
What is a "blind prostitute"? The trend in the ancient rich second generation, the tricks are outrageous

author:Persistent kitten Mj

On the banks of the Qinhuai River during the Ming Dynasty, there was a special profession - blind prostitutes. These blind prostitutes were among the most humble in the ancient game, and they became a symbol of the plight of women and the ugliness of human nature in ancient times.

What is a "blind prostitute"? The trend in the ancient rich second generation, the tricks are outrageous

In ancient times, women were already in bondage, and they were seen as family property, appendages under a patriarchal society. And being reduced to prostitutes is even more tragic, meaning that they have lost their dignity and freedom. However, during the Ming Dynasty, the phenomenon of blind prostitutes spread rapidly and became a popular trend culture at the time.

What is a "blind prostitute"? The trend in the ancient rich second generation, the tricks are outrageous

Behind this supply, however, is the ugliness of human nature. These women have been forced to lose their light and become physically disabled. The cruelty with which ancient customs inflicted great harm on women is staggering.

What is a "blind prostitute"? The trend in the ancient rich second generation, the tricks are outrageous

Blind prostitutes arise from prejudices against women and misunderstandings about their inferior status. This phenomenon can only be reduced when women realize that they should stand up and take matters into their own hands and enable society to develop.

What is a "blind prostitute"? The trend in the ancient rich second generation, the tricks are outrageous

The existence of blind prostitutes not only provokes reflection on the plight of women in ancient times, but also reveals the dark side of human nature. Only when society progresses and equality between people is realized, and when evil is eliminated and good is truly promoted, can this phenomenon be curbed at its roots.

What is a "blind prostitute"? The trend in the ancient rich second generation, the tricks are outrageous

Therefore, we need to reflect on the suffering experienced by women in ancient times and work to promote social progress and equality. It is only by changing perceptions, breaking shackles, and eliminating prejudices that we can create a bright and free future for all women.

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