
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?

author:Dignified and elegant pineapple g9o

Hitler's ambitions for the USSR and the Middle East had serious consequences. Although he envisioned mastery of the world's resources by occupying the Soviet Union first and then advancing into the Middle East, in reality he underestimated the Soviet Union's combat power and the complex situation in the Middle East, which ultimately led to the crushing defeat of Germany.

Hitler always believed that Germany was the best nation in the world and should have more land and resources. He saw communism as a threat and the Soviet Union as the greatest threat to Germany. Therefore, he decided to deal with other small countries of Western Europe and Britain and France first, and only then to deal with the USSR. He also planned to join forces with Japan in India and jointly besiege India. However, this series of plans eventually fell through.

The Battle of Stalingrad was a turning point between the Soviet Union and Germany. Although the Soviets were initially defeated by the Germans, after a period of consolidation, their combat effectiveness increased, and the German offensive began to encounter resistance. Although Hitler was still confident that he could solve the Soviet Union within three months, the Germans actually fell into a bitter battle at Stalingrad and eventually suffered a crushing defeat.

For Hitler, the importance of the Middle East region lay in its resources and strategic position. Domination of the Middle East would secure the food and energy needed for German military operations and weaken Britain's power. However, due to Japan's defeat in China, Hitler was unable to get help from Japan and could not control the Middle East, and his plans eventually came to naught.

Hitler's shift in German-Chinese relations also showed his arrogance and unreliability. Although there was a brief period of cooperation, Germany's help to the Chinese side was mainly motivated by interests rather than genuine friendship. Hitler ultimately chose to side with Japan because he believed that Japan could help him fight the Soviet Union and weaken Britain and the United States. However, Japan was bogged down in the war and was unable to help, making it impossible for Hitler to reverse the fate of the crushing defeat.

The end of World War II marked the triumph of peace. Hitler, as a war maniac, dragged the people of the world into the abyss of war misery. After the war, all countries in the world realized that only mutual assistance and mutual benefit and peaceful consultation could achieve a win-win situation and a win-win situation. The pain caused by war to mankind is far-reaching, and history should remind us of the importance of the pursuit of peace and cooperation.

In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?
In Hitler's plan, after the defeat of the USSR, who was his next target?