
Dr. Fudan Shuang's family of 9 has 4 lineages, and the mother hopes that her son will not have a baby so that the gene will be inherited

author:Interpretation of the source

On an ordinary summer day, Xiaole (not her real name) and her family sit in their living room, and this family is unusual – they are a family with Asperger's syndrome (ASD). Xiaole's parents are both high-level intellectuals, double doctors, and his older brothers and sisters also have excellent careers. However, despite the family's outstanding intelligence, it is difficult to get rid of Asperger's syndrome.

Dr. Fudan Shuang's family of 9 has 4 lineages, and the mother hopes that her son will not have a baby so that the gene will be inherited

Xiaole's mother, a mild-mannered woman, spoke to us in an interview: "I hope my son doesn't have offspring, so that this gene can be inherited." Her eyes were filled with deep pain and helplessness.

Asperger's syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by social difficulties, communication difficulties, narrow interests, and repetitive behaviors. The disorder is more common in men than in women, and symptoms usually appear in early childhood. The story of Xiaole's family sheds light on the impact of Asperger's syndrome on family members and the importance of blood ties in understanding and accepting this disorder.

Xiaole's older brother and sister have both experienced problems related to Asperger's syndrome. Growing up, my brother often had conflicts with others because he couldn't understand the emotions and intentions of others; My sister suffered greatly because she was extremely sensitive to sound and touch. And Xiaole himself is also a member of Asperger's syndrome. He told us that his biggest problem was his inability to understand the emotions and intentions of others, which made him often feel confused and helpless in interpersonal interactions.

However, despite these difficulties, Xiaole's family was not thwarted. Instead, they face life with a positive attitude. Through reading and studying, Xiaole's parents gradually understood the symptoms and treatment of Asperger's syndrome. They encourage children to be brave in the face of difficulties and teach them how to cope with challenges through self-adjustment and adaptation.

Dr. Fudan Shuang's family of 9 has 4 lineages, and the mother hopes that her son will not have a baby so that the gene will be inherited

Over time, the family has adapted to the challenges posed by Asperger's syndrome. They learn how to use their strengths to compensate for their weaknesses and find a lifestyle that suits them. Xiaole's older brother became an excellent programmer, and his logical thinking skills and attention to detail made him excel in this field. Xiaole's older sister became a successful musician, and her talent and hard work have led her to achieve excellence in the field of music. And Xiaole himself has become an excellent professional through continuous learning and practice.

However, despite the great courage and perseverance shown by Xiaole and his family in the face of the challenges of Asperger's syndrome, they still cannot escape the pain caused by the disease. Xiaole's mother admits that her biggest concern is that Asperger's syndrome will affect the next generation. Through her efforts and advocacy, she hopes to help more families cope with this challenge by increasing public awareness and understanding of Asperger's syndrome.

In this process, the importance of kinship in understanding and embracing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) cannot be overstated. Since the members of Xiaole's family all have Asperger's syndrome genes, they have a deep emotional bond. This close bond of kinship makes it easier for them to understand and support each other. At the same time, it also gave them a deeper understanding of the impact of Asperger's syndrome on family members.

Dr. Fudan Shuang's family of 9 has 4 lineages, and the mother hopes that her son will not have a baby so that the gene will be inherited

Through the story of Xiaole's family, we can see that the impact of Asperger's syndrome on the family is profound. This disease not only affects the lives of individuals but also places a heavy burden on families. However, the importance of early detection, understanding, and intervention in Asperger's syndrome cannot be overlooked. This will not only help individuals adjust to life better, but also reduce the burden on the family.

As science evolves, so does our understanding of Asperger's syndrome. A growing body of research suggests that early intervention and ongoing support can help people with Asperger's syndrome improve their quality of life. Therefore, early detection and intervention are very necessary for families with a family history of Asperger's syndrome.

Xiaole's mother hopes that through her own experience and advocacy, more families will be reminded of Asperger's syndrome. She believes that we can only better cope with the challenges it poses if we fully understand the disease and recognize its impact. At the same time, she also emphasized the importance of blood ties in understanding and accepting autism spectrum disorder. She hopes that through the strength and support of her family, she can help more people bravely face the difficulties and challenges brought about by this disease.