumulated virtue in her previous life, because only in this way can she meet Lao Liu in her old age, who is like her late husband, nourishing her in life.

Although they were tired, they welcomed their first night in high spirits, an expression of their affectionate love. Although the night after the first remarriage made them nervous, Lao Liu has always been careful and considerate, fully considering Aunt Wang's feelings, and his thoughtfulness made Aunt Wang feel many pleasant surprises instead of embarrassment.

How did a 57-year-old aunt feel on the first night of her remarriage with her wife? She said: There are surprises and surprises

Before they knew it, a few years had passed, and their lives were full of warmth. Although they are both in their sixties, Lao Liu has always cared for her in life and regards Aunt Wang as a precious princess. His thoughtfulness and care made everyone around him feel envious.

Remarriage in old age is never a shameful or unpleasant thing to do, but a natural and beautiful choice. Older people also have the right to find love and happiness, and they also desire to enjoy the warmth of life in their old age. Remarriage in old age not only gives the individual fulfillment and happiness, but also brings hope and courage to those around them. This choice is positive and able to light up a new chapter in your life.

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