
The new generation of "CCTV Yanba" appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and the straight man was ecstatic: I have my first love again

author:Old Yang Kan is in the world

She, Li Hong, is a veritable tough woman. Her life, like the land in the countryside of Jilin, has experienced the baptism of wind and rain, but she has always been full of vitality and is not afraid of setbacks.

Li Hong, born in rural Jilin, was endowed with the genes of tenacity and determination from birth. However, fate was not always so merciful, and she suffered from the patriarchal mentality of her family from an early age. Her parents valued her younger brother more and pinned the family's expectations on him, but she could only bear it silently.

The new generation of "CCTV Yanba" appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and the straight man was ecstatic: I have my first love again

When she was 14 years old, Li Hong's father was laid off. The already impoverished family was caught in a deeper predicament. In order to support her family, Li Hong dropped out of school and began a long career as a part-time worker. She has gone through the thorns of life, experienced many difficulties such as being deducted from her salary and being mistaken for stealing, but she never bowed her head or gave up.

The new generation of "CCTV Yanba" appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and the straight man was ecstatic: I have my first love again

However, deep down in Li Hong's heart, there has always been a desire - to go to school. Her dreams are like a beacon that illuminates her path. However, her parents quietly set her up for marriage, framing her future within an extremely narrow range. She almost drank the pesticide to refuse this fateful arrangement, but with tenacity, she chose another path.

The new generation of "CCTV Yanba" appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and the straight man was ecstatic: I have my first love again

Li Hong is determined to go back to school, and she only has that dream in her eyes. Eventually, her perseverance touched her parents, who agreed to her request. So, Li Hong re-embarked on the road of studying.

The new generation of "CCTV Yanba" appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and the straight man was ecstatic: I have my first love again

She didn't waste time, and through diligent study, she won the opportunity to get into Jilin University. This moment is so precious to her, like a blooming flower, blooming with the brilliance of life. After that, she entered the host training course of Beijing Broadcasting Institute and worked hard to improve her professional skills.

The new generation of "CCTV Yanba" appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and the straight man was ecstatic: I have my first love again

After graduation, Li Hong entered Jilin TV and became a host. Her hosting style is sincere and determined, attracting more and more viewers. Her tenacity and hard work began to pay off.

The new generation of "CCTV Yanba" appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and the straight man was ecstatic: I have my first love again

However, Li Hong did not stop there. She continues to study and work hard to push her limits. Eventually, she entered China Central Television and became an important host, hosting the program "Both Sides of the Strait". Her voice has spread all over the country and won wide recognition.

The new generation of "CCTV Yanba" appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and the straight man was ecstatic: I have my first love again

Li Hong's success has been praised, but it is not the whole of her life. She has been plagued by gossip, with some speculating that she married into a wealthy family and others questioning her achievements. However, Li Hong has kept a low profile and has not made her private life public. She understands that success is not proven by gossip, but by her own hard work and persistence.

The new generation of "CCTV Yanba" appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and the straight man was ecstatic: I have my first love again

Li Hong's story is a model of tenacity, struggle, and not giving up. Her life was full of setbacks and difficulties, but she never stopped moving forward. With her actions, she proved that no matter how difficult she faces, as long as she has a dream, she can create miracles.

The new generation of "CCTV Yanba" appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and the straight man was ecstatic: I have my first love again

Not only did she pursue her dreams for herself, but she also supported her younger brother's college education. Her perseverance and hard work have brought happiness and success to the family. Her story teaches us that no matter how hard life is, as long as there are dreams, there is hope.

Li Hong's story is a moving song that celebrates the qualities of tenacity, struggle, and not giving up. Her life is a colorful picture that inspires us to pursue our dreams, no matter how difficult it may be. Her tenacity is the source of our strength, and her struggle is our example.

The new generation of "CCTV Yanba" appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and the straight man was ecstatic: I have my first love again

In this world, there will always be people who will try to break your dreams and question your worth. But it is in the face of these setbacks that resilient people can emerge and become shining stars.

The new generation of "CCTV Yanba" appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and the straight man was ecstatic: I have my first love again

Li Hong's story tells us that no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we have firm faith and unwavering determination, we can overcome everything. Her life is an epic of struggle, a hymn to tenacity, and her persistence and hard work will always inspire us to move forward.