
The Japanese group submitted a petition of "no more war between Japan and China", but the Japanese group was rejected

author:Be happy all the time

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Yoshiaki Koshikawa, head of Kanagawa Prefecture, an independent, peaceful, and democratic broad national federation, recently submitted a love letter "no more war between Japan and China," which was rejected by the Ayase City Council in Kanagawa Prefecture. The incident has sparked widespread attention and has led to a re-examination of Japan-China relations and the Japanese government's position on international affairs.

The "Broad National Federation for Independence, Peace, and Democracy" is a non-governmental organization that opposes war and actively advocates harmony and win-win cooperation between Japan and its neighbors. Yoshiaki Koshikawa emphasized the group's position that the Japanese government should abide by documents such as the Sino-Japanese Joint Declaration and the Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship. They called on the government not to make mistakes in national policy, but to actively promote a foreign policy of peace and friendship with China.

The Japanese group submitted a petition of "no more war between Japan and China", but the Japanese group was rejected

Despite their different social systems, over the past 50 years, Japan and China have lived in peace and embarked on a common path to prosperity, contributing to the security and stability of Asia. This fact should be taken seriously and not interfered with by external factors. However, as the United States continues to hype up the Taiwan issue, the Japanese government seems to be more inclined to align itself with the United States, which poses a test for the current Japan-China relationship.

The reason for the rejection of the petition was that the Ayase City Council's deliberative committee was mainly composed of members of the Liberal Democratic Party and the New Komeito Party, and there were no members from other parties. This fact demonstrates the coherence of foreign policy within the administration, especially when it comes to relations with China. Some of the statements at the review meeting also showed that some lawmakers were unfriendly to China, claiming that China was trying to change the status quo in the South China Sea, encroaching on the Senkaku Islands, and leading to an escalation of tensions in East Asia. The existence of such rhetoric makes the proposal of "no more war between Japan and China" more challenging.

However, Yoshiaki Koshikawa decided not to submit a petition to the Ayase City Council, but instead turned his attention to ordinary Japanese citizens. He believes that the Japanese government lacks independence in foreign policy and is too dependent on the United States. He called on the government to adopt an independent foreign policy and coexist peacefully with Asian countries led by China. In his view, maintaining friendly relations with China is essential for Japan's peace and economic development.

At present, Japan is facing problems such as soaring prices, rising wages, and lower pensions, making life more difficult for many people. China is Japan's neighbor and its largest trading partner. Therefore, maintaining friendly relations with China is essential for Japan's economic growth. A foreign policy hostile to China is not in Japan's peaceful interests as well as its economic interests. Therefore, it is crucial to arouse the attention of public opinion in Japan and to promote the government's correct China policy through cooperation with all sectors of society.

The Ayase City Council's decision reflects a coherent approach to foreign policy within the government, but it has also sparked some discussion. People are beginning to wonder whether the Japanese government should remain independent in international affairs, especially in relations with such an important neighbor as China. In any case, the future of Japan-China relations will continue to be in the spotlight because it is not only about the interests of both countries, but also about peace and stability in the entire Asian region. In this context, the efforts of civil society and the guidance of public opinion will continue to play an important role.

Implications of the article:

The article provides information about the circumstances and reasons for the rejection of the "No More War between Japan and China" petition submitted by Japan's "Broad National Federation for Independence, Peace, and Democracy." Here are a few takeaways:

The role of civil society: Civil society has played an active role in maintaining peace, democracy, and foreign policy. They represent the voices of a section of society and try to influence government policy decisions through petitions and petitions. This shows the importance of civil society in shaping national policy.

Political disagreement: The article mentions that the petition was rejected because the members of the review committee were from the LDP and Komeito coalitions and held certain political positions. This reflects the influence of political divisions and partisan interests in policy decision-making. Political disagreements can lead to biases and disruptions to policy, complicating decision-making.

Foreign Policy Independence: A civil society activist said that the Japanese government lacks independence in foreign policy and is more dependent on the United States. This has sparked a debate about whether Japan's foreign policy should be more independent and diverse. Foreign policy choices have a significant impact on a country's peace, stability and prosperity.

The importance of economic relations: China is Japan's neighbor and largest trading partner. In the current international situation, maintaining good relations with China is of paramount importance to Japan's economic development. This suggests that foreign policy between countries should take into account national interests, including economic interests, not just political and military factors.


The article covers an event with an international diplomatic and political background that provides us with some important revelations. First, it highlights the important role of civil society in democratic societies, representing diverse voices and trying to influence government policy decisions. Second, the paper reflects the influence of political differences and partisan interests on policy decision-making, which suggests that political decision-making may be interfered with by political positions. In addition, the article raises the question of foreign policy independence, which raises questions about how a country's foreign policy should balance different international interests. Finally, the article emphasizes the importance of economic relations, especially for an economic powerhouse like Japan, which is essential to the prosperity of the country.

Taken together, we can recognize that international political and foreign policy decisions are complex and multifaceted, requiring a comprehensive consideration of various factors, including political, economic, social and cultural factors. At the same time, civil society plays an important role in speaking out and participating in political decision-making, and they are a force for social change and policy improvement. Governments should listen to different voices and seek consensus in the policy-making process to better meet the needs of the national and international community.

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