
"The Wandering Earth 2": The film blends national mythology with the narrative of the film, which is surprising

author:Xiao Ai is coming on

"The Wandering Earth 2": Exploring the development direction of the integration of new mainstream films and national myths"The Wandering Earth 2", as one of the representatives of China's new mainstream films, successfully explores the integration of national myths and film narratives, which arouses the audience's amazement and thinking.

As a science fiction film, it not only conveys China's voice and tells China's story, but also shows China's image as a great power, highlighting the important role of China's new mainstream films. As a country with rich resources of national myths, these myths have given unlimited creative inspiration and spiritual soil to film creation.

"The Wandering Earth 2" skillfully combines mythological stories with science fiction imagination to jointly compose a science fiction story with Chinese characteristics.

"The Wandering Earth 2": The film blends national mythology with the narrative of the film, which is surprising

In this story, we see the inheritance of family and country feelings and the spirit of collectivism, and the protagonist Liu Peiqiang and digital engineer Tu Hengyu show the power of family emotion and responsibility by saving the fate of mankind.

In the story, China's leaders show their great power feelings of sticking to their ideals and beliefs and putting the interests of mankind first, and show their responsibility and responsibility. They launched the "Moving Mountains Project" and the "Wandering Earth Project", demonstrating the spirit of hard work and perseverance and the determination to save the earth in traditional Chinese culture.

Through the harmonious resonance of grand narrative and personal emotion, the whole film vividly demonstrates the criticality of China's power to save the planet.

"The Wandering Earth 2": The film blends national mythology with the narrative of the film, which is surprising

At the same time, the film also blends national mythology and modern industrial aesthetics, showcasing China's rich cultural soft power.

The audience was captivated by the gorgeous images and breathtaking special effects shown in the film, further enriching their aesthetic experience. Such success has not only achieved great success at the domestic box office and word of mouth, but also won wide acclaim in the international film industry.

The narrative fusion of national mythology and new mainstream films has broad development prospects. It is suggested that the government should give more support and guidance to strengthen the study of national culture, cultivate film creators with cross-cultural literacy, and promote the integration of science and technology and the film industry, and at the same time pay attention to the integrity of the narrative, promote international exchanges and cooperation, and improve the audience's film aesthetic education, so that more audiences can appreciate and recognize Chinese films.

"The Wandering Earth 2": The film blends national mythology with the narrative of the film, which is surprising

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