
The media has just exposed the coast guard's law enforcement scene in the South China Sea, and the armed guns drove away illegal fishing boats from other countries

author:Xiao Yong takes you to see the world i

Not long ago, the Chinese Coast Guard had a high-profile incident in domestic waters. Officers and men of the Chinese coast guard ship Wenchang warned a foreign fishing boat that had intruded into China's territorial waters and stressed that they had violated China's sovereignty. They demanded an immediate cessation of violations and evacuation. This plot has attracted a lot of attention in the country.

The media has just exposed the coast guard's law enforcement scene in the South China Sea, and the armed guns drove away illegal fishing boats from other countries

It is worth mentioning that the China Coast Guard was once a merger of the Maritime Surveillance Corps of the State Oceanic Administration, the Marine and Fishery Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Border Coast Guard of the Ministry of Public Security, and the General Administration of Customs, and its main task was to maintain law and order at sea. On July 1 this year, with the reform of the organizational structure of national defense and the armed forces, these forces were placed under the command of the Chinese People's Armed Police Force and became part of the national defense system, forming a new maritime rights protection force.

The media has just exposed the coast guard's law enforcement scene in the South China Sea, and the armed guns drove away illegal fishing boats from other countries

Ren Guoqiang, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, said at a regular press conference that China resolutely upholds national territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and has the determination and ability to defend national sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity.

The media has just exposed the coast guard's law enforcement scene in the South China Sea, and the armed guns drove away illegal fishing boats from other countries

In the past, there has been a gap between China's maritime rights protection and that of some maritime powers, especially when it comes to island disputes, where China does not have an advantage. In recent years, the rapid development of new ships in the Chinese Navy and the integration of maritime rights protection forces have changed the situation. The newly consolidated CCG has more total tonnage than the combined U.S. and Japanese vessels, and is equipped with highly modern equipment.

In addition, China's coast guard has demonstrated its expertise by participating in international search and rescue operations. In the East China Sea, the China Coast Guard has stepped up patrols of the territorial waters of the Diaoyu Islands, and the size of the formation has been expanded, and new law enforcement vessels have gradually joined in. According to Japanese statistics, in 2017, the Chinese coast guard fleet conducted 28 routine patrols, and as of August this year, it has reached 16.

The strength of the Chinese coast guard is also being demonstrated internationally. Not long ago, China hosted the 19th North Pacific Regional Coast Guard Law Enforcement Agency Forum, and representatives from various countries were impressed by the professional and technical level of the China Coast Guard. The Chinese Coast Guard conducted large-scale joint maritime exercises, demonstrating their technology and combat capabilities.

In short, the China Coast Guard has made remarkable achievements in cracking down on illegal and criminal activities at sea, and has become a stabilizing force in the South China Sea and East China Sea. With the support of this strong team, China's waters will be more peaceful and peaceful.