
A Lamborghini worth tens of millions was thrown into the yellow sand by a naughty boy, and the engine compartment was damaged,...

author:The secrets of life are revealed

The Lamborghini worth tens of millions was thrown into the yellow sand by the naughty boy, the engine compartment was damaged, and the repair cost was as high as tens of thousands! The attitude of the child's parents was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Oh my God! My car! Mr. Xu let out an exclamation. His eyes widened in disbelief at the scene before him: his expensive sports car was parked in the parking lot of the agro-ecological park, with yellow sand everywhere on the body and some sand on the cabin cover.

Mr. Xu clenched his fists in anger, his heart dripping blood. This Lamborghini is his favorite, worth more than 10 million yuan, which he bought after years of hard work. He quickly retrieved the surveillance video near the scene to see who did the good deeds.

Surveillance footage shows two young boys playing in the sand next to his car around noon. They are having so much fun that they are completely unaware of the consequences of their actions. Mr. Xu looked at this scene, and the anger in his heart increased. He decided to find the two children and their parents and hold them accountable for their actions.

When Mr. Xu approached one of the boys and his parents, the boys' parents apologized and offered to bear the costs. They looked at Mr. Xu with apologetic eyes and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, we didn't take a good look at the child and let him do such a thing." We will compensate you for your losses, please forgive us. ”

Mr. Xu looked at them, and the anger in his heart gradually subsided. He knows that the child is still young and ignorant, but the parents should take responsibility. He sighed and said, "Well, I accept your apology and compensation. However, I hope that you will educate your child well so that he understands what is right and what is wrong. ”

The boy's parents nodded their heads repeatedly, and they said that they would definitely educate the child well and let him know that his actions were wrong. Subsequently, Mr. Xu took the car to a local 4S shop for dismantling and inspection, and found that the yellow hour had leaked into the rear compartment of the car's engine, but the engine was not damaged. The maintenance master cleaned the sand in the car, and the cleaning cost cost more than 10,000 yuan.

A few days later, the boy and his parents came to Mr. Xu again. The boy lowered his head, his eyes full of guilt and remorse. He walked up to Mr. Xu, bowed deeply, and said, "Uncle, I'm sorry, I know I was wrong. I will be obedient in the future and no longer be naughty. ”

The incident was shocking and outrageous. The behavior of children not only causes great damage to other people's property, but also exposes the lack of basic moral awareness and sense of responsibility of some children. Although children are still young, they should understand what is right and what is wrong, and should not damage other people's belongings.

In this case, the parents of the child showed due responsibility and responsibility, and they took the initiative to apologize and were willing to bear the relevant costs, which is worthy of recognition. However, this does not mean that they are completely exempt from liability. As guardians of children, they have the responsibility to educate and manage their children well, so that they abide by social morals and laws and regulations.

At the same time, this incident also reminds us that society needs to pay more attention to the moral education of young people. Schools, families and society should work together to strengthen the education and guidance of children, so that they can establish correct values and codes of conduct, and cultivate their sense of responsibility and public morality.

#Brilliant Pen Creation Challenge ##兰博基尼发动机被小孩撒进沙子#

A Lamborghini worth tens of millions was thrown into the yellow sand by a naughty boy, and the engine compartment was damaged,...
A Lamborghini worth tens of millions was thrown into the yellow sand by a naughty boy, and the engine compartment was damaged,...
A Lamborghini worth tens of millions was thrown into the yellow sand by a naughty boy, and the engine compartment was damaged,...
A Lamborghini worth tens of millions was thrown into the yellow sand by a naughty boy, and the engine compartment was damaged,...
A Lamborghini worth tens of millions was thrown into the yellow sand by a naughty boy, and the engine compartment was damaged,...

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