
"Nian Wushuang" officially announced that Tang Yan's new drama will be cold, can the return of the ancient puppet circle be reversed?

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"Nian Wushuang" officially announced that Tang Yan's new drama will be cold, can the return of the ancient puppet circle be reversed?

Recently, Tang Yan's return has attracted much attention, and she chose an ancient puppet drama "Nian Wushuang" as her return work, but she was questioned and criticized by the audience. Can Tang Yan's return this time be reinvigorated?

"Nian Wushuang" officially announced that Tang Yan's new drama will be cold, can the return of the ancient puppet circle be reversed?
"Nian Wushuang" officially announced that Tang Yan's new drama will be cold, can the return of the ancient puppet circle be reversed?

First, let's take a look at Tang Yan's background. As a member of the 85 flowers, Tang Yan once had a high popularity and fan base. Her role as Zixuan in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy 3" made her an instant hit, and then she consolidated her position in the entertainment industry with many hit dramas. However, after getting married, Tang Yan gradually faded out of the entertainment industry, and the number of works decreased significantly. This time she chose to return, undoubtedly to regain her strength and create a new peak in her career.

"Nian Wushuang" officially announced that Tang Yan's new drama will be cold, can the return of the ancient puppet circle be reversed?
"Nian Wushuang" officially announced that Tang Yan's new drama will be cold, can the return of the ancient puppet circle be reversed?

However, the audience doesn't seem to buy Tang Yan's return. Many people think that her makeup and styling are not as good as before, and the image of ancient costumes has lost the charm of the past. In addition, some people are worried about whether Tang Yan's acting skills, which have been lacking acting activities for a long time, can still be as good as before. These doubts and worries not only made the audience suspicious of Tang Yan's return, but also made her team feel pressured.

"Nian Wushuang" officially announced that Tang Yan's new drama will be cold, can the return of the ancient puppet circle be reversed?
"Nian Wushuang" officially announced that Tang Yan's new drama will be cold, can the return of the ancient puppet circle be reversed?

So, will Tang Yan's return be able to turn the tables this time? This still needs to wait for the official broadcast of this drama before a conclusion can be drawn. Although the audience's reaction and evaluation will be one of the decisive factors, Tang Yan's status and influence in the entertainment industry cannot be ignored. She has a high popularity and fan base, which is also an important guarantee for her to continue to develop her career. If she can show a good performance in this drama, then her coffee position may be even better.

In addition to Tang Yan, other stars in the entertainment industry are also facing the wind of comparison. Everyone wants to be the most popular one and get more attention and resources. This kind of comparison not only exists among celebrities, but also among fans. They will compare the coffee positions, resources and popularity of the stars they support and other stars, hoping to make their favorite stars reach the top.

"Nian Wushuang" officially announced that Tang Yan's new drama will be cold, can the return of the ancient puppet circle be reversed?

In general, whether Tang Yan's return to the ancient puppet circle can be turned around still needs to wait for the official broadcast of this drama before a conclusion can be drawn. And the wind of comparison in the entertainment industry is also inevitable, but this comparison should be based on health, positivity and positivity. hopes that Tang Yan can prove herself through her own efforts and strength, and once again gain the recognition and love of the audience.

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