
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be

author:Works sprinkle attachments

In ancient China, the status of men and women was unequal, and women were often discriminated against and oppressed and regarded as a vulnerable group. This idea of the inferiority of men and women is reflected in social institutions, laws, folk culture and language. There are many sayings and proverbs that are biased, such as "the needle behind the wasp's tail is the most poisonous woman's heart". This proverb was originally Jiang Ziya's complaint against his wife, but the meaning gradually expanded to become a representative of describing the insidiousness of women. There are many women known as "poisonous women" in history, such as Lu Pheasant, Wu Zetian and so on. In addition, the ancients said that "even if a woman has a thousand kinds of poison, the most poisonous is the 'turtle crawling woman'". Later, people often used the term "turtle woman" to describe a vicious woman.

"Turtle Crawler" first appeared in the Book of Wei during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It is said that Liu Yuanci was a shrewd and capable official, and when he heard the word "turtle crawler" during his inspection, he was very curious and went to find out. He noticed that many people avoided talking about it, some looked nervous, and he was very curious. Eventually, it was learned that the "turtle woman" refers to an extremely vicious, cunning, and insidious woman who cheats men, murders her husband, sells children, sells fake medicines, and extorts money. Liu Yuanci decided to launch a large-scale manhunt in this county and town, and sentenced the criminals to death. Later, people called the vicious, vile, and insidious woman "turtle woman".

Another theory is that the "turtle crawler" first made a living by practicing medicine, but began to cheat in order to make money, such as selling fake medicines, helping people tell fortunes, and using turtle shells for divination. These women were adept at disguise, breaking into the homes of wealthy people at night, stealing property, or committing other criminal activities.

They approach pregnant women in the guise of fake doctors, stun pregnant women with drugs, wait for the pregnant woman to give birth to the child, take the placenta and resell it, or simply break the unborn child from the pregnant woman's womb and take it out and resell it. These vicious deeds have led to countless cases of young pregnant women being killed and fetuses stolen, and the Zihe car trade has also flooded the black market. Eventually, these criminal gangs were caught by the government and executed by death.

The behavior of turtle women is shameless, they take advantage of the most vulnerable women and children in society, and undermine the moral and ethical bottom line of humanity. Their sinful deeds are unconscionable and contrary to the dignity of life. This profession abuses traditional medicine and becomes a tool of deception and exploitation.

However, this incident has also made people reflect on the dignity and value of life, and realize the importance of protecting babies and pregnant women. The government has intensified its crackdown on turtle crawlers, who have become increasingly vocal in their condemnation, making it difficult for them to escape justice.

Finally, although the turtle woman has become history, we should learn from history, stick to the moral bottom line, and maintain social justice and justice. Protect the rights and interests of women and children, pay attention to their safety and health, and make society more harmonious and progressive.

Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be
Wild History: Even though women are poisonous, the most poisonous is the turtle woman, how vicious can the turtle woman be