
Domestic missile bombers can fire hundreds of missiles in a salvo, and the era of saturation strikes in the South China Sea is coming


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In the sky over the magnificent South China Sea, China's latest bomber, the H-6J, is soaring. This massive machine is not just an airplane, but a symbol of China's formidable military power and unwavering deterrence. In the blue sky of the South China Sea, this behemoth is showing the rise of China's military power and the new situation in the South China Sea region with unparalleled momentum.

Domestic missile bombers can fire hundreds of missiles in a salvo, and the era of saturation strikes in the South China Sea is coming

In China's southern and eastern theaters, the H-6J has become the backbone of China's naval and air forces. The region has now entered an era of saturation strikes, which means that China is no longer satisfied with war in the traditional sense. Saturation strike is an emerging strategy that pours a large amount of ammunition to strike at the enemy with all-round and intensive firepower. This tactic is aimed at creating an overwhelming density of firepower that makes it impossible for the enemy to respond effectively at sea. This is not only a change in China's military strategy, but also a huge change in the security pattern in the South China Sea.

Domestic missile bombers can fire hundreds of missiles in a salvo, and the era of saturation strikes in the South China Sea is coming

Looking back at history, we find that saturation strikes are not an unfamiliar concept. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union proposed this strategy to counter the threat of American maritime power. However, saturation strikes are not an easy task. The limitations of offshore platforms, as well as the lack of available bunkers, make this strike strategy challenging. However, China is not intimidated by these difficulties. The new generation of H-6J bombers, with more powerful performance and improvements, will become a key player in China's maritime saturation strike.

Domestic missile bombers can fire hundreds of missiles in a salvo, and the era of saturation strikes in the South China Sea is coming

Behind this strategy is China's powerful Eagle Strike series of anti-ship missiles. These missiles not only have a long range and great power, but also have a high degree of accuracy, and their ability to strike at sea targets is unmatched. The H-6J carries these missiles and becomes a powerful tool for carrying out saturation strikes. By combining multiple military assets, such as 055 destroyers and land-based anti-ship missiles, China will form a formidable maritime saturation strike force that poses a serious threat to U.S. aircraft carrier formations.

Domestic missile bombers can fire hundreds of missiles in a salvo, and the era of saturation strikes in the South China Sea is coming

In this challenging situation in the South China Sea, if China and the United States go to war in this area in the future, China will not hesitate to adopt a saturation strike strategy to ensure that the enemy pays a huge price. This is not a declaration of war, but China's determination to uphold its national interests and territorial sovereignty, as well as a strong defense of peace. At this tense moment, we can't help but think: the price of peace is unremitting effort and strong determination. It is hoped that in the future, this blue South China Sea will usher in lasting peace, instead of gunsmoke and war.

Domestic missile bombers can fire hundreds of missiles in a salvo, and the era of saturation strikes in the South China Sea is coming

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