
The Chinese academician announced to the world: China's "terminal sensitive bomb" is the first in the world, destroying the tank group in milliseconds

author:Relax and have fun

Paragraph 1 of "Terminal Sensitive Ammunition: An Outstanding Example of China's Military Innovation": China's self-developed terminal sensitive ammunition successfully conducted its first launch test, making it one of the most powerful tank weapons in the world. The research and development process of the terminal sensitive ammunition can be traced back to the 70s of the last century, when the team led by the Chinese scientist Academician Yang Shaoqing successfully improved the range, accuracy and destructive power of the terminal sensitive ammunition through in-depth research and innovation of ballistic technology, marking an important step forward in the field of high-end weapon research and development in China.

The Chinese academician announced to the world: China's "terminal sensitive bomb" is the first in the world, destroying the tank group in milliseconds

Paragraph 2: China has long been committed to improving its military capabilities, especially in the area of scientific and technological innovation. The successful development of the terminal sensitive bomb is a microcosm of China's efforts in this area. Thanks to its advanced scientific and technological foundation and continuous investment in research and development, China's military scientific research personnel have made breakthroughs in many key technological fields, providing a strong guarantee for China to gain superiority in modern warfare.

The Chinese academician announced to the world: China's "terminal sensitive bomb" is the first in the world, destroying the tank group in milliseconds

Paragraph 3: The Terminal Bullet astounds the world with its millisecond reaction speed and extremely high hit rate. In the war in Ukraine, the terminal bullet has won wide attention from the international community for its excellent performance. It can quickly and accurately hit the target, bringing unprecedented threat and pressure to the enemy, showing its irreplaceable strategic value in future tank wars.

The Chinese academician announced to the world: China's "terminal sensitive bomb" is the first in the world, destroying the tank group in milliseconds

Paragraph 4: The world's leading position of the last bullet not only highlights China's strong strength in scientific and technological innovation, but also provides strong support for the country's security and stability. In the context of modern warfare, having advanced weapons and equipment is the key to ensuring national security. The successful research and development of the terminal sensitive bomb has enabled China to gain a huge advantage in this field and laid a solid foundation for safeguarding national sovereignty and security.

The Chinese academician announced to the world: China's "terminal sensitive bomb" is the first in the world, destroying the tank group in milliseconds

Paragraph 5: China's achievements in military innovation have attracted widespread attention and recognition from the world. The successful development of the terminal sensitive bomb has not only enhanced China's military strength, but also demonstrated to the world the height of China's scientific and technological innovation. Through technological innovation and precision strikes, the terminal bullet has become one of the most powerful tank weapons in the world, demonstrating the great progress of China's scientific and technological strength.

The Chinese academician announced to the world: China's "terminal sensitive bomb" is the first in the world, destroying the tank group in milliseconds

Paragraph 6: The successful development of the terminal sensitive bomb is not only of great significance in the military field, but also has a profound impact on China's scientific and technological innovation. China adheres to the development path of independent innovation, and has made a series of important breakthroughs by increasing investment in scientific research and continuously improving its scientific and technological innovation capabilities. The birth of the terminal sensitive bomb is a powerful proof of China's growing scientific and technological strength.

The Chinese academician announced to the world: China's "terminal sensitive bomb" is the first in the world, destroying the tank group in milliseconds

Paragraph 7: Future warfare will be more dependent on the support of science and technology and the application of innovation. The successful development of the terminal sensitive bomb not only provides strong support for the improvement of China's military strength, but also contributes to China's gaining more respect and status on the global stage. China's achievements in military innovation have not only enhanced the country's security and security, but also promoted the overall improvement of the country's scientific and technological level, providing a strong impetus for China's future development.

The Chinese academician announced to the world: China's "terminal sensitive bomb" is the first in the world, destroying the tank group in milliseconds

Paragraph 8: In conclusion, China's successful research and development of the terminal sensitive bomb is an outstanding example of the country's scientific and technological innovation and military strength. Through continuous technological innovation and precision strikes, the terminal sensitive bullet has become an important weapon in future tank warfare and has won wide recognition from the international community. Its success has not only enhanced China's position in the global military field, but also provided a strong guarantee for the country's security, stability and future development. China's military innovation is injecting strong impetus into the country's prosperity and demonstrating China's firm determination and strong strength to move to the center of the world stage.

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